Apache REEF  0.16.0
Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework
Static Public Attributes | List of all members
Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MutableMetricsLayer.DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration Class Reference

This configuration module defines configuration for DefaultMetricsSourceImpl. More...

Inherits Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Formats.ConfigurationModuleBuilder.

Static Public Attributes

static readonly RequiredParameter< string > TaskOrContextId = new RequiredParameter<string>()
 Id of task or context the source is part of. More...
static readonly RequiredParameter< string > EvaluatorId = new RequiredParameter<string>()
 Id of the evaluator. More...
static readonly RequiredParameter< string > SourceContext = new RequiredParameter<string>()
 Context of the source (for example VM, ML etc.). More...
static readonly RequiredParameter< string > RecordId = new RequiredParameter<string>()
 Id of the records generated by source. More...
static ConfigurationModule ConfigurationModule
 This configuration module set seeIMetricsSource as DefaultMetricsSourceImpl More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Formats.ConfigurationModuleBuilder
 ConfigurationModuleBuilder ()
ConfigurationModuleBuilder Merge (ConfigurationModule d)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, string impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, V, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< V > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindSetEntry< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IParam< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindList< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IList< string > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindList< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< IList< T >> opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindList< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IParam< IList< T >> opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindImplementation< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< T > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindImplementation< T > (GenericType< T > iface, string impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindImplementation< U, T > (GenericType< T > iface, IImpl< U > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > name, string value)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > name, IParam< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, V, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< V > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, GenericType< T > impl)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, V, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< V > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindNamedParameter< U, T > (GenericType< U > iface, IImpl< T > opt)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindConstructor< T, U > (GenericType< T > clazz, GenericType< U > constructor)
ConfigurationModuleBuilder BindConstructor< T, U > (GenericType< T > cons, IImpl< U > v)
ConfigurationModule Build ()
ConfigurationModuleBuilder DeepCopy ()
string ToString (ISet< FieldInfo > s)
- Public Attributes inherited from Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Formats.ConfigurationModuleBuilder
readonly ICsConfigurationBuilder B = TangFactory.GetTang().NewConfigurationBuilder()
readonly MonotonicHashSet< FieldInfo > ReqDecl = new MonotonicHashSet<FieldInfo>()
readonly MonotonicHashSet< FieldInfo > OptDecl = new MonotonicHashSet<FieldInfo>()
readonly MonotonicHashSet< object > SetOpts = new MonotonicHashSet<object>()
readonly MonotonicHashMap< object, FieldInfo > Map = new MonotonicHashMap<object, FieldInfo>()
readonly MonotonicHashMap< Type, object > FreeImpls = new MonotonicHashMap<Type, object>()
readonly MonotonicHashMap< Type, object > FreeParams = new MonotonicHashMap<Type, object>()

Detailed Description

This configuration module defines configuration for DefaultMetricsSourceImpl.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ConfigurationModule

ConfigurationModule Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MutableMetricsLayer.DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration.ConfigurationModule
Initial value:
= new DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration()
.BindImplementation(GenericType<IMetricsSource>.Class, GenericType<DefaultMetricsSourceImpl>.Class)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<DefaultMetricsSourceParameters.ContextOrTaskName>.Class, TaskOrContextId)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<DefaultMetricsSourceParameters.EvaluatorId>.Class, EvaluatorId)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<DefaultMetricsSourceParameters.SourceContext>.Class, SourceContext)
.BindNamedParameter(GenericType<DefaultMetricsSourceParameters.RecordName>.Class, RecordId)

This configuration module set seeIMetricsSource as DefaultMetricsSourceImpl

◆ EvaluatorId

readonly RequiredParameter<string> Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MutableMetricsLayer.DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration.EvaluatorId = new RequiredParameter<string>()

Id of the evaluator.

◆ RecordId

readonly RequiredParameter<string> Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MutableMetricsLayer.DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration.RecordId = new RequiredParameter<string>()

Id of the records generated by source.

◆ SourceContext

readonly RequiredParameter<string> Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MutableMetricsLayer.DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration.SourceContext = new RequiredParameter<string>()

Context of the source (for example VM, ML etc.).

◆ TaskOrContextId

readonly RequiredParameter<string> Org.Apache.REEF.Common.Metrics.MutableMetricsLayer.DefaultMetricsSourceConfiguration.TaskOrContextId = new RequiredParameter<string>()

Id of task or context the source is part of.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: