Class WebDelegatingSubject

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Subject, WebSubject, RequestPairSource

public class WebDelegatingSubject
extends DelegatingSubject
implements WebSubject

Default WebSubject implementation that additional ensures the ability to retain a servlet request/response pair to be used by internal shiro components as necessary during the request execution.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.shiro.web.subject.WebSubject
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
authenticated, host, principals, securityManager, session, sessionCreationEnabled
Constructor Summary
WebDelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated, String host, Session session, boolean sessionEnabled, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, SecurityManager securityManager)
WebDelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals, boolean authenticated, String host, Session session, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, SecurityManager securityManager)
Method Summary
protected  SessionContext createSessionContext()
 ServletRequest getServletRequest()
          Returns the ServletRequest accessible when the Subject instance was created.
 ServletResponse getServletResponse()
          Returns the ServletResponse accessible when the Subject instance was created.
protected  boolean isSessionCreationEnabled()
          Returns true if session creation is allowed (as determined by the super class's super#isSessionCreationEnabled() value and no request-specific override has disabled sessions for this subject, false otherwise.
Methods inherited from class
assertAuthzCheckPossible, associateWith, associateWith, checkPermission, checkPermission, checkPermissions, checkPermissions, checkRole, checkRoles, checkRoles, decorate, execute, execute, getHost, getPreviousPrincipals, getPrincipal, getPrincipals, getSecurityManager, getSession, getSession, hasAllRoles, hasPrincipals, hasRole, hasRoles, isAuthenticated, isPermitted, isPermitted, isPermitted, isPermitted, isPermittedAll, isPermittedAll, isRemembered, isRunAs, login, logout, releaseRunAs, runAs
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject
associateWith, associateWith, checkPermission, checkPermission, checkPermissions, checkPermissions, checkRole, checkRoles, checkRoles, execute, execute, getPreviousPrincipals, getPrincipal, getPrincipals, getSession, getSession, hasAllRoles, hasRole, hasRoles, isAuthenticated, isPermitted, isPermitted, isPermitted, isPermitted, isPermittedAll, isPermittedAll, isRemembered, isRunAs, login, logout, releaseRunAs, runAs

Constructor Detail


public WebDelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals,
                            boolean authenticated,
                            String host,
                            Session session,
                            ServletRequest request,
                            ServletResponse response,
                            SecurityManager securityManager)


public WebDelegatingSubject(PrincipalCollection principals,
                            boolean authenticated,
                            String host,
                            Session session,
                            boolean sessionEnabled,
                            ServletRequest request,
                            ServletResponse response,
                            SecurityManager securityManager)
Method Detail


public ServletRequest getServletRequest()
Description copied from interface: WebSubject
Returns the ServletRequest accessible when the Subject instance was created.

Specified by:
getServletRequest in interface WebSubject
Specified by:
getServletRequest in interface RequestPairSource
the ServletRequest accessible when the Subject instance was created.


public ServletResponse getServletResponse()
Description copied from interface: WebSubject
Returns the ServletResponse accessible when the Subject instance was created.

Specified by:
getServletResponse in interface WebSubject
Specified by:
getServletResponse in interface RequestPairSource
the ServletResponse accessible when the Subject instance was created.


protected boolean isSessionCreationEnabled()
Returns true if session creation is allowed (as determined by the super class's super#isSessionCreationEnabled() value and no request-specific override has disabled sessions for this subject, false otherwise.

This means session creation is disabled if the super super#isSessionCreationEnabled() property is false or if a request attribute is discovered that turns off sessions for the current request.

isSessionCreationEnabled in class DelegatingSubject
true if session creation is allowed (as determined by the super class's super#isSessionCreationEnabled() value and no request-specific override has disabled sessions for this subject, false otherwise.


protected SessionContext createSessionContext()
createSessionContext in class DelegatingSubject

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