Class ShiroFilterFactoryBean

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    BeanPostProcessor, FactoryBean

    public class ShiroFilterFactoryBean
    extends Object
    implements FactoryBean, BeanPostProcessor
    FactoryBean to be used in Spring-based web applications for defining the master Shiro Filter.


    Declare a DelegatingFilterProxy in web.xml, matching the filter name to the bean id:
    Then, in your spring XML file that defines your web ApplicationContext:
     <bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean">
        <property name="securityManager" ref="securityManager"/>
        <!-- other properties as necessary ... -->

    Filter Auto-Discovery

    While there is a filters property that allows you to assign a filter beans to the 'pool' of filters available when defining filter chains, it is optional.

    This implementation is also a BeanPostProcessor and will acquire any Filter beans defined independently in your Spring application context. Upon discovery, they will be automatically added to the map keyed by the bean ID. That ID can then be used in the filter chain definitions, for example:

     <bean id="myCustomFilter" class="com.class.that.implements.javax.servlet.Filter"/>
     <bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean">
        <property name="filterChainDefinitions">
                /some/path/** = authc, myCustomFilter

    Global Property Values

    Most Shiro servlet Filter implementations exist for defining custom Filter chain definitions. Most implementations subclass one of the AccessControlFilter, AuthenticationFilter, AuthorizationFilter classes to simplify things, and each of these 3 classes has configurable properties that are application-specific.

    A dilemma arises where, if you want to for example set the application's 'loginUrl' for any Filter, you don't want to have to manually specify that value for each filter instance definied.

    To prevent configuration duplication, this implementation provides the following properties to allow you to set relevant values in only one place:

    Then at startup, any values specified via these 3 properties will be applied to all configured Filter instances so you don't have to specify them individually on each filter instance. To ensure your own custom filters benefit from this convenience, your filter implementation should subclass one of the 3 mentioned earlier.
    See Also:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected org.apache.shiro.web.filter.mgt.FilterChainManager createFilterChainManager()  
      protected org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.AbstractShiroFilter createInstance()
      This implementation: Ensures the required securityManager property has been set Creates a FilterChainManager instance that reflects the configured filters and filter chain definitions Wraps the FilterChainManager with a suitable FilterChainResolver since the Shiro Filter implementations do not know of FilterChainManagers Sets both the SecurityManager and FilterChainResolver instances on a new Shiro Filter instance and returns that filter instance.
      Map<String,​String> getFilterChainDefinitionMap()
      Returns the chainName-to-chainDefinition map of chain definitions to use for creating filter chains intercepted by the Shiro Filter.
      Map<String,​Filter> getFilters()
      Returns the filterName-to-Filter map of filters available for reference when defining filter chain definitions.
      String getLoginUrl()
      Returns the application's login URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AccessControlFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally.
      Object getObject()
      Lazily creates and returns a AbstractShiroFilter concrete instance via the createInstance() method.
      Class getObjectType()
      Returns AbstractShiroFilter.class
      org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
      Sets the application SecurityManager instance to be used by the constructed Shiro Filter.
      String getSuccessUrl()
      Returns the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally.
      String getUnauthorizedUrl()
      Returns the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally.
      boolean isSingleton()
      Returns true always.
      Object postProcessAfterInitialization​(Object bean, String beanName)
      Does nothing - only exists to satisfy the BeanPostProcessor interface and immediately returns the bean argument.
      Object postProcessBeforeInitialization​(Object bean, String beanName)
      Inspects a bean, and if it implements the Filter interface, automatically adds that filter instance to the internal filters map that will be referenced later during filter chain construction.
      void setFilterChainDefinitionMap​(Map<String,​String> filterChainDefinitionMap)
      Sets the chainName-to-chainDefinition map of chain definitions to use for creating filter chains intercepted by the Shiro Filter.
      void setFilterChainDefinitions​(String definitions)
      A convenience method that sets the filterChainDefinitionMap property by accepting a Properties-compatible string (multi-line key/value pairs).
      void setFilters​(Map<String,​Filter> filters)
      Sets the filterName-to-Filter map of filters available for reference when creating filter chain definitions.
      void setLoginUrl​(String loginUrl)
      Sets the application's login URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AccessControlFilter.
      void setSecurityManager​(org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager securityManager)
      Sets the application SecurityManager instance to be used by the constructed Shiro Filter.
      void setSuccessUrl​(String successUrl)
      Sets the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter.
      void setUnauthorizedUrl​(String unauthorizedUrl)
      Sets the application's 'unauthorized' URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthorizationFilter.
    • Method Detail

      • getSecurityManager

        public org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
        Sets the application SecurityManager instance to be used by the constructed Shiro Filter. This is a required property - failure to set it will throw an initialization exception.
        the application SecurityManager instance to be used by the constructed Shiro Filter.
      • setSecurityManager

        public void setSecurityManager​(org.apache.shiro.mgt.SecurityManager securityManager)
        Sets the application SecurityManager instance to be used by the constructed Shiro Filter. This is a required property - failure to set it will throw an initialization exception.
        securityManager - the application SecurityManager instance to be used by the constructed Shiro Filter.
      • getLoginUrl

        public String getLoginUrl()
        Returns the application's login URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AccessControlFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally. The default value is null.
        the application's login URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AccessControlFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally.
        See Also:
      • setLoginUrl

        public void setLoginUrl​(String loginUrl)
        Sets the application's login URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AccessControlFilter. This is a convenience mechanism: for all configured filters, as well for any default ones (authc, user, etc), this value will be passed on to each Filter via the AccessControlFilter.setLoginUrl(String) method*. This eliminates the need to configure the 'loginUrl' property manually on each filter instance, and instead that can be configured once via this attribute.

