Package javax.portlet.faces

Interface Summary
Bridge The Bridge interface is used by a portlet to execute a JSF artifact.
BridgeEventHandler The BridgeEventHandler interface defines the class the bridge relies on to process portlet events.
BridgePublicRenderParameterHandler The BridgePublicRenderParameterHandler interface defines the class the bridge relies on to post process portlet public render parameters.
BridgeWriteBehindResponse The BridgeWriteBehindResponse interface defines the api the bridge relies on to acquire the buffered JSP output from the response(Wrapper) used to handle the Faces implementation dependent writeBehindResponse methodlogy/interface.

Class Summary
BridgeUtil Utility class designed to make it easy for Faces subsystems including the bridge itself to determine whether this request is running in a portlet container and/or which portlet request phase it is executing in.
GenericFacesPortlet The GenericFacesPortlet is provided to simplify development of a portlet that in whole or part relies on the Faces bridge to process requests.

Enum Summary
Bridge.BridgeRenderPolicy Enumeration whose values describe the render policy used by the bridge to render portlets in this application.
Bridge.PortletPhase Enumeration whose values describe the current portlet phase the bridge is executing Faces within.

Exception Summary
BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException Thrown when the bridge can't resolve the target view from the request and the portlet hasn't set the PortletRequest attribute javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.
BridgeException Generic exception thrown when the bridge encounters an unexpected error.
BridgeInvalidViewPathException Thrown when the bridge can't resolve the target view from the ViewPath PortletRequest attribute javax.portlet.faces.viewPath.
BridgeNotAFacesRequestException Thrown when the bridge finds that the request is encoded with its marker indicating its a nonFaces target.
BridgeUninitializedException Thrown when the bridge's doFacesRequest method is called and the bridge is in an uninitialized state.

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