Apache VXQuery -------------- Requirements: 1. JDK >= 1.6 2. Apache Maven >= 2.0 Running: There are two ways to run VXQuery: Note: shell scripts exist for running VXQuery for Un*x like systems. TODO: Add Windows batch files 1. Command line client (vxq) Type "sh apache_vxquery_incubating/vxquery/vxquery-cli/target/appassembler/bin/vxq" without any arguments for help on executing the command line client. 2. XQTS test driver (xtest) The xtest test driver can be used to execute XQuery tests from the XQTS suite. The XQTS testsuite can be retrieved from http://dev.w3.org/2006/xquery-test-suite/PublicPagesStagingArea/XQTS_1_0_3.zip. Type "sh apache_vxquery_incubating/vxquery/vxquery-xtest/target/appassembler/bin/xtest" without any arguments for help on executing xtest. Typically the test suite will need extra memory to run and output can be stored in html for easy viewing. Sample Test Command: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m" sh apache_vxquery_incubating/vxquery/vxquery-xtest/target/appassembler/bin/xtest \ -xqtsbase \ -htmlreport