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AbstractSymmetricCipherService - Class in org.apache.shiro.crypto
Base abstract class for supporting symmetric key cipher algorithms.
AbstractSymmetricCipherService(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.shiro.crypto.AbstractSymmetricCipherService
AesCipherService - Class in org.apache.shiro.crypto
CipherService using the AES cipher algorithm for all encryption, decryption, and key operations.
AesCipherService() - Constructor for class org.apache.shiro.crypto.AesCipherService
Creates a new CipherService instance using the AES cipher algorithm with the following important cipher default attributes: Attribute Value keySize 128 bits blockSize 128 bits (required for AES mode GCM* paddingScheme NoPadding*** initializationVectorSize 128 bits generateInitializationVectors true**


BlowfishCipherService - Class in org.apache.shiro.crypto
CipherService using the Blowfish cipher algorithm for all encryption, decryption, and key operations.
BlowfishCipherService() - Constructor for class org.apache.shiro.crypto.BlowfishCipherService
Creates a new CipherService instance using the Blowfish cipher algorithm with the following important cipher default attributes: Attribute Value keySize 128 bits blockSize 64 bits (required for Blowfish) mode CBC* paddingScheme PKCS5 initializationVectorSize 64 bits generateInitializationVectors true**


CBC - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
CCM - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
Counter with CBC-MAC mode* - for block ciphers with 128 bit block-size only.
CFB - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
CipherService - Interface in org.apache.shiro.crypto
A CipherService uses a cryptographic algorithm called a Cipher to convert an original input source using a key to an uninterpretable format.
createParameterSpec(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.AesCipherService
createParameterSpec(byte[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
CTR - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
Counter Mode, aka Integer Counter Mode (ICM) and Segmented Integer Counter (SIC).


decrypt(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.shiro.crypto.CipherService
Decrypts encrypted data via the specified cipher key and returns the original (pre-encrypted) data.
decrypt(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.shiro.crypto.CipherService
Receives encrypted data from the given InputStream, decrypts it, and sends the resulting decrypted data to the given OutputStream.
decrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
DefaultBlockCipherService - Class in org.apache.shiro.crypto
Base abstract class for block cipher algorithms.
DefaultBlockCipherService(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Creates a new DefaultBlockCipherService using the specified block cipher algorithmName.


EAX - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
ECB - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
encrypt(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.shiro.crypto.CipherService
Encrypts data via the specified cipher key.
encrypt(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.shiro.crypto.CipherService
Receives the data from the given InputStream, encrypts it, and sends the resulting encrypted data to the given OutputStream.
encrypt(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
ensureSecureRandom() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService


GCM - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
Galois/Counter mode* - for block ciphers with 128 bit block-size only.
generateInitializationVector(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
generateInitializationVector(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
generateNewKey() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.AbstractSymmetricCipherService
Generates a new Key suitable for this CipherService's algorithm by calling generateNewKey(128) (uses a 128 bit size by default).
generateNewKey(int) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.AbstractSymmetricCipherService
Generates a new Key of the specified size suitable for this CipherService (based on the algorithmName using the JDK KeyGenerator.
getAlgorithmName() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Returns the cipher algorithm name that will be used for all encryption, decryption, and key operations (for example, 'AES', 'Blowfish', 'RSA', 'DSA', 'TripleDES', etc).
getBlockSize() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Returns the block cipher's block size to be used when constructing Cipher transformation string or 0 if the JCA Provider default block size for the specified algorithm should be used.
getDefaultSecureRandom() - Static method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
getInitializationVectorSize() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Returns the algorithm-specific size in bits of generated initialization vectors.
getKeySize() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Returns the size in bits (not bytes) of generated cipher keys.
getModeName() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Returns the cipher operation mode name (as a String) to be used when constructing Cipher transformation string or null if the JCA Provider default mode for the specified algorithm should be used.
getPaddingSchemeName() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Returns the cipher algorithm padding scheme name (as a String) to be used when constructing Cipher transformation string or null if the JCA Provider default mode for the specified algorithm should be used.
getSecureRandom() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Returns a source of randomness for encryption operations.
getStreamingBlockSize() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
getStreamingBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Returns the size in bytes of the internal buffer used to transfer data from one stream to another during stream operations (JcaCipherService.encrypt(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, byte[]) and JcaCipherService.decrypt(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, byte[])).
getStreamingModeName() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
getStreamingPaddingSchemeName() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
getTransformationName() - Method in enum org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Returns the actual string name to use when building the Cipher transformation string.
getTransformationString(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Returns the transformation string to use with the Cipher.getInstance(java.lang.String) call.
getTransformationString(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Returns the transformation string to use with the Cipher.getInstance(java.lang.String) invocation when creating a new Cipher instance.


