Hupa is an Rich IMAP-based Webmail application written in GWT (Google Web Toolkit).
Hupa has been entirely written in java to be coherent with the language used in the James project. And It has been a reference of a devloping using GWT good practices (MVP pattern and Unit testing)
Hupa is a functional and well designed email client, ready for reading, sending and managing messages, but it still lacks of many features email clients nowadays have.
Last release is Hupa 0.0.2:
binary : ready to run or to deploy in any servlet container.
sources .
Current trunk:
from our continuous integration server.
There are two instances of Hupa running in the ASF infra. One is configured to use GMail IMAP and SMTP servers, so any gmail account should work. The other one uses a set of messages used to test Hupa with fake imap and smtp servers implementations.
We have got a GSOC student who will work with Hupa this Summer making it better !.
Removed snapshot dependencies, updated to last GWT release, delivered with a integrated servlet-container (Jetty)
We are looking for students wanted to collaborate with the Hupa evolution
Manolo gave a talk in the Sevilla Apache BarCamp about Hupa architecture and roadmap.