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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
3    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
4    * distributed with this work for additional information
5    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
6    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
7    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
8    * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
9    *
10   *
11   *
12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
13   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
15   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
16   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
17   * under the License.
18   */
19  package org.apache.shiro.web.env;
21  import org.apache.shiro.config.ConfigurationException;
22  import org.apache.shiro.config.ResourceConfigurable;
23  import org.apache.shiro.util.ClassUtils;
24  import org.apache.shiro.util.LifecycleUtils;
25  import org.apache.shiro.util.StringUtils;
26  import org.apache.shiro.util.UnknownClassException;
27  import org.slf4j.Logger;
28  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
30  import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
31  import java.util.ArrayList;
32  import java.util.Iterator;
33  import java.util.List;
34  import java.util.ServiceLoader;
37  /**
38   * An {@code EnvironmentLoader} is responsible for loading a web application's Shiro {@link WebEnvironment}
39   * (which includes the web app's {@link org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.WebSecurityManager WebSecurityManager}) into the
40   * {@code ServletContext} at application startup.
41   * <p/>
42   * In Shiro 1.1 and earlier, the Shiro ServletFilter was responsible for creating the {@code WebSecurityManager} and
43   * any additional objects (security filters, etc).  However, any component not filtered by the Shiro Filter (such
44   * as other context listeners) was not able to easily acquire the these objects to perform security operations.
45   * <p/>
46   * Due to this, in Shiro 1.2 and later, this {@code EnvironmentLoader} (or more likely, the
47   * {@link EnvironmentLoaderListener} subclass) is the preferred mechanism to initialize
48   * a Shiro environment.  The Shiro Filter, while still required for request filtering, will not perform this
49   * initialization at startup if the {@code EnvironmentLoader} (or listener) runs first.
50   * <h2>Usage</h2>
51   * This implementation will look for two servlet context {@code context-param}s in {@code web.xml}:
52   * {@code shiroEnvironmentClass} and {@code shiroConfigLocations} that customize how the {@code WebEnvironment} instance
53   * will be initialized.
54   * <h3>shiroEnvironmentClass</h3>
55   * The {@code shiroEnvironmentClass} {@code context-param}, if it exists, allows you to specify the
56   * fully-qualified implementation class name of the {@link WebEnvironment} to instantiate.  For example:
57   * <pre>
58   * &lt;context-param&gt;
59   *     &lt;param-name&gt;shiroEnvironmentClass&lt;/param-name&gt;
60   *     &lt;param-value&gt;;/param-value&gt;
61   * &lt;/context-param&gt;
62   * </pre>
63   * If not specified, the default value is the {@link IniWebEnvironment} class, which assumes Shiro's default
64   * <a href="">INI configuration format</a>
65   * <h3>shiroConfigLocations</h3>
66   * The {@code shiroConfigLocations} {@code context-param}, if it exists, allows you to specify the config location(s)
67   * (resource path(s)) that will be relayed to the instantiated {@link WebEnvironment}.  For example:
68   * <pre>
69   * &lt;context-param&gt;
70   *     &lt;param-name&gt;shiroConfigLocations&lt;/param-name&gt;
71   *     &lt;param-value&gt;/WEB-INF/someLocation/shiro.ini&lt;/param-value&gt;
72   * &lt;/context-param&gt;
73   * </pre>
74   * The {@code WebEnvironment} implementation must implement the {@link ResourceConfigurable} interface if it is to
75   * acquire the {@code shiroConfigLocations} value.
76   * <p/>
77   * If this {@code context-param} is not specified, the {@code WebEnvironment} instance determines default resource
78   * lookup behavior.  For example, the {@link IniWebEnvironment} will check the following two locations for INI config
79   * by default (in order):
80   * <ol>
81   * <li>/WEB-INF/shiro.ini</li>
82   * <li>classpath:shiro.ini</li>
83   * </ol>
84   * <h2>Web Security Enforcement</h2>
85   * Using this loader will only initialize Shiro's environment in a web application - it will not filter web requests or
86   * perform web-specific security operations.  To do this, you must ensure that you have also configured the
87   * {@link org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.ShiroFilter ShiroFilter} in {@code web.xml}.
88   * <p/>
89   * Finally, it should be noted that this implementation was based on ideas in Spring 3's
90   * {@code org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader} implementation - no need to reinvent the wheel for this common
91   * behavior.
92   *
93   * @see EnvironmentLoaderListener
94   * @see org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.ShiroFilter ShiroFilter
95   * @since 1.2
96   */
97  public class EnvironmentLoader {
99      /**
100      * Servlet Context config param for specifying the {@link WebEnvironment} implementation class to use:
101      * {@code shiroEnvironmentClass}
102      */
103     public static final String ENVIRONMENT_CLASS_PARAM = "shiroEnvironmentClass";
105     /**
106      * Servlet Context config param for the resource path to use for configuring the {@link WebEnvironment} instance:
107      * {@code shiroConfigLocations}
108      */
109     public static final String CONFIG_LOCATIONS_PARAM = "shiroConfigLocations";
111     public static final String ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = EnvironmentLoader.class.getName() + ".ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY";
113     private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EnvironmentLoader.class);
115     /**
116      * Initializes Shiro's {@link WebEnvironment} instance for the specified {@code ServletContext} based on the
117      * {@link #CONFIG_LOCATIONS_PARAM} value.
