Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          in Shiro 1.1 in favor of using the concrete SimpleHash implementation directly. 
          replaced by the JndiLdapContextFactory implementation. This implementation will be removed prior to Shiro 2.0 
          in 1.2 in favor of using the ShiroFilter 
          since 1.1 - use the HashedCredentialsMatcher directly and set its hashAlgorithmName property. 
          since 1.1 - use the HashedCredentialsMatcher directly and set its hashAlgorithmName property. 
          since 1.1 - use the HashedCredentialsMatcher directly and set its hashAlgorithmName property. 
          since 1.1 - use the HashedCredentialsMatcher directly and set its hashAlgorithmName property. 
          since 1.1 - use the HashedCredentialsMatcher directly and set its hashAlgorithmName property. 
          since 1.1 - use the HashedCredentialsMatcher directly and set its hashAlgorithmName property. 

Deprecated Fields

Deprecated Methods
          in favor of save(subject). 
org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.LdapContextFactory.getLdapContext(String, String)
          the LdapContextFactory.getLdapContext(Object, Object) method should be used in all cases to ensure more than String principals and credentials can be used. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapContextFactory.getLdapContext(String, String)
          the JndiLdapContextFactory.getLdapContext(Object, Object) method should be used in all cases to ensure more than String principals and credentials can be used. Shiro no longer calls this method - it will be removed before the 2.0 release. 
org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.DefaultLdapContextFactory.getLdapContext(String, String)
          the DefaultLdapContextFactory.getLdapContext(Object, Object) method should be used in all cases to ensure more than String principals and credentials can be used. Shiro no longer calls this method - it will be removed before the 2.0 release. 
          since Shiro 1.1. Hash salting is now expected to be based on if the AuthenticationInfo returned from the Realm is a SaltedAuthenticationInfo instance and its getCredentialsSalt() method returns a non-null value. This method and the 1.0 behavior still exists for backwards compatibility if the Realm does not return SaltedAuthenticationInfo instances, but it is highly recommended that Realm implementations that support hashed credentials start returning SaltedAuthenticationInfo instances as soon as possible.

This is because salts should always be obtained from the stored account information and never be interpreted based on user/Subject-entered data. User-entered data is easier to compromise for attackers, whereas account-unique (and secure randomly-generated) salts never disseminated to the end-user are almost impossible to break. This method will be removed in Shiro 2.0. 

          since Shiro 1.1. Hash salting is now expected to be based on if the AuthenticationInfo returned from the Realm is a SaltedAuthenticationInfo instance and its getCredentialsSalt() method returns a non-null value. This method and the 1.0 behavior still exists for backwards compatibility if the Realm does not return SaltedAuthenticationInfo instances, but it is highly recommended that Realm implementations that support hashed credentials start returning SaltedAuthenticationInfo instances as soon as possible.

This is because salts should always be obtained from the stored account information and never be interpreted based on user/Subject-entered data. User-entered data is easier to compromise for attackers, whereas account-unique (and secure randomly-generated) salts never disseminated to the end-user are almost impossible to break. This method will be removed in Shiro 2.0. 

org.apache.shiro.mgt.DefaultSubjectFactory.newSubjectInstance(PrincipalCollection, boolean, String, Session, SecurityManager)
          since 1.2 - override DefaultSubjectFactory.createSubject(org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext) directly if you need to instantiate a custom Subject class. 
org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSubjectFactory.newSubjectInstance(PrincipalCollection, boolean, String, Session, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, SecurityManager)
          since 1.2 - override DefaultWebSubjectFactory.createSubject(org.apache.shiro.subject.SubjectContext) directly if you need to instantiate a custom Subject class. 
          since Shiro 1.1. Hash salting is now expected to be based on if the AuthenticationInfo returned from the Realm is a SaltedAuthenticationInfo instance and its getCredentialsSalt() method returns a non-null value. This method and the 1.0 behavior still exists for backwards compatibility if the Realm does not return SaltedAuthenticationInfo instances, but it is highly recommended that Realm implementations that support hashed credentials start returning SaltedAuthenticationInfo instances as soon as possible.

This is because salts should always be obtained from the stored account information and never be interpreted based on user/Subject-entered data. User-entered data is easier to compromise for attackers, whereas account-unique (and secure randomly-generated) salts never disseminated to the end-user are almost impossible to break. This method will be removed in Shiro 2.0. 

          this attribute existed, but was never used in Shiro 1.x. It will be removed prior to Shiro 2.0. 
          since 1.2 
          in favor of overriding OncePerRequestFilter.isEnabled(javax.servlet.ServletRequest, javax.servlet.ServletResponse) for custom behavior. This method will be removed in Shiro 2.0. 
          in Shiro 1.2 in favor of DefaultSecurityManager.delete(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject) 

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