How do I get a copy of IBM JAX-RS?

You should visit our Project's Files section for distributed versions of the IBM JAX-RS project.

How do I use the project?

Visit our application developer's guide to get started.

I found a bug. How do I get it fixed?

Please sign into the community source site and then submit a bug to the project tracker. You can also submit feature requests. If you can share a code sample, describe your runtime environment, and/or explain what you wanted to achieve, that would be very helpful.

What's next?

You can check out the rest of the project web site, read the documentation, and open feature requests or bug reports.

If you have a question on how you would like to use this project, a use case, or any other feedback, please post to the forums. We appreciate hearing from you!


Portions of this project, both documentation and source code, have been taken from the Apache CXF project.