WebSphere Application Server V7

The IBM JAX-RS runtime should run inside any recent web container with Java 6. This page has some pointers specifically for WebSphere Application Server V7.

Install a JAX-RS Application

Login to the administrative console. On a local install using default ports, this should be http://localhost:9060/ibm/console.

Once you're logged in, go to the Applications > Enterprise Applications collection panel. Click the Install button.

Select your application. Click Next.

Choose Fast Path Install and toggle the Generate Default Bindings. Click Next.

Change the Application Name if you want to. Click Next through the rest of the wizard.

If you are asked for a Context Root for a web module, enter in a unique context root.

Finish the installation wizard and save your configuration.

Navigate back to the Enterprise Applications collection panel and start your application.

You should now be able to use your application. If you had installed the Address Book server WAR sample and used "/rest" as your context root, you could go to http://localhost:9080/rest/addresses with your browser to see some of the raw service data.

Turning on Trace/Debug

You need to add com.ibm.ws.jaxrs.*=all: org.apache.cxf.*=all to your trace settings for the application server where your application is installed.

To turn on trace, go to the Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace page. Select the server where you have your application installed. Then, click the Change log detail levels link.

Click the Runtime tab and add the com.ibm.ws.jaxrs.*=all: org.apache.cxf.*=all trace setting to make the trace settings immediately become active. You can save the changes to the Configuration tab to make the trace changes permanent between server restarts. Click OK and save any configuration changes you make.

Trace should appear in your WebSphere profile logs directory. If you had installed WebSphere to c:\WebSphere\AppServer and are using AppSrv01 as your profile, the trace would appear in the c:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs\server1\trace.log file.