Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.apache.shiro shiro-jaxrs 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-servlet-plugin 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.glassfish.jersey.containers jersey-container-grizzly2-servlet 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License


The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
ch.qos.logback logback-classic 1.1.7 jar Eclipse Public License - v 1.0-GNU Lesser General Public License
org.slf4j jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.21 jar MIT License


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
com.jayway.restassured rest-assured 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0
junit junit 4.12 jar Eclipse Public License 1.0
org.apache.shiro.integrationtests shiro-its-support 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy groovy-all 2.4.7 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.easymock easymock 3.4 jar Apache 2
org.hamcrest java-hamcrest jar BSD Licence 3
org.powermock powermock-api-easymock 1.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.powermock powermock-module-junit4 1.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
commons-beanutils commons-beanutils 1.9.3 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-collections commons-collections 3.2.2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
javax.annotation javax.annotation-api 1.2 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.validation validation-api 1.1.0.Final jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 2.0.1 jar CDDL 1.1-GPL2 w/ CPE
org.apache.shiro shiro-cache 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-config-core 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-config-ogdl 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-core 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-crypto-cipher 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-crypto-core 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-crypto-hash 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-event 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-lang 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.shiro shiro-web 1.4.0-RC2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.glassfish.grizzly grizzly-framework 2.3.23 jar CDDL+GPL
org.glassfish.grizzly grizzly-http 2.3.23 jar CDDL+GPL
org.glassfish.grizzly grizzly-http-server 2.3.23 jar CDDL+GPL
org.glassfish.grizzly grizzly-http-servlet 2.3.23 jar CDDL+GPL
org.glassfish.hk2 hk2-api 2.5.0-b05 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.hk2 hk2-locator 2.5.0-b05 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.hk2 hk2-utils 2.5.0-b05 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.hk2 osgi-resource-locator 1.0.1 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.hk2.external aopalliance-repackaged 2.5.0-b05 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.hk2.external javax.inject 2.5.0-b05 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.jersey.bundles.repackaged jersey-guava 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.containers jersey-container-grizzly2-http 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.containers jersey-container-servlet 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.containers jersey-container-servlet-core 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-client 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-common 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.glassfish.jersey.core jersey-server 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License jersey-media-jaxb 2.23.2 jar CDDL+GPL License
org.javassist javassist 3.20.0-GA jar MPL 1.1-LGPL 2.1-Apache License 2.0
org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.21 jar MIT License


The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
ch.qos.logback logback-core 1.1.7 jar Eclipse Public License - v 1.0-GNU Lesser General Public License
commons-codec commons-codec 1.10 jar Apache License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
cglib cglib-nodep 2.2.2 jar ASF 2.0
com.github.mjeanroy junit-servers-core 0.4.2 jar MIT License
com.github.mjeanroy junit-servers-jetty 0.4.2 jar MIT License
com.jayway.restassured json-path 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0
com.jayway.restassured rest-assured-common 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0
com.jayway.restassured xml-path 2.8.0 jar Apache 2.0
commons-io commons-io 2.5 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
commons-logging commons-logging 1.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
javax.servlet.jsp javax.servlet.jsp-api 2.3.1 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
log4j log4j 1.2.17 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.sourceforge.cssparser cssparser 0.9.20 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
net.sourceforge.htmlunit htmlunit 2.23 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
net.sourceforge.htmlunit htmlunit-core-js 2.23 jar Mozilla Public License version 2.0
net.sourceforge.htmlunit neko-htmlunit 2.23 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.commons commons-lang3 3.4 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient 4.5.1 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpcore 4.4.3 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.httpcomponents httpmime 4.5.1 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.taglibs taglibs-standard-impl 1.2.1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.apache.taglibs taglibs-standard-spec 1.2.1 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup tagsoup 1.2.1 jar Apache License 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy groovy 2.4.7 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy groovy-json 2.4.4 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.codehaus.groovy groovy-xml 2.4.4 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.eclipse.jetty apache-jsp 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty apache-jstl 9.3.0.M1 pom Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-annotations 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-continuation 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-http 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-io 9.2.18.v20160721 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-jndi 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-jsp 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-plus 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-security 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-server 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-servlet 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-util 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-webapp 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty jetty-xml 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.orbit javax.servlet.jsp.jstl 1.2.0.v201105211821 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.orbit org.eclipse.jdt.core 3.8.2.v20130121 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain jetty-schemas 3.1.M0 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket websocket-api 9.2.18.v20160721 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket websocket-client 9.2.18.v20160721 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket websocket-common 9.2.18.v20160721 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket websocket-server 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.eclipse.jetty.websocket websocket-servlet 9.3.0.M1 jar Apache Software License - Version 2.0-Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0
org.glassfish javax.el 3.0.0 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.web javax.servlet.jsp 2.3.2 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.glassfish.web javax.servlet.jsp.jstl 1.2.2 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
org.hamcrest hamcrest-core 1.3 jar New BSD License
org.hamcrest hamcrest-library 1.3 jar New BSD License
org.mortbay.jasper apache-el 8.0.9.M3 jar Apache License Version 2.0
org.mortbay.jasper apache-jsp 8.0.9.M3 jar Apache License Version 2.0
org.objenesis objenesis 2.2 jar Apache 2
org.ow2.asm asm 5.0.1 jar BSD
org.ow2.asm asm-commons 5.0.1 jar BSD
org.ow2.asm asm-tree 5.0.1 jar BSD
org.powermock powermock-api-support 1.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.powermock powermock-core 1.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.powermock powermock-module-junit4-common 1.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.powermock powermock-reflect 1.6.6 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.slf4j slf4j-log4j12 1.7.21 jar MIT License
org.w3c.css sac 1.3 jar The W3C Software License
xalan serializer 2.7.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
xalan xalan 2.7.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
xerces xercesImpl 2.11.0 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
xml-apis xml-apis 1.4.01 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0-The SAX License-The W3C License


