Qpid Proton JavaScript Language Bindings TODO List ================================================== Network code is currently limited to a WebSocket transport, including for Node.js It would be good to allow a configurable transport so that Node.js and Chrome packaged apps could use native TCP sockets. The JavaScript binding is pure JavaScript, that has been trans-compiled from C to JavaScript using emscripten. This allows the same code to be used in a browser and Node.js, but it potentially has a performance penalty in Node.js. An alternative for Node.js might be to build a SWIG binding (recent versions of SWIG support JavaScript). This should be viewed as a complementary not competing approach as it would only work for environments like Node.js and definitely *not* browser environments which clearly require pure JavaScript. Optimisation are enabled for compiling and linking but there hasn't been any profiling done yet. The binding code *shouldn't* be the bottleneck but it's always possible that I messed up. Error handling is nowhere near as good as it should be, though this is mostly because Messenger itself is a bit lacking on the error handling/recovery front. Although described as "Proton" this is currently a JavaScript binding for Messenger and associated Message & Data classes. There has been some talk on the user list of an alternative reactive API based on proton Engine. This might ultimately be a better fit for JavaScript but it is very much in its infancy and I haven't really looked at it yet. proton-j seems to use hawt-dispatch, which is modelled after Grand Central Dispatch so I need to work out what it's using it do do and whether there are parallels in proton-c Although the WebSocket transport uses the sub-protocol 'AMQPWSB10' as specified in http://docs.oasis-open.org/amqp-bindmap/amqp-wsb/v1.0/amqp-wsb-v1.0.html section 2.1 is is not technically compliant with the spec. as the AMQP data is created by the proton-c code, which produces a data-stream for the TCP transport whereas the WebSocket spec. seems to want to make use of the fact that WebSocket is a frame based transport (whereas TCP is not). This is quite hard to resolve as the binding simply sends the contents of the octet buffer created by proton over the transport and thus to make this binding compliant with the spec. would require a change to the underlying proton-c code! It is possible that this may be done in future as any SCTP would require the ability to push AMQP frames too. In the mean time fortunately the Java Broker WebSocket transport is actually tolerant of this off-spec. behaviour. My personal view is that both approaches should be valid and in particular using the standard TCP framing means that it is straightforward to create WebSocket<->TCP proxies, which is useful given that only the Java Broker currently has a native WebSocket transport.