AFTER_VIEW_CONTENT - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletRequest attribute set by an include filter in recognition of the RenderContentAfterView bridge attribute.


BACK_LINK - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL() that it recognizes as an indication that an URL refering back to the page which contains this portlet should be encoded in the resource url.
Bridge - Interface in javax.portlet.faces
The Bridge interface is used by a portlet to execute a JSF artifact.
Bridge.BridgeRenderPolicy - Enum in javax.portlet.faces
Enumeration whose values describe the render policy used by the bridge to render portlets in this application.
Bridge.PortletPhase - Enum in javax.portlet.faces
Enumeration whose values describe the current portlet phase the bridge is executing Faces within.
BRIDGE_AUTO_DISPATCH_EVENTS - Static variable in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Portlet init parameter containing the setting for whether the GenericFacesPortlet overrides event processing by dispatching all events to the bridge or delegates all event processing to the GenericPortlet.
BRIDGE_CLASS - Static variable in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Application (PortletContext) init parameter that names the bridge class used by this application.
BRIDGE_EVENT_HANDLER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletContext attribute that a portlet can set prior to calling the bridge's init() method to configure the bridge to use/call the associated eventHandler when processing an event.
BRIDGE_PACKAGE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
BRIDGE_PUBLIC_RENDER_PARAMETER_HANDLER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletContext attribute that a portlet can set prior to calling the bridge's init() method to configure the bridge to use/call the associated publicRenderParameterHandler.
BRIDGE_SERVICE_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Location of the services descriptor file in a brige installation that defines the class name of the bridge implementation.
BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException - Exception in javax.portlet.faces
Thrown when the bridge can't resolve the target view from the request and the portlet hasn't set the PortletRequest attribute javax.portlet.faces.defaultViewId.
BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException() - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException
BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException
BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException
BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeDefaultViewNotSpecifiedException
BridgeEventHandler - Interface in javax.portlet.faces
The BridgeEventHandler interface defines the class the bridge relies on to process portlet events.
BridgeException - Exception in javax.portlet.faces
Generic exception thrown when the bridge encounters an unexpected error.
BridgeException() - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException
BridgeException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException
BridgeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException
BridgeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeException
BridgeInvalidViewPathException - Exception in javax.portlet.faces
Thrown when the bridge can't resolve the target view from the ViewPath PortletRequest attribute javax.portlet.faces.viewPath.
BridgeInvalidViewPathException() - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeInvalidViewPathException
BridgeInvalidViewPathException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeInvalidViewPathException
BridgeInvalidViewPathException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeInvalidViewPathException
BridgeInvalidViewPathException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeInvalidViewPathException
BridgeNotAFacesRequestException - Exception in javax.portlet.faces
Thrown when the bridge finds that the request is encoded with its marker indicating its a nonFaces target.
BridgeNotAFacesRequestException() - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeNotAFacesRequestException
BridgeNotAFacesRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeNotAFacesRequestException
BridgeNotAFacesRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeNotAFacesRequestException
BridgeNotAFacesRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeNotAFacesRequestException
BridgePreDestroy - Annotation Type in javax.portlet.faces.annotation
The PreDestroy annotation is used on methods as a callback notification to signal that the instance is in the process of being removed by the bridge from the bridge request scope.
BridgePublicRenderParameterHandler - Interface in javax.portlet.faces
The BridgePublicRenderParameterHandler interface defines the class the bridge relies on to post process portlet public render parameters.
BridgeRequestScopeAttributeAdded - Annotation Type in javax.portlet.faces.annotation
The BridgeRequestScopeAttributeAdded annotation is used on methods as a callback notification to signal that the instance is in the process of being added to the container's request scope and that this attribute will be managed in the bridge request scope.
BridgeUninitializedException - Exception in javax.portlet.faces
Thrown when the bridge's doFacesRequest method is called and the bridge is in an uninitialized state.
BridgeUninitializedException() - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUninitializedException
BridgeUninitializedException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUninitializedException
BridgeUninitializedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUninitializedException
BridgeUninitializedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUninitializedException
BridgeUtil - Class in javax.portlet.faces
Utility class designed to make it easy for Faces subsystems including the bridge itself to determine whether this request is running in a portlet container and/or which portlet request phase it is executing in.
BridgeUtil() - Constructor for class javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUtil
BridgeWriteBehindResponse - Interface in javax.portlet.faces
The BridgeWriteBehindResponse interface defines the api the bridge relies on to acquire the buffered JSP output from the response(Wrapper) used to handle the Faces implementation dependent writeBehindResponse methodlogy/interface.