The following is a list of provided dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile the application, but should be provided by default when using the library:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
javax.servlet javax.servlet-api 3.1.0 jar CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
javax.servlet jstl 1.2 jar -

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


CDDL+GPL: grizzly-framework, grizzly-http, grizzly-http-server, grizzly-http-servlet

Apache License Version 2.0: MortBay :: Apache EL :: API and Implementation, MortBay :: Apache Jasper :: JSP Implementation

Mozilla Public License version 2.0: HtmlUnit Core JS

Apache 2.0: REST Assured, json-path, rest-assured-common, xml-path

Eclipse Public License 1.0: JUnit

MIT License: JCL 1.1.1 implemented over SLF4J, SLF4J API Module, SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding, junit-servers-core, junit-servers-jetty

GPL2 w/ CPE:

New BSD License: Hamcrest Core, Hamcrest library

Apache 2: EasyMock, Objenesis

BSD: ASM Commons, ASM Core, ASM Tree

Unknown: jstl

Apache License 2.0: Javassist, TagSoup

Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons BeanUtils, Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Lang, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpClient Mime, Apache HttpCore, Apache Shiro :: Cache, Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core, Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL, Apache Shiro :: Core, Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers, Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core, Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing, Apache Shiro :: Event, Apache Shiro :: ITs :: Support, Apache Shiro :: Lang, Apache Shiro :: Samples :: JAX-RS, Apache Shiro :: Support :: JAX-RS, Apache Shiro :: Support :: Servlet Plugin, Apache Shiro :: Web, CSS Parser, HtmlUnit, HtmlUnit NekoHtml

MPL 1.1: Javassist

Apache Software License - Version 2.0: Apache :: JSTL module, Jetty :: Apache JSP Implementation, Jetty :: Continuation, Jetty :: Glassfish JSP Implementation, Jetty :: Http Utility, Jetty :: IO Utility, Jetty :: JNDI Naming, Jetty :: Plus, Jetty :: Schemas, Jetty :: Security, Jetty :: Server Core, Jetty :: Servlet Annotations, Jetty :: Servlet Handling, Jetty :: Utilities, Jetty :: Webapp Application Support, Jetty :: Websocket :: API, Jetty :: Websocket :: Client, Jetty :: Websocket :: Common, Jetty :: Websocket :: Server, Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface, Jetty :: XML utilities, Jetty Orbit :: JDT Compiler, Jetty Orbit :: JSP JSTL

CDDL 1.1:

