Interface BridgeEventHandler

public interface BridgeEventHandler

The BridgeEventHandler interface defines the class the bridge relies on to process portlet events. Because portlet events have arbitrary payloads the bridge provides no automated mappings to managed beans. Instead, the bridge calls the handleEvent method on the BridgeEventHandler instance passed to it (via a PortletContext attrbiute at init time. This method is expected to update any models based on the event's payload and then to perform any needed application recomputation to ensure a consistent state. The method is called after the FacesContext has been established and the Lifecycle has restored the view.

A view navigation can be affected by returning a non-null EventNavigationResult. Such an object will contain two String values: a fromAction and an outcome. These correspond to the from action and outcomes in Faces navigation rules. Using this information the bridge affects the navigation by calling the Faces NavigationHandler.

Method Summary
 EventNavigationResult handleEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, Event event)
          Called by the bridge when it needs to process a portlet event.

Method Detail


EventNavigationResult handleEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                  Event event)
Called by the bridge when it needs to process a portlet event.

Because portlet events have arbitrary payloads the bridge provides no automated mappings to managed beans. Instead, the bridge calls the handleEvent method on the BridgeEventHandler instance passed to it (via a PortletContext attrbiute at init time. This method is expected to update any models based on the event's payload and then to perform any needed application recomputation to ensure a consistent state. The method is called after the FacesContext has been established and the Lifecycle has restored the view.

A view navigation can be affected by returning a non-null EventNavigationResult. Such an object will contain two String values: a fromAction and an outcome. These correspond to the from action and outcomes in Faces navigation rules. Using this information the bridge affects the navigation by calling the Faces NavigationHandler.

context - current FacesContext. A Lifecycle has been acquired and the current view restored.
event - the portlet event. Other portlet information (request/response) is accessed via the ExternalContext.
an object containing the fromAction and outcome of any navigation that resulted from this event. If the event doesn't cause a navigation, return null.

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