setUpTestTree(); $node = $tree->getRootNode(); self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', $node ); self::assertSame( '1', $node->id ); self::assertSame( 'Node 1', $node->data ); } public function testGetRootNode2() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree(); $node = $tree->getRootNode(); self::assertSame( null, $node ); } public function testTreeFetchById() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) ); $node8 = $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 ); // returns 8 self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', $node8 ); self::assertSame( '8', $node8->id ); self::assertSame( 'Node 8', $node8->data ); $node3 = $tree->fetchNodeById( '3' ); // returns 3 self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', $node3 ); self::assertSame( '3', $node3->id ); self::assertSame( 'Node 3', $node3->data ); } public function testGetUnknownProperty() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $dummy = $tree->unknown; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertSame( "No such property name 'unknown'.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testIssetStore() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, isset( $tree->store ) ); } public function testSetStore() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $tree->store = new TestTranslateDataStore; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The property 'store' is read-only.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testSetAutoId() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $tree->autoId = false; self::assertSame( false, $tree->autoId ); $tree->autoId = true; self::assertSame( true, $tree->autoId ); try { $tree->autoId = "foobar"; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The value 'foobar' that you were trying to assign to setting 'autoId' is invalid. Allowed values are: boolean.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testIssetNodeClassName() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, isset( $tree->nodeClassName ) ); } public function testSetNodeClassName() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $tree->nodeClassName = 'TestExtendedTreeNode'; self::assertSame( 'TestExtendedTreeNode', $tree->nodeClassName ); } public function testSetNodeClassNameWrongValue1() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $tree->nodeClassName = 42; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The value '42' that you were trying to assign to setting 'nodeClassName' is invalid. Allowed values are: string that contains a class name.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testSetNodeClassNameWrongValue2() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $tree->nodeClassName = 'ezcTreeMemoryNode'; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBaseInvalidParentClassException $e ) { self::assertSame( "Class 'ezcTreeMemoryNode' does not exist, or does not inherit from the 'ezcTreeNode' class.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testIssetUnknownProperty() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, isset( $tree->unknown ) ); } public function testSetUnknownProperty() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $tree->unknown = 'whatever'; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertSame( "No such property name 'unknown'.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeFetchByUnknownId() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $node = $tree->fetchNodeById( 42 ); self::fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcTreeUnknownIdException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The node with ID '42' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeIsChildOfOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 ) ) ); } public function testTreeIsChildOfOnNodeWithInvalidNodes() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 98 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 99 ) ) ); } catch ( ezcTreeUnknownIdException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The node with ID '98' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeIsChildOfOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isChildOf( 2, 1 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isChildOf( 6, 2 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isChildOf( 8, 2 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isChildOf( 6, 4 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isChildOf( 7, 6 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isChildOf( 8, 6 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isChildOf( 7, 7 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isChildOf( 7, 8 ) ); } public function testTreeIsChildOfOnTreeWithInvalidNodes() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { self::assertSame( false, $tree->isChildOf( 98, 99 ) ); } catch ( ezcTreeUnknownIdException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The node with ID '98' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeIsDecendantOfOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isDescendantOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 ) ) ); } public function testTreeIsDecendantOfOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isDescendantOf( 2, 1 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isDescendantOf( 6, 2 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isDescendantOf( 8, 2 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isDescendantOf( 6, 4 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isDescendantOf( 8, 4 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isDescendantOf( 7, 6 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isDescendantOf( 8, 6 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isDescendantOf( 7, 7 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isDescendantOf( 7, 8 ) ); } public function testTreeIsSiblingOfOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 3 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 9 ) ) ); } public function testTreeIsSiblingOfOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 2, 1 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 6, 2 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 8, 2 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isSiblingOf( 4, 3 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 6, 4 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 7, 6 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 8, 6 