Coverage Report - org.apache.shiro.config.ReflectionBuilder
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 package org.apache.shiro.config;
 import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
 import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
 import org.apache.shiro.codec.Base64;
 import org.apache.shiro.codec.Hex;
 import org.apache.shiro.util.*;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
 import java.util.*;
  * Object builder that uses reflection and Apache Commons BeanUtils to build objects given a
  * map of "property values".  Typically these come from the Shiro INI configuration and are used
  * to construct or modify the SecurityManager, its dependencies, and web-based security filters.
  * <p/>
  * Recognizes {@link Factory} implementations and will call
  * {@link org.apache.shiro.util.Factory#getInstance() getInstance} to satisfy any reference to this bean.
  * @since 0.9
 public class ReflectionBuilder {
     //TODO - complete JavaDoc
 47  1
     private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReflectionBuilder.class);
     private static final String OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN = "$";
     private static final String ESCAPED_OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN = "\\$";
     private static final String GLOBAL_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "shiro";
     private static final char MAP_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER = ':';
     private static final String HEX_BEGIN_TOKEN = "0x";
     private static final String NULL_VALUE_TOKEN = "null";
     private static final String EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_TOKEN = "\"\"";
     private static final char STRING_VALUE_DELIMETER = '"';
     private static final char MAP_PROPERTY_BEGIN_TOKEN = '[';
     private static final char MAP_PROPERTY_END_TOKEN = ']';
     private Map<String, ?> objects;
 62  22
     public ReflectionBuilder() {
 63  22
         this.objects = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
 64  22
 66  26
     public ReflectionBuilder(Map<String, ?> defaults) {
 67  26
         this.objects = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(defaults) ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() : defaults;
 68  26
     public Map<String, ?> getObjects() {
 71  0
         return objects;
     public void setObjects(Map<String, ?> objects) {
 75  0
         this.objects = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(objects) ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>() : objects;
 76  0
     public Object getBean(String id) {
 79  21
         return objects.get(id);
     public <T> T getBean(String id, Class<T> requiredType) {
 84  21
         if (requiredType == null) {
 85  0
             throw new NullPointerException("requiredType argument cannot be null.");
 87  21
         Object bean = getBean(id);
 88  21
         if (bean == null) {
 89  0
             return null;
 91  21
         if (!requiredType.isAssignableFrom(bean.getClass())) {
 92  0
             throw new IllegalStateException("Bean with id [" + id + "] is not of the required type [" +
                     requiredType.getName() + "].");
 95  21
         return (T) bean;
     public Map<String, ?> buildObjects(Map<String, String> kvPairs) {
 100  44
         if (kvPairs != null && !kvPairs.isEmpty()) {
             // Separate key value pairs into object declarations and property assignment
             // so that all objects can be created up front
             // - need to use LinkedHashMaps here:
 106  40
             Map<String, String> instanceMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
 107  40
             Map<String, String> propertyMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
 109  40
             for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : kvPairs.entrySet()) {
 110  137
                 if (entry.getKey().indexOf('.') < 0 || entry.getKey().endsWith(".class")) {
 111  66
                     instanceMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                 } else {
 113  71
                     propertyMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
 115  137
             // Create all instances
 118  40
             for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : instanceMap.entrySet()) {
 119  66
                 createNewInstance((Map<String, Object>) objects, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
 120  66
             // Set all properties
 123  40
             for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : propertyMap.entrySet()) {
 124  71
                 applyProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), objects);
 125  69
         //SHIRO-413: init method must be called for constructed objects that are Initializable
 129  42
 131  42
         return objects;
     protected void createNewInstance(Map<String, Object> objects, String name, String value) {
 136  66
         Object currentInstance = objects.get(name);
 137  66
         if (currentInstance != null) {
