# The qdrouter management schema The schema `qdrouterd.json` is a JSON format file that defines annotations and entity types of the Qpid Dispatch Router management model. The model is based on the AMQP management specification. The schema is a JSON map with the following keys: - "description": documentation string for the schema - "prefix": Prefix for schema names when they are exposed to AMQP management clients. - "entityTypes": map of entity type names to definitions (see below) Annotation and entity type definition maps have the following keys: - "description": documentation string. - "fullName": if true use the type name as-is, do not apply the schema prefix. - "attributes": map of attribute names to attribute definitions (see below) - "operations": list of allowed operation names. - "operationsDefs": map of operation names to operation definitions. Entity type definitions also have these fields: - "extends": Name of base type. The new type includes attributes, operations and operationDefs from the base type. - "annotations": List of annotation names. The new type includes operations and attributes from all the annotations. Operation definitions are optional, you can call an operation in the operations list without an operation definition. They have the following fields: - "properties": map of property names to property definition maps. Defines the set of message properties expected by the operation. - "body": a property definition map. Attribute or property definition maps have the following fields: - "description": documentation string. - "type": one of the following: - "string": a Unicode string value. - "path": A string c - "entityId": a string that holds the `identity` of a management entity. - "integer": an integer value. - "boolean": a true/false value. - "map": a map. - "list": a list. - [...]: A list of strings is an enumeration. Values must be one of the strings or an integer integer index into the list, starting from 0. - "default": a default can be a literal value or a reference to another attribute in the form `$attributeName`. - "create": if true the attribute can be set by CREATE. - "update": if true the attribute can be changed by UPDATE. Attributes with neither "create" nor "update" are set automatically by the system. There is the following hierarchy among entity types: - `entity`: The base of all entity types. - `configurationEntity`: base for all types that hold *configuration information*. Configuration information is supplied in advance and express *intent*. For example "I want the router to listen on port N". All the entities that can be used in the configuration file extend `configurationEntity`. - `operationalEntity`: base for all types that hold *operational information*. Operational information reflects the actual current state of the router. For example, "how many addresses are presently active?" All the entities queried by the `qdstat` tool extend `operationalEntity`. The two types are often related. For example `listener` and `connector` extend `configurationEntity`, they express the intent to make or receive connections. `connection` extends `operationalEntity`, it holds information the actual connection status.