
CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.1.


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  public ChildPropertyTreeModel()
    Node root = new Node(null);

   * Gets the rowKey of the current row.
  public Object getRowKey()
    final int sz = _path.size() - 1;
    Object lastRowkey = _getRowKey();
    if ((sz == 0) && (lastRowkey == null))
      return null;  // root collection
    // have to clone the path here. otherwise, we have to say that
    // this tree model cannot be mutated while accessing the path
    // returned by this method.
    List<Object> path = new ArrayList<Object>(sz+1);
    if (sz > 0)
      for(int i=0; i<sz; i++)
        Node node = _getNode(i);
    return path;

   * Selects a new current row. The row that matches the given rowKey
   * is made current.
   * @param rowKey use null to access the root collection 
  public void setRowKey(Object rowKey)
    Node root = _getNode(0);
    List<Object> path = (List<Object>) rowKey;
    if ((path == null) || (path.size() == 0))
    int lastIndex = path.size() - 1;
    for(int i=0; i<lastIndex; i++)
      Object pathKey = path.get(i);

  public Object getContainerRowKey(Object childKey)
    List<Object> path = (List<Object>) childKey;
    if ((path == null) || (path.size() <= 1))
      return null;

    // wrap sublist in a Serializable copy, since sublist usually returns non-Serializable
    // instances
    return CollectionUtils.newSerializableList(path.subList(0, path.size() - 1));

  public int getRowCount()
    return _getModel().getRowCount();

  public Object getRowData()
    return _getModel().getRowData();

  public boolean isRowAvailable()
    return _getModel().isRowAvailable();

  public boolean isContainer()
    Object rowData = getRowData();
    Object value = getChildData(rowData);
    if (value != null)
      if (value instanceof Collection<?>)
        return !((Collection<?>)value).isEmpty();
      else if (value.getClass().isArray())
        return Array.getLength(value) > 0;
      else if (value instanceof DataModel)
        return ((DataModel)value).getRowCount() > 0;
    return value != null;

  public void enterContainer()
    Object rowData = getRowData();
    if (rowData == null)
      throw new IllegalStateException(_LOG.getMessage(
    Node node = new Node(rowData);

  public void exitContainer()
    int sz = _path.size();
    if (sz > 1)
      _path.remove(sz - 1);
      throw new IllegalStateException(_LOG.getMessage(
   * Gets the instance being wrapped by this TreeModel.
  public Object getWrappedData()
    return _wrappedData;

   * Sets the instance being wrapped by this TreeModel.
   * Calling this method sets the path to empty.
  public void setWrappedData(Object data)
    Node root = _getNode(0);
    root.childModel = ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(data);
    _wrappedData = data;

   * Gets the property name used to fetch the children.
  public final String getChildProperty()
    return _childProperty;

   * Sets the property name used to fetch the children.
  public final void setChildProperty(String childProperty)
    _childProperty = childProperty;

  public int getRowIndex()
    return _getModel().getRowIndex();

  public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex)

  public boolean isSortable(String property)
    return _getModel().isSortable(property);

  public List<SortCriterion> getSortCriteria()
    return _getModel().getSortCriteria();

  public void setSortCriteria(List<SortCriterion> criteria)

   * Gets the child data for a node. This child data will be
   * converted into a CollectionModel by calling
   * {@link #createChildModel}.
   * @param parentData the node to get the child data from
   * @return the List or array that is the child data.
   * must return null for a leaf node.
  protected Object getChildData(Object parentData)
    String prop = getChildProperty();
    if (prop == null)
      return null;
    return SortableModel.__resolveProperty(parentData, prop);

   * Converts childData into a CollectionModel.
   * This method calls {@link ModelUtils#toCollectionModel}
   * @param childData the data to convert. This can be a List or array.
  protected CollectionModel createChildModel(Object childData)
    CollectionModel model = ModelUtils.toCollectionModel(childData);
    return model;

  private Object _getRowKey()
    return _getModel().getRowKey();

  private void _setRowKey(Object key)
  private Node _getCurrentNode()
    return _getNode(_path.size() - 1);

  private Node _getNode(int index)
    return _path.get(index);    

  private CollectionModel _getModel()
    Node node = _getCurrentNode();
    CollectionModel model = node.childModel;
    if (model == null)
      Object value = getChildData(node.parentData);
      model = createChildModel(value);
      node.childModel = model;
    return model;

