2009/04/15 - Apache HiveMind has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

HiveMind is distributed in several formats for your convenience.

You will be prompted for a mirror - if the file is not found on yours, please be patient, as it may take 24 hours to reach all mirrors.

HiveMind is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0.

Download HiveMind 1.1.1 [stable]

HiveMind 1.1.1 (tar.gz) hivemind-1.1.1.tar.gz- hivemind-1.1.1.tar.gz.asc
HiveMind 1.1.1 (zip) hivemind-1.1.1.zip- hivemind-1.1.1.zip.asc
HiveMind 1.1.1 Documentation (zip) hivemind-1.1.1-docs.tar.gz- hivemind-1.1.1-docs.tar.gz.asc