Interface Destroyable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCacheManager, AbstractValidatingSessionManager, AuthenticatingSecurityManager, AuthorizingSecurityManager, CachingSecurityManager, DefaultEnvironment, DefaultSecurityManager, DefaultSessionManager, DefaultWebEnvironment, DefaultWebSecurityManager, DefaultWebSessionManager, EhCacheManager, IniWebEnvironment, MemoryConstrainedCacheManager, PropertiesRealm, RealmSecurityManager, ResourceBasedWebEnvironment, SessionsSecurityManager, ShiroModule, ShiroWebModule

public interface Destroyable

Shiro container-agnostic interface that indicates that this object requires a callback during destruction.


Method Summary
 void destroy()
          Called when this object is being destroyed, allowing any necessary cleanup of internal resources.

Method Detail


void destroy()
             throws Exception
Called when this object is being destroyed, allowing any necessary cleanup of internal resources.

Exception - if an exception occurs during object destruction.

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