Apache Consite Lab ==================== Apache Consite includes two Radiant CMS extensions used to power the current ApacheCon websites. The lab PI is Aaron Farr. Documentation on Radiant and Radiant extensions can be found at: http://wiki.github.com/radiant/radiant/ File JIRA issues here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LABS/component/12312767 INSTALL ---------- The consite project only includes the extensions, so you'll need to go through several installation steps to setup a development website: ### Prerequisites ### - Ruby - Magick (libmagickwand-dev) - Ruby gems - Ruby on Rails 2.3.2 - Radiant 0.8.0 - Rspec - Cucumber - rmagick - Git (for installing certain extensions) - Subversion (Client) ### Installation Steps ### 0. Install prequisites $ gem install radiant rspec cucumber 1. Create a new MySQL database for your website mysqladmin --user=[...] -p create consite_production 2. Create a new Radiant site $ radiant consite 3. Bootstrap the database $ cd consite $ vi config/database.yml # edit to taste $ rake production db:bootstrap 4. Install the following radiant extensions $ ./script/extension install mailer $ ./script/extension install page_attachments $ ./script/extension install sns $ ./script/extension install tiny_mce_filter $ ./script/extension install members $ ./script/extension install conferences 5. Fix extensions that are not yet updated for Radiant 0.8.0 If you get any errors in the last step, then those extensions have not yet been updated for Radiant 0.8.0. Fix them as follows: # page_attachments isn't yet updated for 0.8.0, make these changes: sed -i -e "s/require_dependency 'application'/require_dependency 'application_controller'/g" vendor/extensions/page_attachments/page_attachments_extension.rb # Or if this fails, obtain the extension manually git clone git://github.com/radiant/radiant-page-attachments-extension.git vendor/extensions/page_attachments # Now re run the sed command above rake radiant:extensions:page_attachments:migrate rake radiant:extensions:page_attachments:update # the sns extension on the radiant extension registry is old # use this fork instead rm -rf vendor/extensions/sns git clone git://github.com/radiant/radiant-sns-extension.git vendor/extensions/sns rake radiant:extensions:sns:migrate rake radiant:extensions:sns:update # tiny_mce_filter should be named tinymce_filter mv vendor/extensions/tiny_mce_filter vendor/extensions/tinymce_filter rake radiant:extensions:tinymce_filter:update 6. Start server $ ./script/server -e production 7. Open to view your website 8. Post install configuration You'll want to check the README files in the `members` and `conferences` extensions for further information. For example, if you want password reset emails you need to configure ActiveMailer.