Class PathMatchingFilterChainResolver

  extended by org.apache.shiro.web.filter.mgt.PathMatchingFilterChainResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PathMatchingFilterChainResolver
extends Object
implements FilterChainResolver

A FilterChainResolver that resolves FilterChains based on url path matching, as determined by a configurable PathMatcher.

This implementation functions by consulting a FilterChainManager for all configured filter chains (keyed by configured path pattern). If an incoming Request path matches one of the configured path patterns (via the PathMatcher, the corresponding configured FilterChain is returned.


Constructor Summary
PathMatchingFilterChainResolver(FilterConfig filterConfig)
Method Summary
 FilterChain getChain(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain originalChain)
          Returns the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or null if the original chain should be used.
 FilterChainManager getFilterChainManager()
 PatternMatcher getPathMatcher()
          Returns the PatternMatcher used when determining if an incoming request's path matches a configured filter chain.
protected  String getPathWithinApplication(ServletRequest request)
          Merely returns WebUtils.getPathWithinApplication(request) and can be overridden by subclasses for custom request-to-application-path resolution behavior.
protected  boolean pathMatches(String pattern, String path)
          Returns true if an incoming request path (the path argument) matches a configured filter chain path (the pattern argument), false otherwise.
 void setFilterChainManager(FilterChainManager filterChainManager)
 void setPathMatcher(PatternMatcher pathMatcher)
          Sets the PatternMatcher used when determining if an incoming request's path matches a configured filter chain.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathMatchingFilterChainResolver()


public PathMatchingFilterChainResolver(FilterConfig filterConfig)
Method Detail


public PatternMatcher getPathMatcher()
Returns the PatternMatcher used when determining if an incoming request's path matches a configured filter chain. Unless overridden, the default implementation is an AntPathMatcher.

the PatternMatcher used when determining if an incoming request's path matches a configured filter chain.


public void setPathMatcher(PatternMatcher pathMatcher)
Sets the PatternMatcher used when determining if an incoming request's path matches a configured filter chain. Unless overridden, the default implementation is an AntPathMatcher.

pathMatcher - the PatternMatcher used when determining if an incoming request's path matches a configured filter chain.


public FilterChainManager getFilterChainManager()


public void setFilterChainManager(FilterChainManager filterChainManager)


public FilterChain getChain(ServletRequest request,
                            ServletResponse response,
                            FilterChain originalChain)
Description copied from interface: FilterChainResolver
Returns the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or null if the original chain should be used.

This method allows a implementation to define arbitrary security Filter chains for any given request or URL pattern.

Specified by:
getChain in interface FilterChainResolver
request - the incoming ServletRequest
response - the outgoing ServletResponse
originalChain - the original FilterChain intercepted by the ShiroFilter implementation.
the filter chain that should be executed for the given request, or null if the original chain should be used.


protected boolean pathMatches(String pattern,
                              String path)
Returns true if an incoming request path (the path argument) matches a configured filter chain path (the pattern argument), false otherwise.

Simply delegates to getPathMatcher().matches(pattern,path). Subclass implementors should think carefully before overriding this method, as typically a custom PathMatcher should be configured for custom path matching behavior instead. Favor OO composition rather than inheritance to limit your exposure to Shiro implementation details which may change over time.

pattern - the pattern to match against
path - the value to match with the specified pattern
true if the request path matches the specified filter chain url pattern, false otherwise.


protected String getPathWithinApplication(ServletRequest request)
Merely returns WebUtils.getPathWithinApplication(request) and can be overridden by subclasses for custom request-to-application-path resolution behavior.

request - the incoming ServletRequest
the request's path within the appliation.

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