The SAX License: XML Commons External Components XML APIs

The W3C License: XML Commons External Components XML APIs

ASF 2.0: Code Generation Library

GNU Lesser General Public License: Logback Classic Module, Logback Core Module

BSD Licence 3: Java Hamcrest

Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0: Apache :: JSTL module, Jetty :: Apache JSP Implementation, Jetty :: Continuation, Jetty :: Glassfish JSP Implementation, Jetty :: Http Utility, Jetty :: IO Utility, Jetty :: JNDI Naming, Jetty :: Plus, Jetty :: Schemas, Jetty :: Security, Jetty :: Server Core, Jetty :: Servlet Annotations, Jetty :: Servlet Handling, Jetty :: Utilities, Jetty :: Webapp Application Support, Jetty :: Websocket :: API, Jetty :: Websocket :: Client, Jetty :: Websocket :: Common, Jetty :: Websocket :: Server, Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface, Jetty :: XML utilities, Jetty Orbit :: JDT Compiler, Jetty Orbit :: JSP JSTL

LGPL 2.1: Javassist

CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception: Expression Language 3.0, HK2 API module, HK2 Implementation Utilities, JSP implementation, Java Servlet API, JavaServer Pages (TM) TagLib Implementation, JavaServer Pages(TM) API, OSGi resource locator bundle - used by various API providers that rely on META-INF/services mechanism to locate providers., ServiceLocator Default Implementation, aopalliance version 1.0 repackaged as a module, javax.annotation API, javax.inject:1 as OSGi bundle

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Logging, Apache Groovy, Apache Log4j, Apache Standard Taglib Implementation, Apache Standard Taglib Specification API, Bean Validation API, XML Commons External Components XML APIs, Xalan Java, Xalan Java Serializer, Xerces2-j, powermock-api-easymock, powermock-api-support, powermock-core, powermock-module-junit4, powermock-module-junit4-common, powermock-reflect

CDDL+GPL License: jersey-container-grizzly2-http, jersey-container-grizzly2-servlet, jersey-container-servlet, jersey-container-servlet-core, jersey-core-client, jersey-core-common, jersey-core-server, jersey-media-jaxb, jersey-repackaged-guava

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0: Logback Classic Module, Logback Core Module

