All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractShiroAnnotationProcessorConfiguration |
AbstractShiroBeanConfiguration |
AbstractShiroConfiguration |
AbstractShiroWebConfiguration |
AbstractShiroWebFilterConfiguration |
AnnotationAuthorizationFilter |
A filter that grants or denies access to a JAX-RS resource based on the Shiro annotations on it.
AopAllianceAnnotationsAuthorizingMethodInterceptor |
Allows Shiro Annotations to work in any AOP Alliance
specific implementation environment (for example, Spring).
AspectjAnnotationsAuthorizingMethodInterceptor |
Extends the annotations authorizing method interceptor class hierarchie to adapt
an aspectj JoinPoint into a MethodInvocation amd to perform the
authorization of method invocations.
AuthorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor |
TODO - complete JavaDoc
BeforeAdviceMethodInvocationAdapter |
Helper class that adapts an AspectJ JoinPoint .
CasAuthenticationException |
CasFilter |
CasRealm |
CasSubjectFactory |
CasToken |
DefaultShiroFilterChainDefinition |
EhCache<K,V> |
Shiro Cache implementation that wraps an Ehcache instance.
EhCacheManager |
Shiro CacheManager implementation utilizing the Ehcache framework for all cache functionality.
ExceptionMapper |
JAX-RS exception mapper used to map Shiro AuthorizationExceptions to HTTP status codes.
GuiceShiroFilter |
Shiro filter that is managed by and receives its filter chain configurations from Guice.
HazelcastCacheManager |
A CacheManager implementation backed by Hazelcast,
"an open source clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java"
LifecycleBeanPostProcessor |
Bean post processor for Spring that automatically calls the init() and/or
destroy() methods on Shiro objects that implement the Initializable
or Destroyable interfaces, respectfully.
NoRealmBeanConfiguredException |
This exception should be thrown if not bean of type Realm found.
QuartzSessionValidationJob |
A quartz job that basically just calls the ValidatingSessionManager.validateSessions()
method on a configured session manager.
QuartzSessionValidationScheduler |
An implementation of the SessionValidationScheduler that uses Quartz to schedule a
job to call ValidatingSessionManager.validateSessions() on
a regular basis.
SecureRemoteInvocationExecutor |
An implementation of the Spring RemoteInvocationExecutor
that binds a sessionId to the incoming thread to make it available to the SecurityManager
implementation during the thread execution.
SecureRemoteInvocationFactory |
ShiroAnnotationAuthorizingAspect |
Aspect that adds a before advice for each invocation of an annotated method.
ShiroAnnotationFilterFeature |
Wraps filters around JAX-RS resources that are annotated with Shiro annotations.
ShiroAnnotationProcessorAutoConfiguration |
ShiroAnnotationProcessorConfiguration |
ShiroAopModule |
Install this module to enable Shiro AOP functionality in Guice.
ShiroAutoConfiguration |
ShiroBeanAutoConfiguration |
ShiroBeanConfiguration |
ShiroConfiguration |
ShiroEventBusBeanPostProcessor |
Spring BeanPostProcessor that detects, EventBusAware and classes containing @Subscribe methods.
ShiroFeature |
ShiroFilterChainDefinition |
ShiroFilterFactoryBean |
FactoryBean to be used in Spring-based web applications for
defining the master Shiro Filter.
ShiroModule |
Sets up Shiro lifecycles within Guice, enables the injecting of Shiro objects, and binds a default
SecurityManager and SessionManager .
ShiroNoRealmConfiguredFailureAnalyzer |
ShiroSecurityContext |
A Shiro based SecurityContext that exposes the current Shiro Subject as a Principal .
ShiroSessionScope |
Guice scope for Shiro sessions.
ShiroWebAutoConfiguration |
ShiroWebConfiguration |
ShiroWebFilterConfiguration |
ShiroWebFilterConfiguration |
ShiroWebModule |
Sets up Shiro lifecycles within Guice, enables the injecting of Shiro objects, and binds a default
WebSecurityManager , SecurityManager and SessionManager .
ShiroWebModule.FilterConfig<T extends Filter> |
Filter configuration which pairs a Filter class with its configuration used on a path.
SpringAnnotationResolver |
SubjectPrincipalRequestFilter |