isGenerateInitializationVectors() - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
isGenerateInitializationVectors(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Overrides the parent implementation to ensure initialization vectors are always generated if streaming is enabled (block ciphers must use initialization vectors if they are to be used as a stream cipher).
isGenerateInitializationVectors(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
ISO10126 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Padding scheme as defined in the W3C's "XML Encryption Syntax and Processing" document, Section 5.2 - Block Encryption Algorithms.


JcaCipherService - Class in org.apache.shiro.crypto
Abstract CipherService implementation utilizing Java's JCA APIs.
JcaCipherService(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Creates a new JcaCipherService instance which will use the specified cipher algorithmName for all encryption, decryption, and key operations.


NONE - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
No mode.
NONE - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
No padding.


OAEP - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding defined in RSA's PKSC#1 standard (aka RFC 3447).
OAEPWithMd5AndMgf1 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding with MD5 message digest and MGF1 mask generation function.
OAEPWithSha1AndMgf1 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding with SHA-1 message digest and MGF1 mask generation function.
OAEPWithSha256AndMgf1 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding with SHA-256 message digest and MGF1 mask generation function.
OAEPWithSha384AndMgf1 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding with SHA-384 message digest and MGF1 mask generation function.
OAEPWithSha512AndMgf1 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding with SHA-512 message digest and MGF1 mask generation function.
OCB - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
OFB - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
Output Feedback mode, defined in FIPS PUB 81.
OperationMode - Enum in org.apache.shiro.crypto
A cipher mode of operation directs a cipher algorithm how to convert data during the encryption or decryption process.
org.apache.shiro.crypto - package org.apache.shiro.crypto
Cryptography Cipher and Hashing components that greatly simplify the JDK's cryptography concepts and add additional convenient behavior.


PaddingScheme - Enum in org.apache.shiro.crypto
A CipherPaddingScheme represents well-known padding schemes supported by JPA providers in a type-safe manner.
PCBC - org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
PKCS1 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Padding scheme used with the RSA algorithm defined in RSA's PKSC#1 standard (aka RFC 3447).
PKCS5 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Padding scheme defined in RSA's Password-Based Cryptography Standard.


setBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the block cipher's block size to be used when constructing Cipher transformation string.
setGenerateInitializationVectors(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
setInitializationVectorSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Sets the algorithm-specific initialization vector size in bits (not bytes!)
setKeySize(int) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Sets the size in bits (not bytes) of generated cipher keys.
setMode(OperationMode) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the cipher operation mode of operation to be used when constructing the Cipher transformation string.
setModeName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the cipher operation mode name to be used when constructing the Cipher transformation string.
setPaddingScheme(PaddingScheme) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the padding scheme to be used when constructing the Cipher transformation string.
setPaddingSchemeName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the padding scheme name to be used when constructing the Cipher transformation string, or null if the JCA Provider default mode for the specified algorithm should be used.
setSecureRandom(SecureRandom) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Sets a source of randomness for encryption operations.
setStreamingBlockSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
setStreamingBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.JcaCipherService
Sets the size in bytes of the internal buffer used to transfer data from one stream to another during stream operations (JcaCipherService.encrypt(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, byte[]) and JcaCipherService.decrypt(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, byte[])).
setStreamingMode(OperationMode) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the transformation string mode to be used for streaming operations only.
setStreamingModeName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
Sets the transformation string mode name to be used for streaming operations only.
setStreamingPaddingScheme(PaddingScheme) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
setStreamingPaddingSchemeName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shiro.crypto.DefaultBlockCipherService
SSL3 - org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Padding scheme defined in the SSL 3.0 specification, section (CBC block cipher).


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.shiro.crypto.OperationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.shiro.crypto.PaddingScheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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