 138  0
   "An instance with name '{}' already exists.  " +
                     "Redefining this object as a new instance of type {}", name, value);
         Object instance;//name with no property, assume right hand side of equals sign is the class name:
         try {
 144  66
             instance = ClassUtils.newInstance(value);
 145  66
             if (instance instanceof Nameable) {
 146  14
                 ((Nameable) instance).setName(name);
 148  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
 149  0
             String msg = "Unable to instantiate class [" + value + "] for object named '" + name + "'.  " +
                     "Please ensure you've specified the fully qualified class name correctly.";
 151  0
             throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e);
 152  66
 153  66
         objects.put(name, instance);
 154  66
     protected void applyProperty(String key, String value, Map objects) {
 158  71
         int index = key.indexOf('.');
 160  71
         if (index >= 0) {
 161  71
             String name = key.substring(0, index);
 162  71
             String property = key.substring(index + 1, key.length());
 164  71
             if (GLOBAL_PROPERTY_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
 165  0
                 applyGlobalProperty(objects, property, value);
             } else {
 167  71
                 applySingleProperty(objects, name, property, value);
 170  69
         } else {
 171  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("All property keys must contain a '.' character. " +
                     "(e.g. = value)  These should already be separated out by buildObjects().");
 174  69
     protected void applyGlobalProperty(Map objects, String property, String value) {
 177  0
         for (Object instance : objects.values()) {
             try {
 179  0
                 PropertyDescriptor pd = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(instance, property);
 180  0
                 if (pd != null) {
 181  0
                     applyProperty(instance, property, value);
 183  0
             } catch (Exception e) {
 184  0
                 String msg = "Error retrieving property descriptor for instance " +
                         "of type [" + instance.getClass().getName() + "] " +
                         "while setting property [" + property + "]";
 187  0
                 throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e);
 188  0
 189  0
 190  0
     protected void applySingleProperty(Map objects, String name, String property, String value) {
 193  71
         Object instance = objects.get(name);
 194  71
         if (property.equals("class")) {
 195  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property keys should not contain 'class' properties since these " +
                     "should already be separated out by buildObjects().");
 198  71
         } else if (instance == null) {
 199  0
             String msg = "Configuration error.  Specified object [" + name + "] with property [" +
                     property + "] without first defining that object's class.  Please first " +
                     "specify the class property first, e.g. myObject = fully_qualified_class_name " +
                     "and then define additional properties.";
 203  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
         } else {
 206  71
             applyProperty(instance, property, value);
 208  69
     protected boolean isReference(String value) {
 211  84
         return value != null && value.startsWith(OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN);
     protected String getId(String referenceToken) {
 215  38
         return referenceToken.substring(OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN.length());
     protected Object getReferencedObject(String id) {
 219  38
         Object o = objects != null && !objects.isEmpty() ? objects.get(id) : null;
 220  38
         if (o == null) {
 221  1
             String msg = "The object with id [" + id + "] has not yet been defined and therefore cannot be " +
                     "referenced.  Please ensure objects are defined in the order in which they should be " +
                     "created and made available for future reference.";
 224  1
             throw new UnresolveableReferenceException(msg);
 226  37
         return o;
     protected String unescapeIfNecessary(String value) {
 230  46
         if (value != null && value.startsWith(ESCAPED_OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN)) {
 231  1
             return value.substring(ESCAPED_OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN.length() - 1);
 233  45
         return value;
     protected Object resolveReference(String reference) {
 237  38
         String id = getId(reference);
 238  38
         log.debug("Encountered object reference '{}'.  Looking up object with id '{}'", reference, id);
 239  38
         final Object referencedObject = getReferencedObject(id);
 240  37
         if (referencedObject instanceof Factory) {
 241  1
