Apache REEF  0.16.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
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Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration Class Reference

Public Member Functions

IEnumerable< Uri > GetYarnRMWebappEndpoints ()
 Gets the YARN RM web application endpoints. More...
bool GetBool (string propertyName, bool defaultValue=false)
 Gets the bool value of an XML node under /configuration/property with name propertyName in the YARN configuration file. More...
string GetString (string propertyName, string defaultValue=null)
 Gets the text value of an XML node under /configuration/property with name propertyName in the YARN configuration file. More...
string [] GetStrings (string propertyName, string[] defaultValues=null)
 Gets the comma delimited text values of an XML node under /configuration/property with name propertyName in the YARN configuration file. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static YarnConfiguration GetConfiguration (string hadoopConfDir=null, string yarnConfigFileName=null, bool? useHttps=null)
 Returns a configuration representing the YARN configuration on the cluster. More...

Static Public Attributes

static readonly string HadoopConfDirEnvVariable = "HADOOP_CONF_DIR"
 The Hadoop configuration directory environment variable. More...
static readonly string YarnConfigFileName = "yarn-site.xml"
 The YARN configuration XML file name. More...
static readonly string RMWebappHttpsAddress = "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.https.address"
 The RM Web application address configuration property. More...
static readonly string RMWebappAddress = "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address"
 The RM Web application address configuration property. More...
static readonly string YARNHttpPolicyKey = "yarn.http.policy"
static readonly string RMHaEnabled = "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled"

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetBool()

bool Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.GetBool ( string  propertyName,
bool  defaultValue = false 

Gets the bool value of an XML node under /configuration/property with name propertyName in the YARN configuration file.

If does not exist or is not boolean, returns defaultValue.

◆ GetConfiguration()

static YarnConfiguration Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.GetConfiguration ( string  hadoopConfDir = null,
string  yarnConfigFileName = null,
bool?  useHttps = null 

Returns a configuration representing the YARN configuration on the cluster.

hadoopConfDirThe hadoop configuration directory, defaults to use the environment variable HadoopConfDirEnvVariable.
yarnConfigFileNameThe YARN configuration file name, defaults to YarnConfigFileName
useHttpsWhether or not to use HTTPS, defaults to read from YARN configuration.

◆ GetString()

string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.GetString ( string  propertyName,
string  defaultValue = null 

Gets the text value of an XML node under /configuration/property with name propertyName in the YARN configuration file.

◆ GetStrings()

string [] Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.GetStrings ( string  propertyName,
string []  defaultValues = null 

Gets the comma delimited text values of an XML node under /configuration/property with name propertyName in the YARN configuration file.

◆ GetYarnRMWebappEndpoints()

IEnumerable<Uri> Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.GetYarnRMWebappEndpoints ( )

Gets the YARN RM web application endpoints.

Member Data Documentation

◆ HadoopConfDirEnvVariable

readonly string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.HadoopConfDirEnvVariable = "HADOOP_CONF_DIR"

The Hadoop configuration directory environment variable.

◆ RMHaEnabled

readonly string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.RMHaEnabled = "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled"

◆ RMWebappAddress

readonly string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.RMWebappAddress = "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address"

The RM Web application address configuration property.

◆ RMWebappHttpsAddress

readonly string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.RMWebappHttpsAddress = "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.https.address"

The RM Web application address configuration property.

◆ YarnConfigFileName

readonly string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.YarnConfigFileName = "yarn-site.xml"

The YARN configuration XML file name.

◆ YARNHttpPolicyKey

readonly string Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Runtime.Yarn.YarnConfiguration.YARNHttpPolicyKey = "yarn.http.policy"

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