001    /*
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
003     * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
004     * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
005     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
006     * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable
007     * law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
008     * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
009     * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
010     */
011    package javax.portlet.faces.preference;
014    import java.util.List;
015    import javax.portlet.ReadOnlyException;
017    /**
018     * The <CODE>Preference</CODE> interface allows one to access each
019     * <CODE>PortletPreferences</CODE> as a discrete object.  This allows one to more
020     * easily access a preference via EL.  Operations made on a <CODE>Preference</CODE>
021     * object are immediately reflected in the underlying <CODE>PortletPreferences</CODE>.
022     * As usual, changes aren't committed until <CODE>PortletPreferences.store</CODE>
023     * is called.
024     */
025    public interface Preference
026    {
028      /**
029       * Sets the name of this preference.
030       *
031       * @param name 
032       *    the new name for this preference.
033       */   
034      public void setName(String name);
036      /**
037       * Returns the name of this preference.
038       *
039       * @return the name of this preference.
040       */  
041      public String getName();
043      /**
044       * Returns the first String value associated with this preference.
045       * If there is one or more values associated with this preference 
046       * it returns the first associated value.
047       * If there are no values associated with this preference, or the 
048       * backing preference database is unavailable, it returns null.
049       *
050       * @return the first value associated with this preference, or <code>null</code>
051       *         if there isn't an associated value or the backing
052       *         store is inaccessible.
053       *
054       * 
055       * @see #getValues()
056       */  
057      public String getValue();
059      /**
060       * Returns a <code>List</code> of values associated with this preference.
061       *
062       * <p>Returns the <CODE>null</CODE> if there aren't any values,
063       * or if the backing store is inaccessible.
064       *
065       * <p>If the implementation supports <i>stored defaults</i> and such a
066       * default exists and is accessible, they are returned in a situation where null
067       * otherwise would have been returned.
068       *
069       *
070       *
071       * @return the List associated with
072       *         this preference, or <code>null</code> if the
073       *         associated value does not exist.
074       *
075       * @see #getValue()
076       */
077      public List getValues();
079      /**
080       * Returns true, if the value of this preference cannot be modified by the user.
081       * <p>
082       * Modifiable preferences can be changed by the
083       * portlet in any standard portlet mode (<code>EDIT, HELP, VIEW</code>). 
084       * Per default every preference is modifiable.
085       * <p>
086       * Read-only preferences cannot be changed by the
087       * portlet in any standard portlet mode, but inside of custom modes
088       * it may be allowed changing them.
089       * Preferences are read-only, if they are defined in the 
090       * deployment descriptor with <code>read-only</code> set to <code>true</code>,
091       * or if the portlet container restricts write access.
092       *
093       * @return  false, if the value of this preference can be changed
094       *
095       */  
096      public boolean isReadOnly();
098      /**
099       * Resets or removes the value(s) of this preference.
100       * <p>
101       * If this implementation supports stored defaults, and there is such
102       * a default for the specified preference, the preference will be 
103       * reset to the stored default.
104       * <p>
105       * If there is no default available the preference will be removed from
106       * the underyling system.
107       *
108       * @exception  ReadOnlyException
109       *                 if this preference cannot be modified for this request
110       */  
111      public void reset() throws ReadOnlyException;
114      /**
115       * Associates the specified String value with this
116       * preference.
117       * <p>
118       * <code>null</code> values
119       * for the value parameter are allowed.
120       *
121       * @param value value to be associated with the specified key.
122       *
123       * @exception  ReadOnlyException
124       *                 if this preference cannot be modified for this request
125       *
126       * @see #setValues(String[])
127       */  
128      public void setValue(String value) throws ReadOnlyException;
130      /**
131       * Associates the specified String array value with this
132       * preference.
133       * <p>
134       * <code>null</code> values
135       * in the values parameter are allowed.
136       *
137       * @param values values to be associated with key
138       *
139       * @exception  ReadOnlyException
140       *                 if this preference cannot be modified for this request
141       *
142       * @see #setValue(String)
143       */
144      public void setValues(String[] values) throws ReadOnlyException;
145    }