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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AnnotationEventListenerResolver Inspects an object for annotated methods of interest and creates anEventListener
instance for each method discovered.DefaultEventBus A default event bus implementation that synchronously publishes events to registered listeners.Event Root class for all of Shiro's event classes.EventBus An event bus can publish events to event subscribers as well as provide a mechanism for registering and unregistering event subscribers.EventBusAware Interface implemented by components that utilize an EventBus for publishing and/or subscribing to/from events and wish that EventBus to be supplied if one is available.EventClassComparator Compares two event classes based on their position in a class hierarchy.EventListener An event listener knows how to accept and process events of a particular type (or types).EventListenerComparator Compares two event listeners to determine the order in which they should be invoked when an event is dispatched.EventListenerResolver AnEventListenerResolver
knows how to resolve (either create or lookup)EventListener
instances as a result of inspecting a subscriber object, mostly likely aSubscribe
-annotated object instance.SingleArgumentMethodEventListener A event listener that invokes a target object's method that accepts a single event argument.Subscribe Indicates a method is an event consumer.TypedEventListener