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 7, 7 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isSiblingOf( 7, 8 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->isSiblingOf( 6, 9 ) ); } public function testTreeHasChildrenOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 )->hasChildNodes() ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 3 )->hasChildNodes() ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->hasChildNodes() ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->hasChildNodes() ); } public function testTreeHasChildrenOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->hasChildNodes( 1 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->hasChildNodes( 3 ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->hasChildNodes( 4 ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->hasChildNodes( 7 ) ); } public function testTreeGetChildCountOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( 4, $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 )->getChildCount() ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->fetchNodeById( 3 )->getChildCount() ); self::assertSame( 1, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->getChildCount() ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->getChildCount() ); } public function testTreeGetChildCountOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( 4, $tree->getChildCount( 1 ) ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->getChildCount( 3 ) ); self::assertSame( 1, $tree->getChildCount( 4 ) ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->getChildCount( 7 ) ); } public function testTreeGetChildCountRecursiveOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( 8, $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 )->getChildCountRecursive() ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->fetchNodeById( 3 )->getChildCountRecursive() ); self::assertSame( 3, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->getChildCountRecursive() ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->getChildCountRecursive() ); } public function testTreeGetChildCountRecursiveOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( 8, $tree->getChildCountRecursive( 1 ) ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->getChildCountRecursive( 3 ) ); self::assertSame( 3, $tree->getChildCountRecursive( 4 ) ); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->getChildCountRecursive( 7 ) ); } public function testTreeGetPathLengthOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 )->getPathLength() ); self::assertSame( 1, $tree->fetchNodeById( 2 )->getPathLength() ); self::assertSame( 1, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->getPathLength() ); self::assertSame( 2, $tree->fetchNodeById( 6 )->getPathLength() ); self::assertSame( 3, $tree->fetchNodeById( 7 )->getPathLength() ); } public function testTreeGetPathLengthOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( 0, $tree->getPathLength( 1 ) ); self::assertSame( 1, $tree->getPathLength( 2 ) ); self::assertSame( 1, $tree->getPathLength( 4 ) ); self::assertSame( 2, $tree->getPathLength( 6 ) ); self::assertSame( 3, $tree->getPathLength( 7 ) ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->fetchSubtree(); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList[7]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchSubtree( 4 ); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList[7]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeBreadthFirstOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->fetchSubtreeBreadthFirst(); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList[7]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeBreadthFirstOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchSubtreeBreadthFirst( 4 ); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList[7]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeDepthFirstOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->fetchSubtreeDepthFirst(); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList[7]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeDepthFirstOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( 4 ); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList[7]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); } public function testTreeFetchChildrenOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 3 )->fetchChildren(); self::assertSame( 0, $nodeList->size ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->fetchChildren(); self::assertSame( 1, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList['6']->id ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( '6' )->fetchChildren(); self::assertSame( 2, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList['7']->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList['8']->id ); } public function testTreeFetchChildrenOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchChildren( 3 ); self::assertSame( 0, $nodeList->size ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchChildren( 4 ); self::assertSame( 1, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList['6']->id ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchChildren( '6' ); self::assertSame( 2, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '7', $nodeList['7']->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList['8']->id ); } public function testTreeFetchParentOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $node = $tree->fetchParent( '3' ); self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', $node ); self::assertSame( '1', $node->id ); self::assertSame( 'Node 1', $node->data ); $node = $tree->fetchParent( '1' ); self::assertSame( null, $node ); $node = $tree->fetchParent( '8' ); self::assertSame( '6', $node->id ); } public function testTreeFetchParentOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $node = $tree->fetchNodeById( '3' )->fetchParent(); self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', $node ); self::assertSame( '1', $node->id ); self::assertSame( 'Node 1', $node->data ); $node = $tree->fetchNodeById( '1' )->fetchParent(); self::assertSame( null, $node ); $node = $tree->fetchNodeById( '8' )->fetchParent(); self::assertSame( '6', $node->id ); } public function testTreeFetchPathOnNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( '1' )->fetchPath(); self::assertSame( 1, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '1', $nodeList['1']->id ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->fetchPath(); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '1', $nodeList['1']->id ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList['4']->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList['6']->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList['8']->id ); self::assertSame( array( 1, 4, 6, 8 ), array_keys( $nodeList->nodes ) ); } public function testTreeFetchPathOnTree() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchPath( '1' ); self::assertSame( 1, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '1', $nodeList['1']->id ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchPath( 8 ); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '1', $nodeList['1']->id ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList['4']->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList['6']->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList['8']->id ); self::assertSame( array( 1, 4, 6, 8 ), array_keys( $nodeList->nodes ) ); } public function testTreeMoveNode1() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 ) ) ); $tree->move( '4', '5' ); // makes node 4 a child of node 5 self::assertSame( true, $tree->isChildOf( 4, 5 ) ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->fetchPath(); self::assertSame( 5, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '1', $nodeList[1]->id ); self::assertSame( '5', $nodeList[5]->id ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 9 ) ) ); } public function testTreeMoveNode2() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 ) ) ); $tree->move( '4', '9' ); // makes node 4 a child of node 5 self::assertSame( true, $tree->isChildOf( 4, 9 ) ); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 8 )->fetchPath(); self::assertSame( 6, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( '1', $nodeList[1]->id ); self::assertSame( '5', $nodeList[5]->id ); self::assertSame( '9', $nodeList[9]->id ); self::assertSame( '4', $nodeList[4]->id ); self::assertSame( '6', $nodeList[6]->id ); self::assertSame( '8', $nodeList[8]->id ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 9 ) ) ); } public function testTreeMoveNodeWithTransaction() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $tree->beginTransaction(); $tree->move( '4', '5' ); // makes node 4 a child of node 5 self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 ) ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 9 ) ) ); $tree->commit(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isChildOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 5 ) ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->isSiblingOf( $tree->fetchNodeById( 9 ) ) ); } public function testTreeInTransaction() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->inTransaction() ); $tree->beginTransaction(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->inTransaction() ); } public function testTreeDeleteNode1() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( 5 ) ); $tree->delete( '5' ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( 5 ) ); self::assertSame( 3, $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 )->getChildCount() ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '6' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '8' ) ); } public function testTreeDeleteNode2() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); $tree->delete( '4' ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '6' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '7' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '8' ) ); self::assertSame( 3, $tree->fetchNodeById( '1' )->getChildCount() ); } public function testTreeDeleteNodeWithTransaction() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( 5 ) ); $tree->beginTransaction(); $tree->delete( '5' ); $tree->delete( '4' ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '6' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '8' ) ); self::assertSame( 4, $tree->getChildCount( '1' ) ); $tree->commit(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '5' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '6' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '7' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '8' ) ); self::assertSame( 2, $tree->getChildCount( '1' ) ); } public function testTreeDeleteNodeWithTransactionRollback() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( 5 ) ); $tree->beginTransaction(); $tree->delete( '5' ); $tree->delete( '4' ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '6' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '8' ) ); self::assertSame( 4, $tree->getChildCount( '1' ) ); $tree->rollback(); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '4' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '5' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '6' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '7' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '8' ) ); self::assertSame( 8, $tree->getChildCountRecursive( '1' ) ); } public function testTreeDeleteNodeAndAddNew() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $tree->delete( '5' ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '5' ) ); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '9' ) ); $node1 = $tree->fetchNodeById( 1 ); $cervus = $tree->createNode( 9, 'Cervus' ); $node1->addChild( $cervus ); } public function testTreeTransactionDoubleStart() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $tree->beginTransaction(); try { $tree->beginTransaction(); self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcTreeTransactionAlreadyStartedException $e ) { self::assertSame( "A transaction has already been started.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeTransactionCommitWithoutBegin() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $tree->commit(); self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcTreeTransactionNotStartedException $e ) { self::assertSame( "A transaction is not active.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeTransactionRollbackWithoutBegin() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); try { $tree->rollback(); self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcTreeTransactionNotStartedException $e ) { self::assertSame( "A transaction is not active.