Netbeans also works perfectly in conjunction with Ext-Scripting pretty much everything said for Eclipse and Intellij also applies to NetBeans. The biggest restriction is if you want to use Netbeans in conjunction with maven only one source folder is picked up and you cannot use additional source folders like for instance Intellij or Eclipse allow. So either dont use maven or use package whitelisting as workaround if you want to use Netbeans.
- Ext-Scripting does its own incremental compile cycle depending on the sources changed
- Deployment and Redeployment is not needed as long as Ext-Scripting itself can pick up the changes
Setting up Eclipse
Secondly make sure that your project compiles properly and can be properly deployed from Netbeans. Turn off any auto deployment mechanisms which might trigger unnecessary restarts.
If you use scripting languages make sure to have the proper plugin installed for the scripting language of your choice
Setting up Ext-Scripting specifics
If you only have one source path you might have a look at the package whitelisting to mark only the packages you actively want to edit for this deployment cycle. This speeds up startup time and helps generally to avoid restarts.
If you use different paths then you can work by including the added source paths as sources like WEB-INF/java or WEB-INF/groovy (not classes compiled via Ext-Scripting always have higher loading priority than what can be found in WEB-INF/classes), so there is no need to change any target directories source directories always are enough. To change your source directories open File->Project Properties -> Sources - > Source Package Folders and press the Add Folder button
After that you get a file dialog where you can choose your source directory.
You can leave your compile target directory unchanged
If you prefer your own source paths to be the sources of everything set the or org.apache.myfaces.extensions.scripting.groovy.LOADER_PATHS accordingly in your web.xml the same goes for the resource roots.