Apache Wookie - WAR distribution instructions
This folder should contain...
WAR_BUILD_NOTES (this file!)
This build is meant to get a user started with the process of deploying
Wookie under an existing application container and as such Wookie is made available in
WAR format. This particular download is oriented towards deploying Wookie under a Tomcat
instance running with Mysql. Deploying against other containers and database environments
should be also possible by following the instructions below.
Generic instructions for deployment
In order to deploy Wookie onto your application server, you must...
(1) Install a suitable database driver for Wookie on your server (if you haven't already)
(2) Create a user with the group/rolename as "widgetadmin" on your server installation
- and give this user the credentials username=java password=java
(3) Create a database called 'widgetdb' in your database
(4) Create a user 'java' in your database and give this user suitable
permissions on the above database
(5) Run one of the sql scripts found under the scripts folder to create the Wookie database structure
(6) Create/configure a context.xml file under your server for Wookie
(7) Copy the wookie.war to your webapps or deploy directory
(8) Start your server
(9) Open your browser and goto 'http://YOURSERVERADDRESS:8080/wookie' (i.e. http://localhost:8080/wookie)
The following text describes this process specifically for Tomcat and Mysql...
Running Wookie with Tomcat and MySQL manual configuration
(1) Obtain a JDBC driver jar file for the database.
(for example the mysql driver can be downloaded from
The downloaded zip file should contain a jar file, something similar to
(2) Place the mysql-connector-java-5.1.*-bin.jar file into tomcats lib folder
so it is founnd on the classpath at runtime
(for example in tomcat 5.5.* place this file into /tomcat-root/common/lib)
(for example in tomcat 6.0.* place this file into /tomcat-root/lib)
(3) You will need to create a user with the role "widgetadmin" in your tomcat installation.
For example, add the following line to the file /tomcat-root/conf/tomcat-users.xml:
In this example, we are assuming the password 'java', but we encourage
you to choose a more secure password. The password you choose here will
need to be the same as in step (5) and (6).
(4) Create a database in mysql called 'widgetdb'.
(5) Create a user in mysql 'java' and give them suitable permisions
on the widgetdb. Give this user the same password as you have chosen
in step (3).
mysql> CREATE USER 'java'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'java';
mysql> GRANT ALL ON widgetdb.* TO 'java'@'localhost';
(6) Copy the file wookie.xml to your tomcat-root/conf/catalina/servername folder
(for example in tomcat 5.5.* & 6.0.* place this file into /tomcat-root/conf/Catalina/localhost)
NOTE: If you have set up a password for the db user 'java' which is not
'java' in step (3) you will have to edit this file to update to the correct
(7) Locate the 'mysql-wookie-schema.sql' file found under 'scripts' and run this to populate the
'widgetdb' database you created
- NOTE: the first time you run this script, you may have to remove the drop foreign key statements
found at the top of the script
shell> mysql widgetdb < mysql5-wookie-schema.sql -p
i.e. the statements that look similar to these..
ALTER TABLE tablename
... as the first time they won't exist.
(8) Copy the 'wookie.war' file to your deployment folder '/tomcat-root/webapps'
(9) Start your server
(10) Open your browser and goto 'http://YOURSERVERADDRESS:8080/wookie' (i.e. http://localhost:8080/wookie)
Running Wookie with Websphere Application Server 7
WAS 7 comes pre-installed with a number of important dependencies used by Wookie, so in order to get
Wookie working correctly you need to change the class loader of the Wookie WAR to PARENT_LAST and remove
the following jars from WEB-INF/lib:
- openjpa-all
- xml-apis
You may also need to comment out the following line from persistence.properties:
This file can be found in WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/wookie/beans/jpa
Depending on the database used, there may also be issues with case-sensitivity of table names; see issue
WOOKIE-419 for more information.
If you have any problems issues deploying Wookie on Websphere, there is a ticket on our tracker for
any related issues: