Coverage Report - org.apache.shiro.subject.PrincipalCollection
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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 package org.apache.shiro.subject;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
  * A collection of all principals associated with a corresponding {@link Subject Subject}.  A <em>principal</em> is
  * just a security term for an identifying attribute, such as a username or user id or social security number or
  * anything else that can be considered an 'identifying' attribute for a {@code Subject}.
  * <p/>
  * A PrincipalCollection organizes its internal principals based on the {@code Realm} where they came from when the
  * Subject was first created.  To obtain the principal(s) for a specific Realm, see the {@link #fromRealm} method.  You
  * can also see which realms contributed to this collection via the {@link #getRealmNames() getRealmNames()} method.
  * @see #getPrimaryPrincipal()
  * @see #fromRealm(String realmName)
  * @see #getRealmNames()
  * @since 0.9
 public interface PrincipalCollection extends Iterable, Serializable {
      * Returns the primary principal used application-wide to uniquely identify the owning account/Subject.
      * <p/>
      * The value is usually always a uniquely identifying attribute specific to the data source that retrieved the
      * account data.  Some examples:
      * <ul>
      * <li>a {@link java.util.UUID UUID}</li>
      * <li>a {@code long} value such as a surrogate primary key in a relational database</li>
      * <li>an LDAP UUID or static DN</li>
      * <li>a String username unique across all user accounts</li>
      * </ul>
      * <h3>Multi-Realm Applications</h3>
      * In a single-{@code Realm} application, typically there is only ever one unique principal to retain and that
      * is the value returned from this method.  However, in a multi-{@code Realm} application, where the
      * {@code PrincipalCollection} might retain principals across more than one realm, the value returned from this
      * method should be the single principal that uniquely identifies the subject for the entire application.
      * <p/>
      * That value is of course application specific, but most applications will typically choose one of the primary
      * principals from one of the {@code Realm}s.
      * <p/>
      * Shiro's default implementations of this interface make this
      * assumption by usually simply returning {@link #iterator()}.{@link java.util.Iterator#next() next()}, which just
      * returns the first returned principal obtained from the first consulted/configured {@code Realm} during the
      * authentication attempt.  This means in a multi-{@code Realm} application, {@code Realm} configuraiton order
      * matters if you want to retain this default heuristic.
      * <p/>
      * If this heuristic is not sufficient, most Shiro end-users will need to implement a custom
      * {@link org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.AuthenticationStrategy}.  An {@code AuthenticationStrategy} has exact control
      * over the {@link PrincipalCollection} returned at the end of an authentication attempt via the
      * <code>AuthenticationStrategy#{@link org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.AuthenticationStrategy#afterAllAttempts(org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken, org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationInfo) afterAllAttempts}</code>
      * implementation.
      * @return the primary principal used to uniquely identify the owning account/Subject
      * @since 1.0
     Object getPrimaryPrincipal();
      * Returns the first discovered principal assignable from the specified type, or {@code null} if there are none
      * of the specified type.
      * <p/>
      * Note that this will return {@code null} if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.
      * @param type the type of the principal that should be returned.
      * @return a principal of the specified type or {@code null} if there isn't one of the specified type.
     <T> T oneByType(Class<T> type);
      * Returns all principals assignable from the specified type, or an empty Collection if no principals of that
      * type are contained.
      * <p/>
      * Note that this will return an empty Collection if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.
      * @param type the type of the principals that should be returned.
      * @return a Collection of principals that are assignable from the specified type, or
      *         an empty Collection if no principals of this type are associated.
     <T> Collection<T> byType(Class<T> type);
      * Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a List, or an empty List if
      * there are not any principals.
      * <p/>
      * Note that this will return an empty List if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.
      * @return a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a List.
     List asList();
      * Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a Set, or an empty Set if there
      * are not any principals.
      * <p/>
      * Note that this will return an empty Set if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.
      * @return a single Subject's principals retrieved from all configured Realms as a Set.
     Set asSet();
      * Returns a single Subject's principals retrieved from the specified Realm <em>only</em> as a Collection, or an empty
      * Collection if there are not any principals from that realm.
      * <p/>
      * Note that this will return an empty Collection if the 'owning' subject has not yet logged in.
      * @param realmName the name of the Realm from which the principals were retrieved.
      * @return the Subject's principals from the specified Realm only as a Collection or an empty Collection if there
      *         are not any principals from that realm.
     Collection fromRealm(String realmName);
      * Returns the realm names that this collection has principals for.
      * @return the names of realms that this collection has one or more principals for.
     Set<String> getRealmNames();
      * Returns {@code true} if this collection is empty, {@code false} otherwise.
      * @return {@code true} if this collection is empty, {@code false} otherwise.
     boolean isEmpty();