CAS PGE Framework Changelog Major Releases: =========================================== 1.2.0 Current Development (Unreleased Changes) - OODT-373 Mutilple PcsMetFileWriters should be able run on each output product file (bfoster) - OODT-298 Allow cas-crawler to have global metadata (bfoster) - OODT-299 allow cas-pge XmlFilePgeConfigBuilder and MetadataListPcsMetFileWriter xml file metadata tags accept values through val attr and as text_content (bfoster) - OODT-296 Add ability for cas-pge to do automated product file renaming before met file creation and ingest (bfoster) - OODT-295 Allow PgeMetadata to be able to be merged with another PgeMetadata AND remove envReplace on convertion of static-workflow metadata inside of PgeMetadata (bfoster) - OODT-294 Make cas-pge's extra separate log file handle only log pge stream output instead of all cas-pge logging (bfoster) - OODT-293 Fix Namespacing in cas-pges XmlFilePgeConfigBuilder (bfoster) - OODT-281 Upgrades to cas-metadata-1.6.1, cas-commons-1.1.1, cas-filemgr-1.7.2, cas-workflow-1.5.1 and cas-crawler-2.2.1 (mattmann) - OODT-270 Update pom to include saxon-dom jar dependency (bfoster) 1.1.2 - 12/03/2008 - OODT-281 Upgrades to cas-metadata-1.6.1, cas-commons-1.1.1, cas-filemgr-1.7.2, cas-workflow-1.5.1 and cas-crawler-2.2.1 (mattmann) - OODT-270 Update pom to include saxon-dom jar dependency (bfoster) 1.1.0 - 8/23/2008 - added support for * for ProductTypes in FROM value for SqlQuery (bfoster) - XmlFilePgeConfigBuilder import tags is now able to handle recursive import of parents of more than one hierarchy up (bfoster) - MetadataListPcsMetFileWriter now accepts envReplace and split args in its metadata tags (bfoster) - OODT-249 Code that uses the cas-filemgr should only have to be aware of an Element's name (bfoster) - OODT-246 cas-pge log handler fails to readd for each run after first run (bfoster) - Created query tool which uses SqlQuery type queries (bfoster) - Refactoring of SqlQuery utilities (bfoster) - OODT-237 Make cas-pge log file deletable when running in workflow (bfoster) - OODT-232 Modify XmlFilePgeConfigBuilder so that is can add metadata to the workflow dynamic metadata (bfoster) - OODT-235 Move cas-query classes into cas-pge (bfoster) - OODT-230 Allow xml PgeConfig xml files to import setting from other PgeConfig xml files (bfoster) 1.0.0 - 08/01/2008 - OODT-199 Separate PEATE specific stuff out of OODT projects into the peate directory branch (bfoster) - OODT-221 Allow CAS-PGE to be able to log its output to a separate log file, while still logging to current mediums (bfoster) - OODT-184 Upgrade to JDK5 (mattmann) - OODT-185 Upgrade to Maven2 (mattmann) - OODT-203 Allow CAS-PGE to be able to update dynamic metadata from workflow manager (bfoster) - OODT-202 Modify PgeConfig to be built from a builder interface, not just from an xml file (bfoster) - formatting updates (mattmann) - OODT-183 package naming scheme for cas-pge should be changed to *.pge (bfoster) - OODT-195 Upgrade to cas-crawler-2.0-dev (mattmann) - OODT-194 Update to work with new cas-metadata 1.4.0-dev (bfoster) - initial import out of OCO CM (mattmann,bfoster) - cleanup of project structure and formatting (mattmann)