             return ((Factory) referencedObject).getInstance();
 243  36
         return referencedObject;
     protected boolean isTypedProperty(Object object, String propertyName, Class clazz) {
 247  376
         if (clazz == null) {
 248  0
             throw new NullPointerException("type (class) argument cannot be null.");
         try {
 251  376
             PropertyDescriptor descriptor = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptor(object, propertyName);
 252  376
             if (descriptor == null) {
 253  0
                 String msg = "Property '" + propertyName + "' does not exist for object of " +
                         "type " + object.getClass().getName() + ".";
 255  0
                 throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
 257  376
             Class propertyClazz = descriptor.getPropertyType();
 258  376
             return clazz.isAssignableFrom(propertyClazz);
 259  0
         } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
             //let it propagate:
 261  0
             throw ce;
 262  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
 263  0
             String msg = "Unable to determine if property [" + propertyName + "] represents a " + clazz.getName();
 264  0
             throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e);
     protected Set<?> toSet(String sValue) {
 269  2
         String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(sValue);
 270  2
         if (tokens == null || tokens.length <= 0) {
 271  0
             return null;
         //SHIRO-423: check to see if the value is a referenced Set already, and if so, return it immediately:
 275  2
         if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) {
 276  1
             Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]);
 277  1
             if (reference instanceof Set) {
 278  1
                 return (Set)reference;
 282  1
         Set<String> setTokens = new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(tokens));
         //now convert into correct values and/or references:
 285  1
         Set<Object> values = new LinkedHashSet<Object>(setTokens.size());
 286  1
         for (String token : setTokens) {
 287  2
             Object value = resolveValue(token);
 288  2
 289  2
 290  1
         return values;
     protected Map<?, ?> toMap(String sValue) {
 294  2
         String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(sValue, StringUtils.DEFAULT_DELIMITER_CHAR,
                 StringUtils.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, StringUtils.DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, true, true);
 296  2
         if (tokens == null || tokens.length <= 0) {
 297  0
             return null;
         //SHIRO-423: check to see if the value is a referenced Map already, and if so, return it immediately:
 301  2
         if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) {
 302  1
             Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]);
 303  1
             if (reference instanceof Map) {
 304  1
                 return (Map)reference;
 308  1
         Map<String, String> mapTokens = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(tokens.length);
 309  3
         for (String token : tokens) {
 310  2
             String[] kvPair = StringUtils.split(token, MAP_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER);
 311  2
             if (kvPair == null || kvPair.length != 2) {
 312  0
                 String msg = "Map property value [" + sValue + "] contained key-value pair token [" +
                         token + "] that does not properly split to a single key and pair.  This must be the " +
                         "case for all map entries.";
 315  0
                 throw new ConfigurationException(msg);
 317  2
             mapTokens.put(kvPair[0], kvPair[1]);
         //now convert into correct values and/or references:
 321  1
         Map<Object, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>(mapTokens.size());
 322  1
         for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mapTokens.entrySet()) {
 323  2
             Object key = resolveValue(entry.getKey());
 324  2
             Object value = resolveValue(entry.getValue());
 325  2
             map.put(key, value);
 326  2
 327  1
         return map;
     // @since 1.2.2
     // TODO: make protected in 1.3+
     private Collection<?> toCollection(String sValue) {
 334  3
         String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(sValue);
 335  3
         if (tokens == null || tokens.length <= 0) {
 336  0
             return null;
         //SHIRO-423: check to see if the value is a referenced Collection already, and if so, return it immediately:
 340  3
         if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) {
 341  2
             Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]);
 342  2
             if (reference instanceof Collection) {
 343  1
                 return (Collection)reference;
         //now convert into correct values and/or references:
 348  2
