Apache REEF  0.16.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Namespaces | Classes
Org.Apache.REEF.Client.Yarn Namespace Reference


namespace  RestClient


interface  IJobResourceUploader
interface  IJobSubmissionDirectoryProvider
 Provides path to job submission directory. More...
interface  IYarnCommandLineEnvironment
 Helper methods to interact with the YARN command line.
class  JobResource
class  JobSubmissionDirectoryProvider
 Provides path to job submission directory. More...
class  LegacyJobResourceUploader
 Uploads assembled driver folder to DFS as an archive file.
class  YARNClientConfiguration
 The Configuration for the YARN Client More...
class  YarnCommandLineEnvironment
 Helper class to interact with the YARN command line.
class  YarnREEFClient