Prerequisites: 1) JDK 1.5+ 2) Android SDK: Steps to get working: 1) Set ANDROID_SDK variable to the path of the android sdk 2) Add ANDROID_SDK/tools to your path 3) Run the install script included in the maven-android project. 4) Build maven-android project: mvn install 5) Create an android project: 6) Create a pom.xml file for the project The packaging type is android:apk Sample POM 4.0.0 org.apache.maven maven-test 1.0.1-sandbox android:apk maven-test Maven Plugin for Android DX android android m3-rc20a src org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 1.5 1.5 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-dx-plugin true 7) Build project: mvn install If you start your emulator prior to step 7, the install command will also deploy the apk file to the emulator under the data/app directory.