All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AbstractFilter Base abstract Filter simplifying Filter initialization andaccess
to init parameters.AbstractShiroFilter Abstract base class that provides all standard Shiro request filtering behavior and expects subclasses to implement configuration-specific logic (INI, XML, .properties, etc).AccessControlFilter Superclass for any filter that controls access to a resource and may redirect the user to the login page if they are not authenticated.AdviceFilter A Servlet Filter that enables AOP-style "around" advice for a ServletRequest viapreHandle
, andafterCompletion
hooks.AnonymousFilter Filter that allows access to a path immeidately without performing security checks of any kind.AuthenticatedTag JSP tag that renders the tag body only if the current user has executed a successful authentication attempt during their current session.AuthenticatingFilter AnAuthenticationFilter
that is capable of automatically performing an authentication attempt based on the incoming request.AuthenticationFilter Base class for all Filters that require the current user to be authenticated.AuthorizationFilter Superclass for authorization-related filters.BasicHttpAuthenticationFilter Requires the requesting user to beauthenticated
for the request to continue, and if they're not, requires the user to login via the HTTP Basic protocol-specific challenge.BearerHttpAuthenticationFilter Requires the requesting user to beauthenticated
for the request to continue, and if they're not, requires the user to login via the HTTP Bearer protocol-specific challenge.Cookie Interface representing HTTP cookie operations, supporting pojo-style getters and setters for all attributes which includes HttpOnly support.Cookie.SameSiteOptions The SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header allows you to declare if your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context.CookieRememberMeManager Remembers a Subject's identity by saving the Subject'sprincipals
to aCookie
for later retrieval.DefaultFilter Enum representing all of the default Shiro Filter instances available to web applications.DefaultFilterChainManager DefaultFilterChainManager
implementation maintaining a map ofFilter
instances (key: filter name, value: Filter) as well as a map ofNamedFilterList
s created from theseFilter
s (key: filter chain name, value: NamedFilterList).DefaultWebEnvironment DefaultWebEnvironment
implementation based on a backingMap
instance.DefaultWebSecurityManager DefaultWebSecurityManager
implementation used in web-based applications or any application that requires HTTP connectivity (SOAP, http remoting, etc).DefaultWebSessionContext Default implementation of theWebSessionContext
interface which provides getters and setters that wrap interaction with the underlying backing context map.DefaultWebSessionManager Web-application capableSessionManager
implementation.DefaultWebSessionStorageEvaluator A web-specificSessionStorageEvaluator
that performs the same logic as the parent classDefaultSessionStorageEvaluator
but additionally checks for a request-specific flag that may enable or disable session access.DefaultWebSubjectContext DefaultWebSubjectContext
implementation that provides for additional storage and retrieval of aServletRequest
.DefaultWebSubjectFactory ASubjectFactory
implementation that createsWebDelegatingSubject
instances.EnvironmentLoader AnEnvironmentLoader
is responsible for loading a web application's ShiroWebEnvironment
(which includes the web app'sWebSecurityManager
) into theServletContext
at application startup.EnvironmentLoaderListener Bootstrap listener to startup and shutdown the web application's ShiroWebEnvironment
at ServletContext startup and shutdown respectively.FilterChainManager FilterChainResolver FormAuthenticationFilter Requires the requesting user to be authenticated for the request to continue, and if they are not, forces the user to login via by redirecting them to theloginUrl
you configure.GuestTag JSP tag that renders the tag body if the current user is not known to the system, either because they haven't logged in yet, or because they have no 'RememberMe' identity.HasAnyRolesTag Displays body content if the current user has any of the roles specified.HasPermissionTag HasRoleTag HostFilter A Filter that can allow or deny access based on the host that sent the request.HttpMethodPermissionFilter A filter that translates an HTTP Request's Method (eg GET, POST, etc) into an corresponding action (verb) and uses that verb to construct a permission that will be checked to determine access.HttpServletSession Session
implementation that is backed entirely by a standard servlet containerHttpSession
instance.IniFilterChainResolverFactory IniShiroFilter Deprecated. in 1.2 in favor of using theShiroFilter
IniWebEnvironment InvalidRequestFilter A request filter that blocks malicious requests.LacksPermissionTag LacksRoleTag LogoutFilter Simple Filter that, upon receiving a request, will immediately log-out the currently executingsubject
and then redirect them to a configuredredirectUrl
.MutableWebEnvironment AWebEnvironment
that supports 'write' operations operations.NameableFilter Allows a filter to be named via JavaBeans-compatibleNameableFilter.getName()
methods.NamedFilterList NoSessionCreationFilter APathMatchingFilter