118      *
119      * @param servletContext current servlet context
120      * @return the new Shiro {@code WebEnvironment} instance.
121      * @throws IllegalStateException if an existing WebEnvironment has already been initialized and associated with
122      *                               the specified {@code ServletContext}.
123      */
124     public WebEnvironment initEnvironment(ServletContext servletContext) throws IllegalStateException {
126         if (servletContext.getAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY) != null) {
127             String msg = "There is already a Shiro environment associated with the current ServletContext.  " +
128                     "Check if you have multiple EnvironmentLoader* definitions in your web.xml!";
129             throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
130         }
132         servletContext.log("Initializing Shiro environment");
133"Starting Shiro environment initialization.");
135         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
137         try {
139             WebEnvironment environment = createEnvironment(servletContext);
140             servletContext.setAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY,environment);
142             log.debug("Published WebEnvironment as ServletContext attribute with name [{}]",
143                     ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY);
145             if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
146                 long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
147       "Shiro environment initialized in {} ms.", elapsed);
148             }
150             return environment;
151         } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
152             log.error("Shiro environment initialization failed", ex);
153             servletContext.setAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, ex);
154             throw ex;
155         } catch (Error err) {
156             log.error("Shiro environment initialization failed", err);
157             servletContext.setAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, err);
158             throw err;
159         }
160     }
162     /**
163      * Return the WebEnvironment implementation class to use, either the default
164      * {@link IniWebEnvironment} or a custom class if specified.
165      *
166      * @param servletContext current servlet context
167      * @return the WebEnvironment implementation class to use
169      * @see IniWebEnvironment
170      * @see #determineWebEnvironment(ServletContext)
171      * @see #getDefaultWebEnvironmentClass()
172      * @deprecated This method is not longer used by Shiro, and will be removed in future versions,
173      * use {@link #determineWebEnvironment(ServletContext)} or {@link #determineWebEnvironment(ServletContext)}
174      */
175     @Deprecated
176     protected Class<?> determineWebEnvironmentClass(ServletContext servletContext) {
177         Class<? extends WebEnvironment> webEnvironmentClass = webEnvironmentClassFromServletContext(servletContext);
178         if( webEnvironmentClass != null) {
179             return webEnvironmentClass;
180         } else {
182             return getDefaultWebEnvironmentClass();
183         }
184     }
186     private Class<? extends WebEnvironment> webEnvironmentClassFromServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) {
188         Class<? extends WebEnvironment> webEnvironmentClass = null;
189         String className = servletContext.getInitParameter(ENVIRONMENT_CLASS_PARAM);
190         if (className != null) {
191             try {
192                 webEnvironmentClass = ClassUtils.forName(className);
193             } catch (UnknownClassException ex) {
194                 throw new ConfigurationException(
195                         "Failed to load custom WebEnvironment class [" + className + "]", ex);
196             }
197         }
198         return webEnvironmentClass;
199     }
201     private WebEnvironment webEnvironmentFromServiceLoader() {
203         WebEnvironment webEnvironment = null;
204         // try to load WebEnvironment as a service
205         ServiceLoader<WebEnvironment> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(WebEnvironment.class);
206         Iterator<WebEnvironment> iterator = serviceLoader.iterator();
208         // Use the first one
209         if (iterator.hasNext()) {
210             webEnvironment =;
211         }
212         // if there are others, throw an error
213         if (iterator.hasNext()) {
214             List<String> allWebEnvironments = new ArrayList<String>();
215             allWebEnvironments.add(webEnvironment.getClass().getName());
216             while (iterator.hasNext()) {
217                 allWebEnvironments.add(;
218             }
219             throw new ConfigurationException("ServiceLoader for class [" + WebEnvironment.class + "] returned more then one " +
220                     "result.  ServiceLoader must return zero or exactly one result for this class. Select one using the " +
221                     "servlet init parameter '"+ ENVIRONMENT_CLASS_PARAM +"'. Found: " + allWebEnvironments);
222         }
223         return webEnvironment;
224     }
226     /**
227      * Returns the default WebEnvironment class, which is unless overridden: {@link IniWebEnvironment}.
228      * @return the default WebEnvironment class.