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Long.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value exceeds the maximum value set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> value.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value is less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);
  public void validate(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value
    ) throws ValidatorException
    if ((context == null) || (component == null))
      throw new NullPointerException();

    if (value == null)


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      return Long.parseLong(value.toString());

  private FacesMessage _getNotInRangeMessage(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      Object value,
      Object min,
      Object max)
      Object msg   = _getRawNotInRangeMessageDetail();
      Object label = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);

      Object[] params = {label, value, min, max};

      return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID,
                                        msg, params, component);

    private Object _getRawNotInRangeMessageDetail()
      return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);

    private FacesMessage _getMaximumMessage(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      Object value,
      Object max)

      Object msg   = _getRawMaximumMessageDetail();
      Object label = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);

      Object[] params = {label, value, max};

      return MessageFactory.getMessage(context,

    private Object _getRawMaximumMessageDetail()
      return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);

    private FacesMessage _getMinimumMessage(
      FacesContext context,
      UIComponent component,
      Object value,
      Object min)
      Object msg      = _getRawMinimumMessageDetail();
      Object label    = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);

      Object[] params = {label, value, min};

      return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID,
                                       msg, params, component);

    private Object _getRawMinimumMessageDetail()
      return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);

  private static final FacesBean.Type _TYPE = new FacesBean.Type();

  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("minimum", Long.class,

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Double.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value exceeds the maximum value set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> value.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value is less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input value is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input value exceeds the <code>maximum</code> value and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> value set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

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  public Object put(
    PropertyKey key,
    Object      value)
    Object retValue = super.put(key, value);
    if (_createDeltas())
      if (!_equals(value, retValue))
        _deltas.put(key, value);

    return retValue;

  public Object remove(
    Object key)
    if (_createDeltas())
      if (!super.containsKey(key))
        return null;
      // If this key is contained, it certainly must be a PropertyKey!
      assert(key instanceof PropertyKey);
      _deltas.put((PropertyKey) key, null);

    return super.remove(key);

  public void putAll(Map<? extends PropertyKey, ? extends Object> t)
    if (_createDeltas())


  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    if (_initialStateMarked)
      if (_deltas == null)
        return null;

      return StateUtils.saveState(_deltas, context, getUseStateHolder());
      return StateUtils.saveState(this, context, getUseStateHolder());

  public void restoreState(
    FacesContext context,
    FacesBean.Type type,
    Object state)
    StateUtils.restoreState(this, context, type, state, getUseStateHolder());

  protected PropertyMap createDeltaPropertyMap()

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              _getMinimumMessage(context, component, value, IntegerUtils.getString(min)));
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
      FacesMessage msg = _getNotCorrectType(context);
      throw new ValidatorException(msg);

  //  StateHolder Methods
  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    return _facesBean.saveState(context);

  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);
  public boolean isTransient()
    return (_transientValue);

  public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
    _transientValue = transientValue;

  protected boolean isMaximumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_KEY) != null;

  protected boolean isMinimumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY) != null;

  private FacesMessage _getNotCorrectType(
    FacesContext context)
    return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, CONVERT_MESSAGE_ID);
   * Try to call longValue() from java.lang.Number. Since not all
   * "number" implement java.lang.Number, we try to call string
   * and parse the String representation of the "number". If that fails
   * we aren't working with a number so we throw a NumberFormatException  
   * @param value the number value
   * @return parsed number value
   * @throws NumberFormatException if the value is not a number
  private long _convertValueToLong(Object value) throws NumberFormatException

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  //  StateHolder Methods
  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    return _facesBean.saveState(context);

  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);
  public boolean isTransient()
    return (_transientValue);

  public void setTransient(boolean transientValue)
    _transientValue = transientValue;

  protected boolean isMaximumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_KEY) != null;

  protected boolean isMinimumSet()
    return _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY) != null;

  private FacesMessage _getNotInRangeMessage(

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    return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_EXACT_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
  private FacesMessage _getMaximumMessage(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value,
    Object max)
    Object msg   = _getRawMaximumMessageDetail();
    Object label = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);
    Object[] params = {label, value, max};
    return MessageFactory.getMessage(context,
  private Object _getRawMaximumMessageDetail()
    return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
  private FacesMessage _getMinimumMessage(
    FacesContext context,
    UIComponent component,
    Object value,
    Object min)
    Object msg      = _getRawMinimumMessageDetail();
    Object label    = ValidatorUtils.getComponentLabel(component);
    Object[] params = {label, value, min};
    return MessageFactory.getMessage(context, MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID,
                                     msg, params, component);
  private Object _getRawMinimumMessageDetail()
    return _facesBean.getRawProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
  private static final FacesBean.Type _TYPE = new FacesBean.Type();
  // Default is zero, not MIN_VALUE
  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_KEY =