DEFAULT_CHARACTERSET_ENCODING - Static variable in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Portlet init parameter that defines the render response CharacterSetEncoding the bridge sets prior to rendering.
DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Portlet init parameter that defines the render response ContentType the bridge sets prior to rendering.
DEFAULT_RENDERKIT_ID - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletContext attribute that a portlet can set prior to calling the bridge's init() method to configure the bridge to default the renderKitId used for rendering this portlet to the named Id.
DEFAULT_VIEWID - Static variable in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Portlet init parameter that defines the default ViewId that should be used when the request doesn't otherwise convery the target.
DEFAULT_VIEWID_MAP - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
PortletContext attribute that a portlet must set prior to calling the bridge's init() method to convey to the bridge the set of default viewIds that correspond to this portlet's supported PortletModes.
destroy() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Called by the portlet to take the bridge out of service.
destroy() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Release resources, specifically it destroys the bridge.
DIRECT_LINK - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeActionURL() that it recognizes as an indication that this action should be treated as a direct link and hence shouldn't be encoded as a Portlet action.
doDispatch(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
If mode is VIEW, EDIT, or HELP -- defer to the doView, doEdit, doHelp so subclasses can override.
doEdit(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
doFacesRequest(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Called by the portlet when it wants the bridge to process an action request.
doFacesRequest(EventRequest, EventResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Called by the portlet when it wants the bridge to process an event request.
doFacesRequest(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Called by the portlet when it wants the bridge to process a render request.
doFacesRequest(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Called by the portlet when it wants the bridge to process an in-protocol resource request.
doHelp(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
doView(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet


EventNavigationResult - Class in javax.portlet.faces.event
An EventNavigationResult is the type of object that can be returned from a BrdigeEventHandler.handleEvent call.
EventNavigationResult() - Constructor for class javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult
Null constructor
EventNavigationResult(String, String) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult
Constructor which sets the object to the desired fromAction and outcome
EXCLUDED_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletContext attribute that a portlet can set prior to calling the bridge's init() method to configure the bridge to exclude specific attributes from its bridge request scope.
ExcludeFromManagedRequestScope - Annotation Type in javax.portlet.faces.annotation
The ExcludeFromManagedRequestScope annotation is used on a class as a signal that instances of this class are not to be managed by the bridge in the bridge request scope if/when the instance is added to the portlet container's request scope.


FACES_USE_CURRENT_VIEW_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special value recognized during encodeActionURL of a portlet: url containing either the _jsfBridgeViewId or _jsfBridgeViewPath parameter.
FACES_VIEW_ID_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Name of a request parameter (generally) encoded in a link from a nonFaces view response.
FACES_VIEW_PATH_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Name of a request parameter (generally) encoded in a link from a nonFaces view response.
flushMarkupToWrappedResponse() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeWriteBehindResponse
Called by the bridge after dispatching to flush the current buffered content to the wrapped response (this could be a Servlet or Portlet response).


