Class EventNavigationResult

  extended by javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult

public class EventNavigationResult
extends java.lang.Object

An EventNavigationResult is the type of object that can be returned from a BrdigeEventHandler.handleEvent call. When it is returned (non-null) it conveys the Faces navigation information to the bridge that it needs to utilize the Faces NavigationHandler to evaluate the navigation according to the configured rules. The fromAction corresponds to the fromAction string in the faces-config.xml navigation rule. The outcome corresponds to the outcome string in the navigation rule.

Constructor Summary
          Null constructor
EventNavigationResult(java.lang.String action, java.lang.String outcome)
          Constructor which sets the object to the desired fromAction and outcome
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getFromAction()
          Gets the fromAction stored in this object.
 java.lang.String getOutcome()
          Gets the outcome stored in this object.
 void setFromAction(java.lang.String action)
          Sets the fromAction for this object.
 void setOutcome(java.lang.String outcome)
          Sets the fromAction for this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EventNavigationResult()
Null constructor


public EventNavigationResult(java.lang.String action,
                             java.lang.String outcome)
Constructor which sets the object to the desired fromAction and outcome

action - desired fromAction
outcome - desired outcome
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFromAction()
Gets the fromAction stored in this object. The fromAction corresponds to the fromAction string in the faces-config.xml navigation rule.

String containing the fromAction


public void setFromAction(java.lang.String action)
Sets the fromAction for this object. The fromAction corresponds to the fromAction string in the faces-config.xml navigation rule.

action - new fromAction


public java.lang.String getOutcome()
Gets the outcome stored in this object. The outcome corresponds to the outcome string in the faces-config.xml navigation rule.

String containing the fromAction


public void setOutcome(java.lang.String outcome)
Sets the fromAction for this object. The fromAction corresponds to the fromAction string in the faces-config.xml navigation rule.

outcome - new outcome

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