         List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(tokens.length);
 349  6
         for (String token : tokens) {
 350  4
             Object value = resolveValue(token);
 351  4
 353  2
         return values;
     protected List<?> toList(String sValue) {
 357  3
         String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(sValue);
 358  3
         if (tokens == null || tokens.length <= 0) {
 359  0
             return null;
         //SHIRO-423: check to see if the value is a referenced List already, and if so, return it immediately:
 363  3
         if (tokens.length == 1 && isReference(tokens[0])) {
 364  1
             Object reference = resolveReference(tokens[0]);
 365  1
             if (reference instanceof List) {
 366  1
                 return (List)reference;
         //now convert into correct values and/or references:
 371  2
         List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(tokens.length);
 372  7
         for (String token : tokens) {
 373  5
             Object value = resolveValue(token);
 374  5
 376  2
         return values;
     protected byte[] toBytes(String sValue) {
 380  2
         if (sValue == null) {
 381  0
             return null;
         byte[] bytes;
 384  2
         if (sValue.startsWith(HEX_BEGIN_TOKEN)) {
 385  1
             String hex = sValue.substring(HEX_BEGIN_TOKEN.length());
 386  1
             bytes = Hex.decode(hex);
 387  1
         } else {
             //assume base64 encoded:
 389  1
             bytes = Base64.decode(sValue);
 391  2
         return bytes;
     protected Object resolveValue(String stringValue) {
         Object value;
 396  79
         if (isReference(stringValue)) {
 397  33
             value = resolveReference(stringValue);
         } else {
 399  46
             value = unescapeIfNecessary(stringValue);
 401  78
         return value;
     protected String checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(String stringValue) {
 405  58
         if (stringValue == null) {
 406  0
             return null;
         //check if the value is the actual literal string 'null' (expected to be wrapped in quotes):
 409  58
         if (stringValue.equals("\"null\"")) {
 410  1
             return NULL_VALUE_TOKEN;
         //or the actual literal string of two quotes '""' (expected to be wrapped in quotes):
 413  57
         else if (stringValue.equals("\"\"\"\"")) {
 414  1
             return EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_TOKEN;
         } else {
 416  56
             return stringValue;
     protected void applyProperty(Object object, String propertyPath, Object value) {
 422  81
         int mapBegin = propertyPath.indexOf(MAP_PROPERTY_BEGIN_TOKEN);
 423  81
         int mapEnd = -1;
 424  81
         String mapPropertyPath = null;
 425  81
         String keyString = null;
 427  81
         String remaining = null;
 429  81
         if (mapBegin >= 0) {
             //a map is being referenced in the overall property path.  Find just the map's path:
 431  9
             mapPropertyPath = propertyPath.substring(0, mapBegin);
             //find the end of the map reference:
 433  9
             mapEnd = propertyPath.indexOf(MAP_PROPERTY_END_TOKEN, mapBegin);
             //find the token in between the [ and the ] (the map/array key or index):
 435  9
             keyString = propertyPath.substring(mapBegin+1, mapEnd);
             //find out if there is more path reference to follow.  If not, we're at a terminal of the OGNL expression
 438  9
             if (propertyPath.length() > (mapEnd+1)) {
 439  3
                 remaining = propertyPath.substring(mapEnd+1);
 440  3
                 if (remaining.startsWith(".")) {
 441  3
                     remaining = StringUtils.clean(remaining.substring(1));
 446  81
         if (remaining == null) {
             //we've terminated the OGNL expression.  Check to see if we're assigning a property or a map entry:
 448  78
             if (keyString == null) {
                 //not a map or array value assignment - assign the property directly:
 450  72
                 setProperty(object, propertyPath, value);
             } else {
                 //we're assigning a map or array entry.  Check to see which we should call:
 453  6
                 if (isTypedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, Map.class)) {
 454  4
                     Map map = (Map)getProperty(object, mapPropertyPath);
 455  4
                     Object mapKey = resolveValue(keyString);
                     //noinspection unchecked
 457  4
                     map.put(mapKey, value);
 458  4
                 } else {
                     //must be an array property.  Convert the key string to an index:
 460  2
                     int index = Integer.valueOf(keyString);
 461  2
                     setIndexedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, index, value);
 462  2
         } else {
             //property is being referenced as part of a nested path.  Find the referenced map/array entry and
             //recursively call this method with the remaining property path