GenericFacesPortlet - Class in javax.portlet.faces
The GenericFacesPortlet is provided to simplify development of a portlet that in whole or part relies on the Faces bridge to process requests.
GenericFacesPortlet() - Constructor for class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
getBridgeClassName() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns the className of the bridge implementation this portlet uses.
getBridgeEventHandler() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns an instance of a BridgeEventHandler used to process portlet events in a JSF environment.
getBridgePublicRenderParameterHandler() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns an instance of a BridgePublicRenderParameterHandler used to post process public render parameter changes that the bridge has pushed into mapped models.
getBytes() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeWriteBehindResponse
Called by the bridge after dispatching is complete to acquire the AfterJSPContent when the response has been written as bytes.
getChars() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeWriteBehindResponse
Called by the bridge after dispatching is complete to acquire the AfterJSPContent when the response has been written as characters.
getContainerClientId(FacesContext) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.component.PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot
NamingContainer semantics worked generically (serviced by subclasses) as long as the class is marked as implementing NamingContainer and we use the portletNamespace Id as (part of) the component's id.
getDefaultRenderKitId() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns a String defining the default render kit id the bridge should ensure for this portlet.
getDefaultViewIdMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns the defaultViewIdMap the bridge should use when its unable to resolve to a specific target in the incoming request.
getExcludedRequestAttributes() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns the set of RequestAttribute names that the portlet wants the bridge to exclude from its managed request scope.
getFacesBridge(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns an initialized bridge instance adequately prepared so the caller can call doFacesRequest directly without further initialization.
getFromAction() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult
Gets the fromAction stored in this object.
getName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Returns the name of this preference.
getOutcome() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult
Gets the outcome stored in this object.
getPortletRequestPhase() - Static method in class javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUtil
Return describes the portlet request phase currently being executed.
getResponseCharacterSetEncoding(PortletRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Deprecated. -- no longer used or called by the GenericFacesPortlet but retained in case a subclass has called it.
getResponseContentType(PortletRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Deprecated. -- no longer used or called by the GenericFacesPortlet but retained in case a subclass has called it.
getValue() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Returns the first String value associated with this preference.
getValues() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Returns a List of values associated with this preference.


handleEvent(FacesContext, Event) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeEventHandler
Called by the bridge when it needs to process a portlet event.
hasFacesWriteBehindMarkup() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeWriteBehindResponse
Called by the bridge to detect whether this response actively participated in the Faces writeBehind support and hence has data that should be written after the View is rendered.


IN_PROTOCOL_RESOURCE_LINK - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL() that it recognizes as an indication that this resource should be handled in protocol.
init(PortletConfig) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Called by the portlet.
init(PortletConfig) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Initialize generic faces portlet from portlet.xml
IS_POSTBACK_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletRequest attribute set by the bridge when processing a Faces request that signals this request is a Faces postback.
isAutoDispatchEvents() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns the value of the portlet initialization parameter javax.portlet.faces.autoDispatchEvents if non-null or true, otherwise.
isBytes() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeWriteBehindResponse
Called by the bridge after dispatching is complete to determine whether the JSP AfterViewContent was written as bytes (written via an OutputStream
isChars() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgeWriteBehindResponse
Called by the bridge after dispatching is complete to determine whether the JSP AfterViewContent was written as chars (written via a PrintWriter
isPortletRequest() - Static method in class javax.portlet.faces.BridgeUtil
Indicates whether the current request is executing in the portlet container.
isPreserveActionParameters() - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the bridge should preserve all the action parameters in the subsequent renders that occur in the same scope.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Returns true, if the value of this preference cannot be modified by the user.


javax.portlet.faces - package javax.portlet.faces
javax.portlet.faces.annotation - package javax.portlet.faces.annotation
javax.portlet.faces.component - package javax.portlet.faces.component
javax.portlet.faces.event - package javax.portlet.faces.event
javax.portlet.faces.preference - package javax.portlet.faces.preference


LIFECYCLE_ID - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Context initialization parameter that defines the lifecycle ID used to identify the Faces Lifecycle used for this application.