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  static FacesBean getFacesBean(final FacesBean.Type type)
    FacesBeanImpl bean = new FacesBeanImpl()
                             public FacesBean.Type getType()
                               return type;
    return bean;
  static void setValueExpression(FacesBean bean, String name, ValueExpression expression)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    bean.setValueExpression(key, expression);
  static ValueExpression getValueExpression(FacesBean bean, String name)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    return bean.getValueExpression(key);

  static void setValueBinding(FacesBean bean, String name, ValueBinding binding)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    bean.setValueBinding(key, binding);
  static ValueBinding getValueBinding(FacesBean bean, String name)
    PropertyKey key = _getPropertyKey(bean, name, true);
    return bean.getValueBinding(key);

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    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(5);

    int     length = stringValue.length();
    boolean inSpace = true;
    int     start = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
      char ch = stringValue.charAt(i);

      // We're in whitespace;  if we've just departed
      // a run of non-whitespace, append a string.
      // Now, why do we use the supposedly deprecated "Character.isSpace()"
      // function instead of "isWhitespace"?  We're following XML rules
      // here for the meaning of whitespace, which specifically
      // EXCLUDES general Unicode spaces.
      if (Character.isWhitespace(ch))
        if (!inSpace)
          list.add(stringValue.substring(start, i));
          inSpace = true;
      // We're out of whitespace;  if we've just departed
      // a run of whitespace, start keeping track of this string
        if (inSpace)
          start = i;
          inSpace = false;

    if (!inSpace)

    if (list.isEmpty())
      return null;

    return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

  private static final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(UIXComponentTag.class);

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Integer.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length exceeds the maximum length set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> length.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length is less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, 
   * for cases where the maximum and minimum lengths are the same, and
   * the input length does not match.
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #EXACT_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param exactMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailExact(String exactMessageDetail)

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  public Object saveState(FacesContext context)
    return _facesBean.saveState(context);

  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Compares this PatternValidator with the specified Object for
   * equality.</p>
   * @param object  Object to which this PatternValidator is to be compared.
   * @return true if and only if the specified Object is a PatternValidator
   * and if the values pattern and transient are equal.
  public boolean equals(Object object)

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    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(msg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint exact message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintExact Custom hint message.
  public void setHintExact(String hintExact)

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    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_KEY, Integer.valueOf(minimum));

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length exceeds the maximum length set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param maximumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMaximum(String maximumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, maximumMessageDetail);

   *  <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   *  for cases where input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMaximum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMaximum()
    Object maxMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(maxMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is less the set
   * <code>minimum</code> length.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #MINIMUM_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param minimumMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailMinimum(String minimumMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, minimumMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length is less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailMinimum(String)
  public String getMessageDetailMinimum()
    Object minMsgDet = _facesBean.getProperty(_MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(minMsgDet);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, when input length is not with in the range,
   * when <code>minimum</code> and <code>maximum</code> is set.</p>
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param notInRangeMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailNotInRange(String notInRangeMessageDetail)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY, notInRangeMessageDetail);

   * <p>Return custom detail error message that was set for creating {@link FacesMessage},
   * for cases where, input length exceeds the <code>maximum</code> length and is
   * less than the <code>minimum</code> length set.</p>
   * @return Custom error message.
   * @see #setMessageDetailNotInRange(String)
  public String getMessageDetailNotInRange()
    Object notInRngMsg = _facesBean.getProperty(_NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(notInRngMsg);

   * <p>Custom error message to be used, for creating detail part of the
   * {@link FacesMessage}, 
   * for cases where the maximum and minimum lengths are the same, and
   * the input length does not match.
   * Overrides detail message identified by message id {@link #EXACT_MESSAGE_ID}
   * @param exactMessageDetail Custom error message.
  public void setMessageDetailExact(String exactMessageDetail)

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    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(msg);

   * <p>Custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMaximum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMaximum(String hintMaximum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY, hintMaximum);

   * <p>Return custom hint maximum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMaximum(String)
  public String getHintMaximum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintMinimum Custom hint message.
  public void setHintMinimum(String hintMinimum)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY, hintMinimum);

