# A really quick guide to nroff and man-page macros ## The title heading .TH
.TH somefile.conf 5 .TH somedaemon 8 ## Section headings .SH .SH OPTIONS .SH "SOMETHING ELSE" ## Subsection headings .SS ## Indented paragraphs for named items .IP ## Paragraph breaks .P ## Bold and italic .B "some bold text" .I "some italic text" Some \fBbold text\fP Some \fIitalic text\fP ## Things to keep in mind - Arguments containing spaces must be quoted: "some arg" - Dot macros must start on their own line ## More information - http://linux.die.net/man/7/man-pages - http://linux.die.net/man/7/man - http://www.fnal.gov/docs/products/ups/ReferenceManual/html/manpages.html