        *If a filter already has already been explicitly configured with a value, it will not receive this value. Individual filter configuration overrides this global convenience property.

        loginUrl - the application's login URL to apply to as a convenience to all discovered AccessControlFilter instances.
        See Also:
      • getSuccessUrl

        public String getSuccessUrl()
        Returns the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally. The default value is null.
        the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally.
        See Also:
      • setSuccessUrl

        public void setSuccessUrl​(String successUrl)
        Sets the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter. This is a convenience mechanism: for all configured filters, as well for any default ones (authc, user, etc), this value will be passed on to each Filter via the AuthenticationFilter.setSuccessUrl(String) method*. This eliminates the need to configure the 'successUrl' property manually on each filter instance, and instead that can be configured once via this attribute.

        *If a filter already has already been explicitly configured with a value, it will not receive this value. Individual filter configuration overrides this global convenience property.

        successUrl - the application's after-login success URL to apply to as a convenience to all discovered AccessControlFilter instances.
        See Also:
      • getUnauthorizedUrl

        public String getUnauthorizedUrl()
        Returns the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally. The default value is null.
        the application's after-login success URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthenticationFilter or null if no value should be assigned globally.
        See Also:
      • setUnauthorizedUrl

        public void setUnauthorizedUrl​(String unauthorizedUrl)
        Sets the application's 'unauthorized' URL to be assigned to all acquired Filters that subclass AuthorizationFilter. This is a convenience mechanism: for all configured filters, as well for any default ones (roles, perms, etc), this value will be passed on to each Filter via the AuthorizationFilter.setUnauthorizedUrl(String) method*. This eliminates the need to configure the 'unauthorizedUrl' property manually on each filter instance, and instead that can be configured once via this attribute.

        *If a filter already has already been explicitly configured with a value, it will not receive this value. Individual filter configuration overrides this global convenience property.

        unauthorizedUrl - the application's 'unauthorized' URL to apply to as a convenience to all discovered AuthorizationFilter instances.
        See Also:
      • getFilters

        public Map<String,​FiltergetFilters()
        Returns the filterName-to-Filter map of filters available for reference when defining filter chain definitions. All filter chain definitions will reference filters by the names in this map (i.e. the keys).
        the filterName-to-Filter map of filters available for reference when defining filter chain definitions.
      • setFilters

        public void setFilters​(Map<String,​Filter> filters)
        Sets the filterName-to-Filter map of filters available for reference when creating filter chain definitions.

        Note: This property is optional: this FactoryBean implementation will discover all beans in the web application context that implement the Filter interface and automatically add them to this filter map under their bean name.

        For example, just defining this bean in a web Spring XML application context:

         <bean id="myFilter" class="com.class.that.implements.javax.servlet.Filter">
        Will automatically place that bean into this Filters map under the key 'myFilter'.
        filters - the optional filterName-to-Filter map of filters available for reference when creating (java.util.Map) filter chain definitions.
      • getFilterChainDefinitionMap

        public Map<String,​StringgetFilterChainDefinitionMap()
        Returns the chainName-to-chainDefinition map of chain definitions to use for creating filter chains intercepted by the Shiro Filter. Each map entry should conform to the format defined by the FilterChainManager.createChain(String, String) JavaDoc, where the map key is the chain name (e.g. URL path expression) and the map value is the comma-delimited string chain definition.
        he chainName-to-chainDefinition map of chain definitions to use for creating filter chains intercepted by the Shiro Filter.
      • setFilterChainDefinitionMap

        public void setFilterChainDefinitionMap​(Map<String,​String> filterChainDefinitionMap)
        Sets the chainName-to-chainDefinition map of chain definitions to use for creating filter chains intercepted by the Shiro Filter. Each map entry should conform to the format defined by the FilterChainManager.createChain(String, String) JavaDoc, where the map key is the chain name (e.g. URL path expression) and the map value is the comma-delimited string chain definition.
        filterChainDefinitionMap - the chainName-to-chainDefinition map of chain definitions to use for creating filter chains intercepted by the Shiro Filter.
      • setFilterChainDefinitions

        public void setFilterChainDefinitions​(String definitions)
        A convenience method that sets the filterChainDefinitionMap property by accepting a Properties-compatible string (multi-line key/value pairs). Each key/value pair must conform to the format defined by the FilterChainManager.createChain(String,String) JavaDoc - each property key is an ant URL path expression and the value is the comma-delimited chain definition.
        definitions - a Properties-compatible string (multi-line key/value pairs) where each key/value pair represents a single urlPathExpression-commaDelimitedChainDefinition.
      • getObject

        public Object getObject()
                         throws Exception
        Lazily creates and returns a AbstractShiroFilter concrete instance via the createInstance() method.
        Specified by:
        getObject in interface FactoryBean
        the application's Shiro Filter instance used to filter incoming web requests.
        Exception - if there is a problem creating the Filter instance.
      • isSingleton

        public boolean isSingleton()
        Returns true always. There is almost always only ever 1 Shiro Filter per web application.
        Specified by:
        isSingleton in interface FactoryBean
        true always. There is almost always only ever 1 Shiro Filter per web application.
      • createInstance

        protected org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.AbstractShiroFilter createInstance()
                                                                           throws Exception
        This implementation:
        1. Ensures the required securityManager property has been set
        2. Creates a FilterChainManager instance that reflects the configured filters and filter chain definitions
        3. Wraps the FilterChainManager with a suitable FilterChainResolver since the Shiro Filter implementations do not know of FilterChainManagers
        4. Sets both the SecurityManager and FilterChainResolver instances on a new Shiro Filter instance and returns that filter instance.
        a new Shiro Filter reflecting any configured filters and filter chain definitions.
        Exception - if there is a problem creating the AbstractShiroFilter instance.