   * <p>Return custom hint minimum message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintMinimum(String)
  public String getHintMinimum()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_MINIMUM_KEY);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

   * <p>Custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * Overrides default hint message
   * @param hintNotInRange Custom hint message.
  public void setHintNotInRange(String hintNotInRange)
    _facesBean.setProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE, hintNotInRange);

   * <p>Return custom hint notInRange message.</p>
   * @return Custom hint message.
   * @see  #setHintNotInRange
  public String getHintNotInRange()
    Object obj = _facesBean.getProperty(_HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE);
    return ComponentUtils.resolveString(obj);

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    PropertyHashMap map = new PropertyHashMap(2);
    return map;

  public boolean getUseStateHolder()
    return _useStateHolder;

  public void setUseStateHolder(boolean useStateHolder)
    _useStateHolder = useStateHolder;

  // =-=AEW CLEAR?

  public void markInitialState()
    _initialStateMarked = true;

  private boolean _createDeltas()
    if (_initialStateMarked)
      if (_deltas == null)
        _deltas = createDeltaPropertyMap();

      return true;
    return false;

  static private boolean _equals(Object a, Object b)
    if (a == b)
      return true;

    if (a == null)
      return false;

    return a.equals(b);

  private transient boolean _initialStateMarked;
  private transient PropertyMap _deltas;
  private boolean      _useStateHolder;

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  private static final PropertyKey _MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailNotInRange", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MINIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintNotInRange", String.class);

  private FacesBean _facesBean = ValidatorUtils.getFacesBean(_TYPE);

  private boolean _transientValue = false;

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    return ( o1 == o2 || (o1 != null && o1.equals(o2)));
  private static PropertyKey _getPropertyKey(
    FacesBean bean, 
    String name,  
    boolean isStrict)
    _assertNotNull(name, "attribute cannot be null");
    FacesBean.Type type = bean.getType();
    PropertyKey key = type.findKey(name);
    if (isStrict && key == null)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(_LOG.getMessage(
       "INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME", name));
    return key;

  private static void _assertNotNull(Object object, String message)
    if (object == null)
       if (message == null)
         throw new NullPointerException();
         throw new NullPointerException(message);
  private static final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(

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  private static final PropertyKey _MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _MINIMUM_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey _NOT_IN_RANGE_MESSAGE_DETAIL_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("messageDetailNotInRange", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MAXIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMaximum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_MINIMUM_KEY =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintMinimum", String.class);

  private static final PropertyKey  _HINT_NOT_IN_RANGE =
    _TYPE.registerKey("hintNotInRange", String.class);

  private FacesBean _facesBean = ValidatorUtils.getFacesBean(_TYPE);

  private boolean _transientValue = false;

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  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);
  public boolean isTransient()

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   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ValidatorUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this validator
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ValidatorUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Compares this PatternValidator with the specified Object for
   * equality.</p>
   * @param object  Object to which this PatternValidator is to be compared.
   * @return true if and only if the specified Object is a PatternValidator
   * and if the values pattern and transient are equal.
  public boolean equals(Object object)
    if (this == object)
      return true;

    if ( object instanceof RegExpValidator )

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  public void restoreState(FacesContext context, Object state)
    _facesBean.restoreState(context, state);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueExpression}
   * @param expression The {@link ValueExpression} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
  public void setValueExpression(String name, ValueExpression expression)
    ConverterUtils.setValueExpression(_facesBean, name, expression) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueExpression} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueExpression}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
  public ValueExpression getValueExpression(String name)
    return ConverterUtils.getValueExpression(_facesBean, name);

   * <p>Set the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute for which to set a {@link ValueBinding}
   * @param binding The {@link ValueBinding} to set, or <code>null</code>
   *  to remove any currently set {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   *            attribute of this converter
   * @deprecated
  public void setValueBinding(String name, ValueBinding binding)
    ConverterUtils.setValueBinding(_facesBean, name, binding) ;

   * <p>Return the {@link ValueBinding} used to calculate the value for the
   * specified attribute name, if any.</p>
   * @param name Name of the attribute or property for which to retrieve a
   *  {@link ValueBinding}
   * @exception NullPointerException if <code>name</code>
   *  is <code>null</code>
   * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>name</code> is not a valid
   * attribute of this converter
   * @deprecated
  public ValueBinding getValueBinding(String name)
    return ConverterUtils.getValueBinding(_facesBean, name);