The W3C Software License: Simple API for CSS

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
cglib-nodep-2.2.2.jar 326.9 kB 255 251 9 1.2 Yes
logback-classic-1.1.7.jar 304.1 kB 231 175 26 1.6 Yes
logback-core-1.1.7.jar 470.8 kB 418 372 36 1.6 Yes
junit-servers-core-0.4.2.jar 71.6 kB 89 64 13 1.7 Yes
junit-servers-jetty-0.4.2.jar 9.8 kB 21 6 3 1.7 Yes
json-path-2.8.0.jar 52.9 kB 54 33 7 1.5 Yes
rest-assured-2.8.0.jar 585 kB 349 309 30 1.5 Yes
rest-assured-common-2.8.0.jar 37 kB 40 21 8 1.5 Yes
xml-path-2.8.0.jar 71.9 kB 61 38 9 1.5 Yes
commons-beanutils-1.9.3.jar 246.2 kB 154 137 5 1.6 Yes
commons-codec-1.10.jar 284.2 kB 238 92 6 1.6 Yes
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 588.3 kB 484 460 12 1.3 Yes
commons-io-2.5.jar 208.7 kB 142 123 7 1.6 Yes
commons-logging-1.2.jar 61.8 kB 42 28 2 1.2 Yes
javax.annotation-api-1.2.jar 26.4 kB 29 15 3 1.6 Yes
javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar 95.8 kB 103 79 4 1.7 Yes
jstl-1.2.jar 414.2 kB 341 279 27 1.5 Yes
javax.servlet.jsp-api-2.3.1.jar 53.2 kB 70 58 3 1.7 Yes
validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar 63.8 kB 122 106 8 1.6 Yes 115.5 kB 139 125 5 1.6 Yes
junit-4.12.jar 314.9 kB 323 286 30 1.5 Yes
log4j-1.2.17.jar 489.9 kB 353 314 21 1.4 Yes
cssparser-0.9.20.jar 378.4 kB 119 98 8 1.5 Yes
htmlunit-2.23.jar 1.9 MB 1374 1314 47 1.7 Yes
htmlunit-core-js-2.23.jar 1.2 MB 473 440 20 1.7 Yes
neko-htmlunit-2.23.jar 125.1 kB 75 53 4 1.7 Yes
commons-lang3-3.4.jar 434.7 kB 248 224 12 1.6 Yes
httpclient-4.5.1.jar 732.8 kB 502 461 24 1.6 Yes
httpcore-4.4.3.jar 326.6 kB 284 254 17 1.6 Yes
httpmime-4.5.1.jar 40.7 kB 40 23 2 1.6 Yes
cache/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
core/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
ogdl/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
core/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
cipher/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
core/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
hash/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
event/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
jaxrs/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
lang/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
servlet-plugin/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
web/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
support/target/classes - 0 0 0 - No
taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.1.jar 201.2 kB 168 124 14 1.5 Yes
taglibs-standard-spec-1.2.1.jar 38.9 kB 43 25 4 1.5 Yes
tagsoup-1.2.1.jar 90.7 kB 29 22 2 1.4 Yes
groovy-2.4.7.jar 4.6 MB 3257 3123 85 1.6 Yes
groovy-all-2.4.7.jar 7 MB 4654 4408 116 1.7 Yes
groovy-json-2.4.4.jar 131 kB 71 62 2 1.6 Yes
groovy-xml-2.4.4.jar 221.6 kB 145 125 7 1.6 Yes
easymock-3.4.jar 474.3 kB 374 349 12 1.5 Yes
apache-jsp-9.3.0.M1.jar 9 kB 20 4 1 1.7 Yes
apache-jstl-9.3.0.M1.pom 1.1 kB - - - - -
jetty-annotations-9.3.0.M1.jar 79.9 kB 55 43 1 1.7 Yes
jetty-continuation-9.3.0.M1.jar 15.8 kB 20 8 1 1.7 Yes
jetty-http-9.3.0.M1.jar 111.5 kB 69 52 1 1.7 Yes
jetty-io-9.2.18.v20160721.jar 108.3 kB 89 76 2 1.7 Yes
jetty-jndi-9.3.0.M1.jar 41 kB 34 18 4 1.7 Yes
jetty-jsp-9.3.0.M1.jar 3.6 kB 9 0 0 - No
jetty-plus-9.3.0.M1.jar 53.9 kB 39 23 4 1.7 Yes
jetty-security-9.3.0.M1.jar 93.4 kB 68 55 2 1.7 Yes
jetty-server-9.3.0.M1.jar 432.9 kB 220 200 8 1.7 Yes
jetty-servlet-9.3.0.M1.jar 113 kB 59 45 3 1.7 Yes
jetty-util-9.3.0.M1.jar 354.7 kB 220 198 10 1.7 Yes