229      */
230     protected Class<? extends WebEnvironment> getDefaultWebEnvironmentClass() {
231         return IniWebEnvironment.class;
232     }
234     /**
235      * Return the WebEnvironment implementation class to use, based on the order of:
236      * <ul>
237      *     <li>A custom WebEnvironment class - specified in the {@code servletContext} {@link #ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY} property</li>
238      *     <li>{@code ServiceLoader.load(WebEnvironment.class)} - (if more then one instance is found a {@link ConfigurationException} will be thrown</li>
239      *     <li>A call to {@link #getDefaultWebEnvironmentClass()} (default: {@link IniWebEnvironment})</li>
240      * </ul>
241      *
242      * @param servletContext current servlet context
243      * @return the WebEnvironment implementation class to use
245      * @param servletContext the {@code servletContext} to query the {@code ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY} property from
246      * @return the {@code WebEnvironment} to be used
247      */
248     protected WebEnvironment determineWebEnvironment(ServletContext servletContext) {
250         Class<? extends WebEnvironment> webEnvironmentClass = webEnvironmentClassFromServletContext(servletContext);
251         WebEnvironment webEnvironment = null;
253         // try service loader next
254         if (webEnvironmentClass == null) {
255             webEnvironment = webEnvironmentFromServiceLoader();
256         }
258         // if webEnvironment is not set, and ENVIRONMENT_CLASS_PARAM prop was not set, use the default
259         if (webEnvironmentClass == null && webEnvironment == null) {
260             webEnvironmentClass = getDefaultWebEnvironmentClass();
261         }
263         // at this point, we anything is set for the webEnvironmentClass, load it.
264         if (webEnvironmentClass != null) {
265             webEnvironment = (WebEnvironment) ClassUtils.newInstance(webEnvironmentClass);
266         }
268         return webEnvironment;
269     }
271     /**
272      * Instantiates a {@link WebEnvironment} based on the specified ServletContext.
273      * <p/>
274      * This implementation {@link #determineWebEnvironmentClass(javax.servlet.ServletContext) determines} a
275      * {@link WebEnvironment} implementation class to use.  That class is instantiated, configured, and returned.
276      * <p/>
277      * This allows custom {@code WebEnvironment} implementations to be specified via a ServletContext init-param if
278      * desired.  If not specified, the default {@link IniWebEnvironment} implementation will be used.
279      *
280      * @param sc current servlet context
281      * @return the constructed Shiro WebEnvironment instance
282      * @see MutableWebEnvironment
283      * @see ResourceConfigurable
284      */
285     protected WebEnvironment createEnvironment(ServletContext sc) {
287         WebEnvironment webEnvironment = determineWebEnvironment(sc);
288         if (!MutableWebEnvironment.class.isInstance(webEnvironment)) {
289             throw new ConfigurationException("Custom WebEnvironment class [" + webEnvironment.getClass().getName() +
290                     "] is not of required type [" + MutableWebEnvironment.class.getName() + "]");
291         }
293         String configLocations = sc.getInitParameter(CONFIG_LOCATIONS_PARAM);
294         boolean configSpecified = StringUtils.hasText(configLocations);
296         if (configSpecified && !(ResourceConfigurable.class.isInstance(webEnvironment))) {
297             String msg = "WebEnvironment class [" + webEnvironment.getClass().getName() + "] does not implement the " +
298                     ResourceConfigurable.class.getName() + "interface.  This is required to accept any " +
299                     "configured " + CONFIG_LOCATIONS_PARAM + "value(s).";
300             throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
301         }
303         MutableWebEnvironmentpache/shiro/web/env/MutableWebEnvironment.html#MutableWebEnvironment">MutableWebEnvironment environment = (MutableWebEnvironment) webEnvironment;
305         environment.setServletContext(sc);
307         if (configSpecified && (environment instanceof ResourceConfigurable)) {
308             ((ResourceConfigurable) environment).setConfigLocations(configLocations);
309         }
311         customizeEnvironment(environment);
313         LifecycleUtils.init(environment);
315         return environment;
316     }
318     /**
319      * Any additional customization of the Environment can be by overriding this method. For example setup shared
320      * resources, etc. By default this method does nothing.
321      * @param environment
322      */
323     protected void customizeEnvironment(WebEnvironment environment) {
324     }
326     /**
327      * Destroys the {@link WebEnvironment} for the given servlet context.
328      *
329      * @param servletContext the ServletContext attributed to the WebSecurityManager
330      */
331     public void destroyEnvironment(ServletContext servletContext) {
332         servletContext.log("Cleaning up Shiro Environment");
333         try {
334             Object environment = servletContext.getAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY);
335             if (environment instanceof WebEnvironment) {
336                 finalizeEnvironment((WebEnvironment) environment);
337             }
338             LifecycleUtils.destroy(environment);
339         } finally {
340             servletContext.removeAttribute(ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY);
341         }
342     }
344     /**
345      * Any additional cleanup of the Environment can be done by overriding this method.  For example clean up shared
346      * resources, etc. By default this method does nothing.
347      * @param environment
348      * @since 1.3
349      */
350     protected void finalizeEnvironment(WebEnvironment environment) {
351     }
352 }