that will disable creating new Sessions during the request.NotAuthenticatedTag JSP tag that renders the tag body only if the current user has not executed a successful authentication attempt during their current session.OncePerRequestFilter Filter base class that guarantees to be just executed once per request, on any servlet container.PassThruAuthenticationFilter An authentication filter that redirects the user to the login page when they are trying to access a protected resource.PathConfigProcessor A PathConfigProcessor processes configuration entries on a per path (url) basis.PathMatchingFilter Base class for Filters that will process only specified paths and allow all others to pass through.PathMatchingFilterChainResolver AFilterChainResolver
that resolvesFilterChain
s based on url path matching, as determined by a configurablePathMatcher
.PermissionsAuthorizationFilter Filter that allows access if the current user has the permissions specified by the mapped value, or denies access if the user does not have all of the permissions specified.PermissionTag PortFilter A Filter that requires the request to be on a specific port, and if not, redirects to the same URL on that port.PrincipalTag Tag used to print out the String value of a user's default principal, or a specific principal as specified by the tag's attributes.ProxiedFilterChain A proxied filter chain is aFilterChain
instance that proxies an originalFilterChain
as well as aList
of otherFilter
s that might need to execute prior to the final wrapped original chain.RedirectView View that redirects to an absolute, context relative, or current request relative URL, exposing all model attributes as HTTP query parameters.RequestPairSource ARequestPairSource
is a component that can supply aServletRequest
pair associated with a currently executing request.ResourceBasedWebEnvironment Abstract implementation forWebEnvironment
s that can be initialized via resource paths (config files).RolesAuthorizationFilter Filter that allows access if the current user has the roles specified by the mapped value, or denies access if the user does not have all of the roles specified.RoleTag SavedRequest Maintains request data for a request that was redirected, so that after authentication the user can be redirected to the originally requested page.SecureTag ServletContainerSessionManager SessionManager implementation providingSession
implementations that are merely wrappers for the Servlet container'sHttpSession
.ServletContextSupport Base implementation for any components that need to access the web application'sServletContext
.ShiroFilter Primary Shiro Filter for web applications configuring Shiro via Servlet <listener> in web.xml.ShiroHttpServletRequest AShiroHttpServletRequest
wraps the Servlet container's originalServletRequest
instance, but ensures that allHttpServletRequest
invocations that require Shiro's support (getRemoteUser
, etc) can be executed first by Shiro as necessary before allowing the underlying Servlet container instance's method to be invoked.ShiroHttpServletResponse HttpServletResponse implementation to support URL Encoding of Shiro Session IDs.ShiroHttpSession Wrapper class that uses a ShiroSession
under the hood for all session operations instead of the Servlet Container's session mechanism.SimpleCookie DefaultCookie
implementation.SimpleNamedFilterList SslFilter Filter which requires a request to be over SSL.UserFilter Filter that allows access to resources if the accessor is a known user, which is defined as having a known principal.UserTag JSP tag that renders the tag body if the current user known to the system, either from a successful login attempt (not necessarily during the current session) or from 'RememberMe' services.WebDelegatingSubject DefaultWebSubject
implementation that additional ensures the ability to retain a servlet request/response pair to be used by internal shiro components as necessary during the request execution.WebEnvironment A web-specificEnvironment
instance, used in web applications.WebIniSecurityManagerFactory Deprecated. use Shiro'sEnvironment
mechanisms instead.WebSecurityManager This interface represents aSecurityManager
implementation that can used in web-enabled applications.WebSessionContext AWebSubjectContext
is aSessionContext
that additionally provides for type-safe methods to set and retrieve aServletRequest
, as the request/response pair will often need to be referenced during construction of web-initiatedSession
instances.WebSessionKey ASessionKey
implementation that also retains theServletRequest
associated with the web request that is performing the session lookup.WebSessionManager SessionManager
specific to web-enabled applications.WebSubject AWebSubject
represents a Subject instance that was acquired as a result of an incomingServletRequest
.WebSubject.Builder AWebSubject.Builder
performs the same function as aSubject.Builder
, but additionally ensures that the Servlet request/response pair that is triggering the Subject instance's creation is retained for use by internal Shiro components as necessary.WebSubjectContext AWebSubjectContext
is aSubjectContext
that additionally provides for type-safe methods to set and retrieve aServletRequest
.WebUtils Simple utility class for operations used across multiple class hierarchies in the web framework code.