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeNodeListIterator() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->fetchSubtree(); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); foreach ( new ezcTreeNodeListIterator( $tree, $nodeList ) as $nodeId => $data ) { self::assertSame( "Node $nodeId", $data ); } } public function testTreeNodeListIteratorPrefetch() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $nodeList = $tree->fetchNodeById( 4 )->fetchSubtree(); self::assertSame( 4, $nodeList->size ); self::assertSame( 'Node 4', $nodeList['4']->data ); foreach ( new ezcTreeNodeListIterator( $tree, $nodeList, true ) as $nodeId => $data ) { self::assertSame( "Node $nodeId", $data ); } } public function testSetRootNode() { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); for ( $i = 1; $i < 10; ++$i ) { self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( $i ) ); } $tree->setRootNode( $root = $tree->createNode( 42, 'New Node' ) ); for ( $i = 1; $i < 10; ++$i ) { self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( $i ) ); } self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( '42' ) ); } public function testMissingDataException() { // not applicable from memory store as that always has data if ( get_class( $this ) !== 'ezcTreeMemoryTest' ) { $tree = $this->setUpTestTree(); $node = $tree->fetchNodeById( 9 ); try { $data = $node->data; self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcTreeDataStoreMissingDataException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The data store does not have data stored for the node with ID '9'.", $e->getMessage() ); } } } private function addTestData( $tree ) { $primates = array( 'Hominoidea' => array( 'Hylobatidae' => array( 'Hylobates' => array( 'Lar Gibbon', 'Agile Gibbon', 'Müller\'s Bornean Gibbon', 'Silvery Gibbon', 'Pileated Gibbon', 'Kloss\'s Gibbon', ), 'Hoolock' => array( 'Western Hoolock Gibbon', 'Eastern Hoolock Gibbon', ), 'Symphalangus' => array(), 'Nomascus' => array( 'Black Crested Gibbon', 'Eastern Black Crested Gibbon', 'White-cheecked Crested Gibbon', 'Yellow-cheecked Gibbon', ), ), 'Hominidae' => array( 'Pongo' => array( 'Bornean Orangutan', 'Sumatran Orangutan', ), 'Gorilla' => array( 'Western Gorilla' => array( 'Western Lowland Gorilla', 'Cross River Gorilla', ), 'Eastern Gorilla' => array( 'Mountain Gorilla', 'Eastern Lowland Gorilla', ), ), 'Homo' => array( 'Homo Sapiens' => array( 'Homo Sapiens Sapiens', 'Homo Superior' ), ), 'Pan' => array( 'Common Chimpanzee', 'Bonobo', ), ), ), ); $root = $tree->createNode( 'Hominoidea', 'Hominoidea' ); $tree->setRootNode( $root ); $this->addChildren( $root, $primates['Hominoidea'] ); } private function addChildren( ezcTreeNode $node, array $children ) { foreach( $children as $name => $child ) { if ( is_array( $child ) ) { $newNode = $node->tree->createNode( $name, $name ); $node->addChild( $newNode ); $this->addChildren( $newNode, $child ); } else { $newNode = $node->tree->createNode( $child, $child ); $node->addChild( $newNode ); } } } public function testTreeCreateExtensive() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree(); self::assertSame( false, $tree->nodeExists( '1' ) ); $this->addTestData( $tree ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->nodeExists( 'Homo Sapiens Sapiens' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isDescendantOf( 'Common Chimpanzee', 'Hominoidea' ) ); self::assertSame( 4, $tree->getChildCount( 'Hominidae' ) ); self::assertSame( 17, $tree->getChildCountRecursive( 'Hominidae' ) ); self::assertSame( true, $tree->isSiblingOf( 'Gorilla', 'Homo' ) ); } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeDepthFirst() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree(); $this->addTestData( $tree ); $expected = array( 'Gorilla', 'Western Gorilla', 'Western Lowland Gorilla', 'Cross River Gorilla', 'Eastern Gorilla', 'Mountain Gorilla', 'Eastern Lowland Gorilla' ); $list = $tree->fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( 'Gorilla' ); $nodes = $list->nodes; self::assertSame( 7, $list->size ); self::assertSame( 7, count( $nodes ) ); // test with fetched nodes as base reset( $expected ); foreach ( $nodes as $key => $item ) { self::assertSame( current( $expected ), $key ); next( $expected ); } // test with expected array as base reset( $nodes ); foreach( $expected as $key ) { self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', current( $nodes ) ); self::assertSame( current( $nodes )->id, $key ); next( $nodes ); } } public function testTreeFetchSubtreeBreadthFirst() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree(); $this->addTestData( $tree ); $expected = array( 'Gorilla', 'Western Gorilla', 'Eastern Gorilla', 'Western Lowland Gorilla', 'Cross River Gorilla', 'Mountain Gorilla', 'Eastern Lowland Gorilla' ); $list = $tree->fetchSubtreeBreadthFirst( 'Gorilla' ); $nodes = $list->nodes; self::assertSame( 7, $list->size ); self::assertSame( 7, count( $nodes ) ); // test with fetched nodes as base reset( $expected ); foreach ( $nodes as $key => $item ) { self::assertSame( current( $expected ), $key ); next( $expected ); } // test with expected array as base reset( $nodes ); foreach( $expected as $key ) { self::assertInstanceOf( 'ezcTreeNode', current( $nodes ) ); self::assertSame( current( $nodes )->id, $key ); next( $nodes ); } } public function testTreeNullIdWithoutAutogen() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree(); try { $root = $tree->createNode( null, 'Hominoidea' ); self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcTreeInvalidIdException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The node ID '' contains the invalid character ''.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testTreeNullIdWithAutogen() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree( 'data', 'data', '_auto' ); $tree->autoId = true; $root = $tree->createNode( null, 'Paenungulata' ); self::assertSame( "1", $root->id ); $tree->setRootNode( $root ); $newNode = $tree->createNode( null, 'Hyracoidea' ); $root->addChild( $newNode ); self::assertSame( "2", $newNode->id ); $newNode = $tree->createNode( null, 'Proboscidea' ); $root->addChild( $newNode ); self::assertSame( "3", $newNode->id ); } public function testTreeNullIdWithAutogenWithReload() { $tree = $this->setUpEmptyTestTree( 'data', 'data', '_auto' ); $tree->autoId = true; $root = $tree->createNode( null, 'Paenungulata' ); $tree->setRootNode( $root ); $newNode = $tree->createNode( null, 'Hyracoidea' ); $root->addChild( $newNode ); $newNode = $tree->createNode( null, 'Proboscidea' ); $root->addChild( $newNode ); self::assertSame( "3", $newNode->id ); // start over $tree = $this->setUpTestTree( 'data', 'data', '_auto' ); $tree->autoId = true; // fetch a node $node = $tree->fetchNodeById( 3 ); } } ?>