----- Introduction ----- Jason van Zyl Vincent Siveton Hervé Boutemy ----- 2011-06-12 ----- Maven Model This is strictly the model for Maven POM (Project Object Model), so really just plain objects. All the effective model building logic from multiple POMs and building context is done in {{{../maven-model-builder/}Maven Model Builder}}. The following are generated from this model: * {{{./apidocs/index.html}Java sources}} with Reader and Writers for the Xpp3 XML parser * A {{{./maven.html}Descriptor Reference}} * An XSD {{{http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-v3_0_0.xsd}for Maven 1.1}} and {{{http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd}for Maven 2.0}}.