Frequently Asked Questions
- 1. Getting Started and Building Lenya
- 2. Building Websites
- 3. Internationalisation (i18n)
- 4. Editors
- 5. Deployment
1. Getting Started and Building Lenya
The build fails with a message like Fatal error during transformation
You might want to take a look at the comments for bug 40113 .
1.2. When I request the web application, I get the error message "Failure occured during job recovery".
Please verify that the user which runs the application server has write permissions in the
directory $WEBAPP_HOME/WEB-INF/db/
1.3. When I request the web application, I get the error message "HTTP ERROR: 500 Internal Server Error".
This problem might have something to do with the character encoding. Please look in
for a line like the following:
Caused by: org.apache.cocoon.components.serializers.encoding.CharsetFactory$CharsetFactoryException: The default encoding of this JVM "ISO8859_15" is not supported
If such a line exists, you might want to change the system's default character encoding to something different, e.g., UTF-8.
This solution worked on a Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 system where this problem occured. In Debian, changing the default locale is done by running the following command as root:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
2. Building Websites
2.1. How do I add a custom type of documents?
See section resource types .
2.2. How can I add user interaction to web pages?
The usecasedocument module allows to add usecases as CMS documents.
3. Internationalisation (i18n)
3.1. How to extend the i18n catalog for Lenya 2.0?
In the default publication you can find
. That are the files
you need to edit if you wish to override it on a publication base.
However you can as well extend the catalog with modules, that you
can reuse in different publications. You need to add at least
Don't forget to declare the module in publication.xml
so that the i18n catalog is detected.
4. Editors
4.1. Is it possible to override in BXE *only* a css style definition?
Yes, this is possible.
Just add and edit it like you need it
(have a look in the default pub):
4.2. TinyMCE: Saving and cancelling doesn't work
When using Tomcat, editing with TinyMCE does work, but it is not possible to check in the document. Both the "Save" and the "Cancel" button cause the tinymce.edit usecase to be invoked again. The result is a message that the document is already checked out. When you try to force a checkin, it reverts to the same usecase again. One of these exceptions may occur:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/lib/i386/ Can't load IA 32-bit .so on a IA 32-bit platform
You have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable for the Tomcat process. More information:
5. Deployment
5.1. Can I serve my public site with Cocoon only?
In general, the answer is "no", because various Lenya components are necessary to access the repository and generate the pages. You'd have to invest a lot of effort to extract these components from Lenya, and this will hardly be worth it.