Uses of Class

Packages that use Priority
org.apache.log Avalon LogKit is the logging framework used throughout the Avalon project. 
org.apache.log.format This package contains formmaters that serialize LogEvents to strings. 
org.apache.log.output This package contains some useful output destination LogTargets. 
org.apache.log.output.lf5 LogFactor5 (Swing GUI) based LogTarget. 
org.apache.log.util Utilities suppporting the logging framework. 

Uses of Priority in org.apache.log

Fields in org.apache.log declared as Priority
static Priority Priority.DEBUG
          Developer orientated messages, usually used during development of product.
static Priority Priority.INFO
          Useful information messages such as state changes, client connection, user login etc.
static Priority Priority.WARN
          A problem or conflict has occurred but it may be recoverable, then again it could be the start of the system failing.
static Priority Priority.ERROR
          A problem has occurred but it is not fatal.
static Priority Priority.FATAL_ERROR
          Something caused whole system to fail.
static Priority Priority.NONE
          Do not log anything.

Methods in org.apache.log that return Priority
static Priority Priority.getPriorityForName(java.lang.String priority)
          Retrieve a Priority object for the name parameter.
 Priority LogEvent.getPriority()
          Get Priority for LogEvent.

Methods in org.apache.log with parameters of type Priority
 boolean Priority.isGreater(Priority other)
          Test whether this priority is greater than other priority.
 boolean Priority.isLower(Priority other)
          Test whether this priority is lower than other priority.
 boolean Priority.isLowerOrEqual(Priority other)
          Test whether this priority is lower or equal to other priority.
 boolean Logger.isPriorityEnabled(Priority priority)
          Determine if messages of priority �will be logged.
 void Logger.log(Priority priority, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Log a event at specific priority with a certain message and throwable.
 void Logger.log(Priority priority, java.lang.String message)
          Log a event at specific priority with a certain message.
 void Logger.setPriority(Priority priority)
          Set the priority for this logger.
 void LogEvent.setPriority(Priority priority)
          Set the priority of LogEvent.
 void Hierarchy.setDefaultPriority(Priority priority)
          Set the default priority for hierarchy.

Uses of Priority in org.apache.log.format

Methods in org.apache.log.format with parameters of type Priority
protected  java.lang.String PatternFormatter.getPriority(Priority priority, java.lang.String format)
          Get formatted priority string.

Uses of Priority in org.apache.log.output

Constructors in org.apache.log.output with parameters of type Priority
MemoryTarget(LogTarget target, int size, Priority threshold)
          Creation of a new instance of the memory target.
PriorityFilteringTarget(Priority priority, boolean closeWrappedTarget)
PriorityFilteringTarget(Priority priority)

Uses of Priority in org.apache.log.output.lf5

Methods in org.apache.log.output.lf5 with parameters of type Priority
 org.apache.log4j.lf5.LogLevel LogKitLogRecord.toLogLevel(Priority priority)
          Convert a LogKit Priority to a LogFactor LogLevel.

Uses of Priority in org.apache.log.util

Constructors in org.apache.log.util with parameters of type Priority
LoggerOutputStream(Logger logger, Priority priority)
          Construct OutputStreamLogger to write to a particular logger at a particular priority.

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