Project Documentation


The Apache Trinidad Chart component provides charting solution in a JSF environment. It uses W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics to display charts on the client browser. Currently SVG is supported on the following browsers:

  • IE 6+ through Adobe SVG plugin. The Apache Trinidad Chart component automatically detects if the adobe plugin is not present and provides a link to download the plugin.
  • Firefox 1.5+
  • Opera 9.0+

The Apache Trinidad Chart supports the following chart types:

  • verticalBar - A verticalBar chart uses a series of columns to compare values across groups. Groups are organized horizontally while values are displayed vertically in order to place more emphasis on comparing values and less emphasis on time.
  • horizontalBar - A horizontalBar chart uses a series of bars to compare values across groups. Groups are organized vertically while values are displayed horizontally in order to place more emphasis on comparing values and less emphasis on time.
  • stackedVerticalBar - A stacked vertical chart is used to compare the contribution of each value to a total across a series.
  • stackedHorizontalBar - Simlar to stackedVerticalBar except that the series and the groups are flipped
  • pie - One of the most widely used chart types, pie charts show how proportions of data contribute to a whole.
  • area - Area charts emphasize the degree of change over time, and also shows the relationship of parts to a whole.
  • stackedArea - A stacked area chart is an area chart that uses two or more data series and can be used to compare the degree of change to a total across a series
  • line - A line chart illustrates trends in data with the passing of time.
  • barLine - A barLine chart shows the combination of vertical bar and line chart. Each value from a series is alternated from a bar to a line, with the first series value displayed as a bar.
  • XYLine - An XYLine chart illustrates trends in data with the passing of time. It diffentiates from a normal line chart by having the X Values dictate the display along the X Axis.
  • scatterPlot - A scatterPlot chart uses value points to represent data. This chart needs both values along X and Y axis.
  • radar - A radar chart is a circular graph on which data are displayed in terms of values and angles.It is a circular chart used primarily as a comparative tool.
  • radarArea - This is similar to a radar chart except for the fact that the area enclosed by a series is filled.
  • funnel - A funnel charts show how proportions of data contribute to a whole. It is similar to a pie chart but displays as a funnel.
  • circularGauge - A circularGuage displays data in a gauge. It has a pivot point, around which a value is rotated so that it can be displayed in relation to maximum and a minimum.
  • semiCircularGauge - Similar to a circularGauge except for the fact that the gauge is semiCircular in shape.

The Chart Model

The Apache Trinidad chart component uses a model to access the data for displaying a chart. The specific model class must extend the abstract class org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.ChartModel.

The chart values are draw using yValues 2D array returned by the chart modal. Each element in this array must contain an array of doubles. These values in this array represent a series values with in a group. For XYLine and Scatter plots xValues 2D array are also required.

For Pie chart and Funnel chart if the yValues array length is more than one, multiple charts are shown. Each array element in the yValues is used to draw one chart.

For circular and semiCircular gauge charts only one series in the yValues is used. Multiple charts are displayed if size of yValues array is greater than one. Each array element in the yValues is used to draw one chart.


The Apache Trinidad chart provides flexibility for labeling of chart data. The yValues and group labels are the two types of labels used in a chart.

YValue Labeling

The yValues(y axis labels for verticalBar, area, line etc. and x axis labels for horizontalBar) are labeled based on the YMajorGridLineCount. The maximum and minimum values are displayed for the yValues even if the YMajorGridLineCount=0.

Group Labeling

The group labels(x axis labels for verticalBar, area, line etc. and y axis labels for horizontalBar) are controlled by getGroupLabels method returned by the chart model. Please note that the size of the groupLabels may not match the size of the yValues. If the groupLabels size is larger than the yvalues size, the chart will display blank after the missing values. This is sometimes useful to chart incomplete data. The groupLabels array may also contain blanks or nulls so that label for an index is ignored. If the groupLabels size is less than the yValues, the axis is divided into portions equal to the size of groupLabels. This feature is useful for labeling large data set.

Grid Lines

The Apache Trinidad chart component displays displays vertical and horizontal grid lines inside charts.

YValues Grid Lines

The grid line for yValues(y axis for verticalBar, area, line etc. and x axis for horizontalBar) are controlled by YMajorGridLineCount. The number of yValue labels displayed are also controlled by this attribute. The maximum and minimum values are displayed and then a value is displayed corresponding to each major grid line.

For gauge charts minor grid lines are displayed within a major grid section. YMinorGridLineCount attribute is used to control this feature.

X Grid Lines

The attribute XMajorGridLineCount attribute controls the number of vertical major grid lines displayed in the chart. The default value is -1, which implies that the vertical major grid lines are controlled by the groupLabels in the chart model.

<tr:chart YMajorGridLineCount="3" XMajorGridLineCount="-1".../>
<tr:chart type="circularGauge" YMajorGridLineCount="8" yMinorGridLineCount="3".../>


The Apache Trinidad chart component displays the series labels as a legend. The legendPosition attribute of the chart component controls the display of the legend. The legend can be turned off by setting this attribute to "none". Please note that legend is never displayed for circular and semicircular gauge chart since these charts display only one series.

<tr:chart legendPosition="none|start|end|top|left" .../>


The Apache Trinidad chart component can be displayed in perspective(2.5D) or in 2D. The perspective is purely a visual representation and does not provide any additional detail from a chart in 2D. Please note that perspective flag does not have any effect on radar and gauge charts.

<tr:chart perspective="true|false" .../>


The Apache Trinidad chart component provides support for animation during initial load. The animation is controlled by animationDuration attribute. Setting this attribute to 0 will turn off animation.

Please note that the animation should be used with caution, it should not be used at the expense of usability. For e.g. if a page is periodically updating charts using a poll component, animation will effect the usability of the chart.

<tr:chart animationDuration="1000" .../>


The Apache Trinidad chart component provides support for skinning of the chart elements. The chart elements are rendered by cloning elements from a template document. The template document can be changed through templateSource source attribute.

The chart component chooses a default template if templateSource attribute is not specified. The default template is chosen based on whether the gradientsUsed attribute is true or false.

<tr:chart templateSource="/components/svg/myTemplate.svg" .../>


The Apache Trinidad chart component displays tooltips in response to the user moving the mouse on the chart data. The chart component may display multiple tooltips for area and radarArea charts if the user moves the mouse inside an area that is enclosed by multiple series. For line chart and area charts the tooltips display interpolated values. The tooltips display can be turned off by setting tooltipsVisible attribute to "false".

<tr:chart tooltipsVisible="true|false" .../>


The <tr:chart> component triggers ChartDrillDownEvent when the user drills clicks on the chart data. Listeners for this event may be registered on the table using the "chartDrillDownListener" attribute or by adding the listener to the chart using the "addChartDrillDownListener" method. The listener must take a parameter of type org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.ChartDrillDownEvent

<tr:chart chartDrillDownListener="#{myBean.drillDown}" .../>