Apache REEF  0.16.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Attributes Namespace Reference


class  ClientSideAttribute
 Attribute target should be used by REEF Clients. More...
class  DriverSideAttribute
 Attribute target should be used at the Job Driver. More...
class  EvaluatorSideAttribute
 Attribute target should be used by Evaluators. More...
class  InteropAttribute
 Attribute target is used at the Interop layer. More...
class  NotThreadSafeAttribute
 Indicates that the attribute target is not thread safe. More...
class  PrivateAttribute
 Attribute target should not be used by users, and may change at any time without a deprecation phase. More...
class  TaskSideAttribute
 Attribute target should be used by Tasks. More...
class  TemporaryFixAttribute
 Attribute target is a temporary fix and will be refactored suitably without a deprecation phase. More...
class  TestingAttribute
 Attribute target should only be used in tests. More...
class  ThreadSafeAttribute
 Indicates that the attribute target is thread safe. More...
class  UnstableAttribute
 Signals that the API is NOT stabilized. More...