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Class EhCacheManager

    • Field Detail

      • manager

        protected net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager manager
        The EhCache cache manager used by this implementation to create caches.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EhCacheManager

        public EhCacheManager()
        Default no argument constructor
    • Method Detail

      • getCacheManager

        public net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager getCacheManager()
        Returns the wrapped Ehcache CacheManager instance.
        the wrapped Ehcache CacheManager instance.
      • setCacheManager

        public void setCacheManager(net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager manager)
        Sets the wrapped Ehcache CacheManager instance.
        manager - the wrapped Ehcache CacheManager instance.
      • getCacheManagerConfigFile

        public String getCacheManagerConfigFile()
        Returns the resource location of the config file used to initialize a new EhCache CacheManager instance. The string can be any resource path supported by the ResourceUtils.getInputStreamForPath(String) call.

        This property is ignored if the CacheManager instance is injected directly - that is, it is only used to lazily create a CacheManager if one is not already provided.

        the resource location of the config file used to initialize the wrapped EhCache CacheManager instance.
      • setCacheManagerConfigFile

        public void setCacheManagerConfigFile(String classpathLocation)
        Sets the resource location of the config file used to initialize the wrapped EhCache CacheManager instance. The string can be any resource path supported by the ResourceUtils.getInputStreamForPath(String) call.

        This property is ignored if the CacheManager instance is injected directly - that is, it is only used to lazily create a CacheManager if one is not already provided.

        classpathLocation - resource location of the config file used to create the wrapped EhCache CacheManager instance.
      • getCache

        public final <K,V> Cache<K,V> getCache(String name)
                                        throws CacheException
        Loads an existing EhCache from the cache manager, or starts a new cache if one is not found.
        Specified by:
        getCache in interface CacheManager
        name - the name of the cache to load/create.
        the Cache with the given name
        CacheException - if there is an error acquiring the Cache instance.
      • init

        public final void init()
                        throws CacheException
        Initializes this instance.

        If a CacheManager has been explicitly set (e.g. via Dependency Injection or programatically) prior to calling this method, this method does nothing.

        However, if no CacheManager has been set, the default Ehcache singleton will be initialized, where Ehcache will look for an ehcache.xml file at the root of the classpath. If one is not found, Ehcache will use its own failsafe configuration file.

        Because Shiro cannot use the failsafe defaults (fail-safe expunges cached objects after 2 minutes, something not desirable for Shiro sessions), this class manages an internal default configuration for this case.

        Specified by:
        init in interface Initializable
        CacheException - if there are any CacheExceptions thrown by EhCache.
        See Also:
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Shuts-down the wrapped Ehcache CacheManager only if implicitly created.

        If another component injected a non-null CacheManager into this instace before calling init, this instance expects that same component to also destroy the CacheManager instance, and it will not attempt to do so.

        Specified by:
        destroy in interface Destroyable

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