 467  3
             Object referencedValue = null;
 468  3
             if (isTypedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, Map.class)) {
 469  2
                 Map map = (Map)getProperty(object, mapPropertyPath);
 470  2
                 Object mapKey = resolveValue(keyString);
 471  2
                 referencedValue = map.get(mapKey);
 472  2
             } else {
                 //must be an array property:
 474  1
                 int index = Integer.valueOf(keyString);
 475  1
                 referencedValue = getIndexedProperty(object, mapPropertyPath, index);
 478  3
             if (referencedValue == null) {
 479  0
                 throw new ConfigurationException("Referenced map/array value '" + mapPropertyPath + "[" +
                 keyString + "]' does not exist.");
 483  3
             applyProperty(referencedValue, remaining, value);
 485  80
     private void setProperty(Object object, String propertyPath, Object value) {
         try {
 489  72
             if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 490  72
                 log.trace("Applying property [{}] value [{}] on object of type [{}]",
                         new Object[]{propertyPath, value, object.getClass().getName()});
 493  72
             BeanUtils.setProperty(object, propertyPath, value);
 494  1
         } catch (Exception e) {
 495  1
             String msg = "Unable to set property '" + propertyPath + "' with value [" + value + "] on object " +
                     "of type " + (object != null ? object.getClass().getName() : null) + ".  If " +
                     "'" + value + "' is a reference to another (previously defined) object, prefix it with " +
                     "'" + OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN + "' to indicate that the referenced " +
                     "object should be used as the actual value.  " +
                     "For example, " + OBJECT_REFERENCE_BEGIN_TOKEN + value;
 501  1
             throw new ConfigurationException(msg, e);
 502  71
 503  71
     private Object getProperty(Object object, String propertyPath) {
         try {
 507  6
             return PropertyUtils.getProperty(object, propertyPath);
 508  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
 509  0
             throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to access property '" + propertyPath + "'", e);
     private void setIndexedProperty(Object object, String propertyPath, int index, Object value) {
         try {
 515  2
             PropertyUtils.setIndexedProperty(object, propertyPath, index, value);
 516  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
 517  0
             throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to set array property '" + propertyPath + "'", e);
 518  2
 519  2
     private Object getIndexedProperty(Object object, String propertyPath, int index) {
         try {
 523  1
             return PropertyUtils.getIndexedProperty(object, propertyPath, index);
 524  0
         } catch (Exception e) {
 525  0
             throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to acquire array property '" + propertyPath + "'", e);
     protected boolean isIndexedPropertyAssignment(String propertyPath) {
 530  70
         return propertyPath.endsWith("" + MAP_PROPERTY_END_TOKEN);
     protected void applyProperty(Object object, String propertyName, String stringValue) {
         Object value;
 537  72
         if (NULL_VALUE_TOKEN.equals(stringValue)) {
 538  1
             value = null;
 539  71
         } else if (EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_TOKEN.equals(stringValue)) {
 540  1
             value = StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING;
 541  70
         } else if (isIndexedPropertyAssignment(propertyName)) {
 542  3
             String checked = checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(stringValue);
 543  3
             value = resolveValue(checked);
 544  3
         } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Set.class)) {
 545  2
             value = toSet(stringValue);
 546  65
         } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Map.class)) {
 547  2
             value = toMap(stringValue);
 548  63
         } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, List.class)) {
 549  3
             value = toList(stringValue);
 550  60
         } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, Collection.class)) {
 551  3
             value = toCollection(stringValue);
 552  57
         } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, byte[].class)) {
 553  2
             value = toBytes(stringValue);
 554  55
         } else if (isTypedProperty(object, propertyName, ByteSource.class)) {
 555  0
             byte[] bytes = toBytes(stringValue);
 556  0
             value = ByteSource.Util.bytes(bytes);
 557  0
         } else {
 558  55
             String checked = checkForNullOrEmptyLiteral(stringValue);
 559  55
             value = resolveValue(checked);
 562  71
         applyProperty(object, propertyName, value);
 563  70