Apache REEF  0.16.0
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Org.Apache.REEF.IO.FileSystem.Hadoop.HadoopFileSystemConfiguration Class Reference

Configuration Module for the (command based) Hadoop file system implementation of IFileSystem. More...

Inherits Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Formats.ConfigurationModuleBuilder.

Static Public Attributes

static readonly OptionalParameter< int > CommandRetries = new OptionalParameter<int>()
 The number of times each HDFS command will be retried. More...
static readonly OptionalParameter< int > CommandTimeOut = new OptionalParameter<int>()
 The timeout (in milliseconds) for HDFS commands. More...
static readonly OptionalParameter< string > HadoopHome = new OptionalParameter<string>()
 The folder in which Hadoop is installed. More...
static readonly ConfigurationModule ConfigurationModule
 Set HadoopFileSystemConfigurationProvider to DriverConfigurationProviders. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Formats.ConfigurationModuleBuilder
 ConfigurationModuleBuilder ()
ConfigurationModuleBuilder Merge (ConfigurationModule d)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, string impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, V, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< V > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IParam< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindList< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IList< string > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindList< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< IList< T >> opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindList< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IParam< IList< T >> opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindImplementation< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< T > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindImplementation< T > (GenericType< T > iface, string impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindImplementation< U, T > (GenericType< T > iface, IImpl< U > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > name, string value)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > name, IParam< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, V, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< V > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< T > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, V, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< V > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindConstructor< T, U > (GenericType< T > clazz, GenericType< U > constructor)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindConstructor< T, U > (GenericType< T > cons, IImpl< U > v)
ConfigurationModule Build ()
ConfigurationModuleBuilder DeepCopy ()
string ToString (ISet< FieldInfo > s)
- Public Attributes inherited from Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Formats.ConfigurationModuleBuilder
readonly ICsConfigurationBuilder B = TangFactory.GetTang().NewConfigurationBuilder()
readonly MonotonicHashSet< FieldInfo > ReqDecl = new MonotonicHashSet<FieldInfo>()
readonly MonotonicHashSet< FieldInfo > OptDecl = new MonotonicHashSet<FieldInfo>()
readonly MonotonicHashSet< object > SetOpts = new MonotonicHashSet<object>()
readonly MonotonicHashMap< object, FieldInfo > Map = new MonotonicHashMap<object, FieldInfo>()
readonly MonotonicHashMap< Type, object > FreeImpls = new MonotonicHashMap<Type, object>()
readonly MonotonicHashMap< Type, object > FreeParams = new MonotonicHashMap<Type, object>()

Detailed Description

Configuration Module for the (command based) Hadoop file system implementation of IFileSystem.

This IFileSystem implementation is enormously slow as it spawns a new JVM per API call. Avoid if you have better means of file system access. Also, Stream-based operations are not supported.

Member Data Documentation

◆ CommandRetries

readonly OptionalParameter<int> Org.Apache.REEF.IO.FileSystem.Hadoop.HadoopFileSystemConfiguration.CommandRetries = new OptionalParameter<int>()

The number of times each HDFS command will be retried.

Defaults to 3.

◆ CommandTimeOut

readonly OptionalParameter<int> Org.Apache.REEF.IO.FileSystem.Hadoop.HadoopFileSystemConfiguration.CommandTimeOut = new OptionalParameter<int>()

The timeout (in milliseconds) for HDFS commands.

Defaults to 300000 (5 minutes).

◆ ConfigurationModule

readonly ConfigurationModule Org.Apache.REEF.IO.FileSystem.Hadoop.HadoopFileSystemConfiguration.ConfigurationModule
Initial value:
= new HadoopFileSystemConfiguration()
.BindSetEntry<DriverConfigurationProviders, HadoopFileSystemConfigurationProvider, IConfigurationProvider>(
GenericType<DriverConfigurationProviders>.Class, GenericType<HadoopFileSystemConfigurationProvider>.Class)
.BindImplementation(GenericType<IFileSystem>.Class, GenericType<HadoopFileSystem>.Class)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<NumberOfRetries>.Class, CommandRetries)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<CommandTimeOut>.Class, CommandTimeOut)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<HadoopHome>.Class, HadoopHome)

Set HadoopFileSystemConfigurationProvider to DriverConfigurationProviders.

Set all the parameters needed for injecting HadoopFileSystemConfigurationProvider.

◆ HadoopHome

readonly OptionalParameter<string> Org.Apache.REEF.IO.FileSystem.Hadoop.HadoopFileSystemConfiguration.HadoopHome = new OptionalParameter<string>()

The folder in which Hadoop is installed.

Defaults to HADOOP_HOME%.

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