MAX_MANAGED_REQUEST_SCOPES - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Context initialization parameter that specifies the maximum number of bridge request scopes to preserved across all uses within this application.


NONFACES_TARGET_PATH_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Name of the render parameter set by the bridge when it encodes a navigation link to a nonFaces target.


PORTLET_LIFECYCLE_PHASE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
PortletRequest attribute set by the bridge prior to creating/acquiring a FacesContext.
PORTLET_MODE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeActionURL() that it recognizes as an indication that this action should encode a PortletMode change to the one indicated by the parameter's value.
PORTLET_NAMESPACED_RESPONSE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Name of PortletResponse property set by the bridge when it recognizes that the view has been rendered using a NamingContainer that ensures all generated ids are namespaced using the consumer provided unique portlet id.
PORTLET_SECURE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeActionURL() that it recognizes as an indication that this action should encode a security level change to the one indicated by the parameter's value.
PORTLET_WINDOWSTATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeActionURL() that it recognizes as an indication that this action should encode a WindowState change to the one indicated by the parameter's value.
PortletNamingContainer - Annotation Type in javax.portlet.faces.annotation
The PortletNamingContainer annotation is used on a class as a signal that instances of this class implement the Portlet NamingContainer behavior.
PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot - Class in javax.portlet.faces.component
UIViewRoot that implements portlet specific NamingContainer that ensures the consumer's unique portlet Id is encoded in all tree components.
PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot() - Constructor for class javax.portlet.faces.component.PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot
Preference - Interface in javax.portlet.faces.preference
The Preference interface allows one to access each PortletPreferences as a discrete object.
PRESERVE_ACTION_PARAMS - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletContext attribute that a portlet can set prior to calling the bridge's init() method to configure the bridge to preserve action parameters received by this portlet along with bridge's request scope so that they may be restored and acessed in subsequent renders.
processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
processEvent(EventRequest, EventResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
processUpdates(FacesContext) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.BridgePublicRenderParameterHandler
Called by the bridge after pushing incoming public render parameter values into mapped managed beans.


RENDER_CONTENT_AFTER_VIEW - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
A PortletRequest attribute set by the bridge in its ViewHandler.renderView prior to dispatching the request to the view (jsp)to indicating a filter should put the AFTER_VIEW_CONTENT in a buffer on the request for it to process after rendering the view components.
RENDER_POLICY - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Context initialization parameter that defines the policy the bridge uses for rendering.
reset() - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Resets or removes the value(s) of this preference.


SAVESTATE_FIELD_MARKER - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Context initialization parameter that defines the SAVESTATE_FIELD_MARKER in use in the given deployment.
serveResource(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.GenericFacesPortlet
Handles resource requests and dispatches to the Bridge
setFromAction(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult
Sets the fromAction for this object.
setId(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.component.PortletNamingContainerUIViewRoot
setName(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Sets the name of this preference.
setOutcome(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.faces.event.EventNavigationResult
Sets the fromAction for this object.
setValue(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Associates the specified String value with this preference.
setValues(String[]) - Method in interface javax.portlet.faces.preference.Preference
Associates the specified String array value with this preference.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.portlet.faces.Bridge.BridgeRenderPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.portlet.faces.Bridge.PortletPhase
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum javax.portlet.faces.Bridge.BridgeRenderPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum javax.portlet.faces.Bridge.PortletPhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIEW_ID - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
PortletRequest attribute that a portlet may set prior to calling the bridge's doFacesRequest() method.
VIEW_LINK - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
Special token parameter in the url passed to the bridge's ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL() that it recognizes as an indication that this url refers to Faces view (navigation) and hence should be encoded as an portlet ActionURL rather then a portlet resource url.
VIEW_PATH - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
PortletRequest attribute that a portlet may set prior to calling the bridge's doFacesRequest() method.
VIEWID_HISTORY - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.faces.Bridge
PortletSession attribute set by the bridge to hold the last viewId accessed in a given mode.


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