Welcome to IBM JAX-RS! IBM JAX-RS provides an implementation of the JAX-RS (JSR311) specification. In addition, this distribution includes documentation and samples to enable you to develop RESTful applications. To learn about each feature, click the link below that corresponds to the feature.

What is JAX-RS?

An overview of JAX-RS and REST services in Java.

Quick Start

Need to get up and running quickly? Here's a guide that will show you how.
Look Ma! No hands! Test your JAX-RS application without a web server.

API Reference

The APIs defined by JAX-RS (JSR-311).

See What is Happening

Keep up with the latest IBM JAX-RS developments here.

Leveraging IBM JAX-RS

Have a project that needs JAX-RS support? Here are some details on how to go about including the IBM JAX-RS runtime in your product.

Additional Reading

Links to more background on REST and some of the surrounding technologies.


Here are a set of links that help answer common questions about JAX-RS and developing REST services.

Developing JAX-RS Applications

Compiling JAX-RS resources
Preparing an application for web container deployment
Installing a JAX-RS application on WebSphere


Defining the URI for a resource
Defining what media types a resource can handle
Determine what type of data format to send back

Accessing Parameters

Embedding parameters in URIs
Using HTTP query string parameters
Using HTTP header parameters

Reading and Returning Data

Representing a resource as XML
Generating XML from Java beans with JAXB
Generating XML with streams
Generating XML with DOM

Handling Errors

Returning an error message to the client
Including custom content in an error message