jetty-webapp-9.3.0.M1.jar 107.7 kB 54 41 1 1.7 Yes
jetty-xml-9.3.0.M1.jar 44 kB 27 12 1 1.7 Yes
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.0.v201105211821.jar 51.8 kB 40 22 4 1.5 Yes
org.eclipse.jdt.core-3.8.2.v20130121.jar 1.8 MB 544 467 21 1.6 Yes
jetty-schemas-3.1.M0.jar 188.2 kB 48 0 0 - No
websocket-api-9.2.18.v20160721.jar 44.1 kB 56 40 4 1.7 Yes
websocket-client-9.2.18.v20160721.jar 36.3 kB 31 16 3 1.7 Yes
websocket-common-9.2.18.v20160721.jar 180.3 kB 134 107 13 1.7 Yes
websocket-server-9.3.0.M1.jar 37.3 kB 34 18 2 1.7 Yes
websocket-servlet-9.3.0.M1.jar 18 kB 20 7 1 1.7 Yes
javax.el-3.0.0.jar 224 kB 175 156 6 1.7 Yes
grizzly-framework-2.3.23.jar 896.8 kB 640 604 23 1.6 Yes
grizzly-http-2.3.23.jar 338.3 kB 177 163 3 1.6 Yes
grizzly-http-server-2.3.23.jar 287 kB 189 171 7 1.6 Yes
grizzly-http-servlet-2.3.23.jar 205.5 kB 106 84 1 1.6 Yes
hk2-api-2.5.0-b05.jar 178.6 kB 183 164 7 1.6 Yes
hk2-locator-2.5.0-b05.jar 184 kB 113 97 3 1.6 Yes
hk2-utils-2.5.0-b05.jar 119 kB 105 80 8 1.6 Yes
osgi-resource-locator-1.0.1.jar 20.2 kB 23 12 1 1.6 Yes
aopalliance-repackaged-2.5.0-b05.jar 14.8 kB 39 26 4 1.6 Yes
javax.inject-2.5.0-b05.jar 6 kB 15 6 1 1.6 No
jersey-guava-2.23.2.jar 971.3 kB 775 753 9 1.6 Yes
jersey-container-grizzly2-http-2.23.2.jar 27.9 kB 33 17 2 1.7 Yes
jersey-container-grizzly2-servlet-2.23.2.jar 6.9 kB 13 1 1 1.7 Yes
jersey-container-servlet-2.23.2.jar 18.1 kB 25 6 3 1.7 Yes
jersey-container-servlet-core-2.23.2.jar 66.1 kB 66 51 4 1.7 Yes
jersey-client-2.23.2.jar 168.9 kB 129 113 5 1.6 Yes
jersey-common-2.23.2.jar 714.8 kB 515 483 19 1.6 Yes
jersey-server-2.23.2.jar 951.9 kB 728 665 26 1.7 Yes
jersey-media-jaxb-2.23.2.jar 72.8 kB 62 47 1 1.6 Yes
javax.servlet.jsp-2.3.2.jar 547.7 kB 253 226 9 1.7 Yes
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.2.jar 406 kB 315 257 23 1.5 Yes
hamcrest-core-1.3.jar 45 kB 52 45 3 1.5 Yes
hamcrest-library-1.3.jar 53.1 kB 46 35 7 1.5 Yes
java-hamcrest- 112.9 kB 115 101 11 1.7 Yes
javassist-3.20.0-GA.jar 750.6 kB 423 399 17 1.6 Yes
apache-el-8.0.9.M3.jar 237.6 kB 175 159 6 1.7 Yes
apache-jsp-8.0.9.M3.jar 955.4 kB 534 471 27 1.7 Yes
objenesis-2.2.jar 52.6 kB 57 42 9 1.5 Yes
asm-5.0.1.jar 53.2 kB 30 25 2 1.2 No
asm-commons-5.0.1.jar 41.7 kB 27 22 1 1.2 No
asm-tree-5.0.1.jar 29 kB 35 30 1 1.2 No
powermock-api-easymock-1.6.6.jar 53.2 kB 61 39 11 1.6 Yes
powermock-api-support-1.6.6.jar 20.9 kB 31 15 5 1.6 Yes
powermock-core-1.6.6.jar 122.2 kB 126 97 19 1.6 Yes
powermock-module-junit4-1.6.6.jar 46.1 kB 39 25 3 1.6 Yes
powermock-module-junit4-common-1.6.6.jar 15.9 kB 23 9 2 1.6 Yes
powermock-reflect-1.6.6.jar 59.6 kB 50 33 8 1.6 Yes
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.21.jar 16.4 kB 23 9 2 1.5 Yes
slf4j-api-1.7.21.jar 41.1 kB 46 34 4 1.5 Yes
slf4j-log4j12-1.7.21.jar 10 kB 16 6 1 1.5 Yes
sac-1.3.jar 15.8 kB 37 29 2 1.1 Yes
serializer-2.7.2.jar 276.4 kB 123 108 3 1.3 Yes
xalan-2.7.2.jar 3.2 MB 1565 1501 49 1.3 Yes
xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar 1.4 MB 1035 952 40 1.3 No
xml-apis-1.4.01.jar 220.5 kB 391 346 29 1.1 No
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
120 40.8 MB 27543 24642 1165 1.7 98
compile: 38 compile: 7.1 MB compile: 5333 compile: 4819 compile: 182 - compile: 25
test: 76 test: 32.2 MB test: 20856 test: 18817 test: 882 - test: 67
runtime: 4 runtime: 1.1 MB runtime: 910 runtime: 648 runtime: 70 - runtime: 4
provided: 2 provided: 510 kB provided: 444 provided: 358 provided: 31 - provided: 2