1.0.10 1.2 of http://myfaces.apache.org/orchestra/flow Orchestra Flow Components. modalFlow org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.flow.components.ModalFlowTag NONE Allows a popup window to be opened when the containing page calls an Orchestra Flow. outcome false false The navigation outcome which should cause the popup to open (and the called flow entry page to be loaded into that window). May be null, in which case the popup will open for any call of a flow. onEntry true false Some javascript to execute when a modal flow is opening. onExit true false Some javascript to execute when a modal flow is finished. clearOnCommit org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.flow.components.ClearOnCommitTag JSP Clears input components when a returning flow modifies the underlying model. outcome false false The navigation outcome which triggered the flow call. target false false The id of the input component to clear. Either this should be set, OR this component should have child components. flowCall org.apache.myfaces.orchestra.flow.components.FlowCallTag tagdependent Define a flowcall within a jsp page. outcome true false The navigation outcome which triggers the flow call. viewId false false The view to display when the specified outcome is returned. Optional; when not defined then the normal JSF navigation rules apply. service true false The expected "flow type" for the called flow.