Apache REEF  0.16.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Namespaces | Classes
Org.Apache.REEF.Wake.Remote Namespace Reference


namespace  Impl
namespace  Parameters
namespace  Proto


interface  ICodec
 Interface for serialization routines that translate back and forth between byte arrays with low latency. More...
interface  IConnectionRetryHandler
 Interface for the retry logic to connect to remote endpoint More...
interface  IDataReader
 Interface for reading standard primitives More...
interface  IDataWriter
 Interface for writing standard primitives More...
interface  IDecoder
 Interface for serialization routines that translate back and forth between byte arrays with low latency. More...
interface  IEncoder
 Interface for serialization routines that translate back and forth between byte arrays with low latency. More...
interface  ILink
 Represents a link between two endpoints More...
interface  ILocalAddressProvider
 Provides the local address. More...
interface  IRemoteEvent
class  IRemoteIdentifier
 An identifier that represents a remote source More...
interface  IRemoteIdentifierFactory
 Factory that creates a RemoteIdentifier More...
interface  IRemoteManager
interface  IRemoteManagerFactory
 Creates new instances of IRemoteManager. More...
interface  IRemoteMessage
 Message received from a remote handler More...
interface  IRemoteObserver
 A disposable remote observer observer, that is not managed by the manager that creates it More...
interface  ISubscriptionManager
interface  ITcpClientConnectionFactory
 Provides TcpClient for the remote endpoint More...
interface  ITcpPortProvider
 Provides port numbers for tcp listeners More...
class  RemoteConfiguration
class  RemoteRuntimeException
 Wake remote runtime exception More...
class  TcpPortProvider