The following is a list of dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
Artifact ID | Type | Version | URL |
activation | jar | 1.0.2 | |
ant | jar | 1.6.5 | |
aopalliance | jar | 1.0 | |
asm | jar | 2.2 | |
asm-attrs | jar | 2.2 | |
backport-util-concurrent | jar | 3.1 | |
castor | jar | 1.1.1-xml | |
cglib-nodep | jar | 2.1_3 | |
commonj-twm | jar | 1.1 | |
commons-beanutils | jar | 1.7.0 | |
commons-betwixt | jar | 20061115 | |
commons-codec | jar | 1.3 | |
commons-collections | jar | 3.2 | |
commons-configuration | jar | 1.1 | |
commons-dbcp | jar | 1.2.2 | |
commons-digester | jar | 1.8 | |
commons-fileupload | jar | 1.2 | |
commons-httpclient | jar | 3.0.1 | |
commons-io | jar | 0.1 | |
commons-jexl | jar | 1.1 | |
commons-lang | jar | 2.1 | |
commons-logging | jar | 1.1 | |
commons-pool | jar | 1.3 | |
ddlutils | jar | 1.0-RC1-PATCHED | |
apacheds-main | jar | 0.9.3 | |
ehcache | jar | 1.5.0 | |
javamail | jar | 1.3.3 | |
javolution | jar | 4.0.2 | |
jaxen | jar | 1.0-FCS-full | |
jdbc-se | jar | ||
jdom | jar | 1.0 | |
jmock | jar | 1.2.0 | |
jmock-cglib | jar | 1.1.0 | |
jsr107cache | jar | 1.0 | |
jstl | jar | 1.1.2 | |
jta | jar | ||
junit | jar | 3.8.1 | |
log4j | jar | 1.2.14 | |
lucene-core | jar | 2.0.0 | |
mockrunner | jar | 0.3.8 | |
nekohtml | jar | 0.9.5 | |
db-ojb | jar | 1.0.3 | |
derby | jar | | |
pluto | jar | 1.0.1 | |
portals-bridges-common | jar | 1.0.4 | |
portals-bridges-velocity | jar | 1.0.4 | |
ant-tasks | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-api | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-capability | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-cm | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-commons | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-components | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-deploy-tools | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-file-cache | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-header-resource | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-id-generator | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-locator | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-page-manager | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-portal | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-portal-site | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-portlet-factory | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-prefs | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-profiler | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-rdbms | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-registry | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-search | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-security | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-serializer | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-sso | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-statistics | jar | 2.1.3 | |
jetspeed-webapp-logging | jar | 2.1.3 | |
spring | jar | 2.0.5 | |
spring-ojb | jar | 2.0-rc2 | |
oro | jar | 2.0.8 | |
portlet-api | jar | 1.0 | |
saxpath | jar | 1.0-FCS | |
servletapi | jar | 2.3 | |
random | jar | 1.0.2 | |
request | jar | 1.0.1 | |
standard | jar | 1.1.2 | |
maven-torque-plugin | plugin | 3.2-rc2-dev | |
tyrex | jar | 1.0.1 | |
velocity-tools | jar | 1.3 | |
velocity | jar | 1.5 | |
xalan | jar | 2.4.1 | |
xerces | jar | 2.3.0 | |
xml-apis | jar | 2.0.2 |