Build Guide


This guides you through the process of building Axis-MORA. It starts off with the process of building axismora with just the bare required jars. It will also have a recommended version of the component to use.

Recommended Environment

Building with following required component

  1. Download the axis-Mora project from the cvs.
    we call the root directory MORA_HOME
  2. Download the following jars.

    Download axis1.1 distribution from the and copy the

    from the lib folder to the MORA_HOME/lib
  3. Download the activation.jar.
    You can download this from
  4. Download xercesImpl.jar , xmlApis.jar and xmlParserAPIs.jar
    You can download this from
  5. you will need to add junit.jar to your lib directory.
    You can download this from Recommended version: 3.8 +.
  6. Download the xpp3-
    You can download this from
  7. Download the servlet.jar.
    You can download this from Or you can get this jar from \common \lib\servlet.jar Recommended version: 2.2 or 2.

Keep all these jars in the /lib/. Then you can start your Building journey on the axis-MORA.


you must run the ant tasks while you are at the MORA_HOME.

Congratulation now you have axismora up and running. Please note that if you need to deploy your own service in axismora you should generates a wrapper for this service. To do this we have tool called WSDL2Ws with axismora. It accept wsdl file to generate the wrapper.(tool to do it with a java class will be comeing shortly.) To learn how to use it please have a look at the example3 at user guide.

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