Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/create_view_partitioned.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/create_view_partitioned.q >>> DROP VIEW vp1; No rows affected >>> DROP VIEW vp2; No rows affected >>> DROP VIEW vp3; No rows affected >>> >>> -- test partitioned view definition >>> -- (underlying table is not actually partitioned) >>> CREATE VIEW vp1 PARTITIONED ON (value) AS SELECT key, value FROM src WHERE key=86; 'key','value' No rows selected >>> DESCRIBE EXTENDED vp1; 'col_name','data_type','comment' 'key','string','' 'value','string','' '','','' 'Detailed Table Information','Table(tableName:vp1, dbName:create_view_partitioned, owner:!!{}!!, createTime:!!UNIXTIME!!, lastAccessTime:0, retention:0, sd:StorageDescriptor(cols:[FieldSchema(name:key, type:string, comment:null), FieldSchema(name:value, type:string, comment:null)], location:null, inputFormat:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat,, compressed:false, numBuckets:-1, serdeInfo:SerDeInfo(name:null, serializationLib:null, parameters:{}), bucketCols:[], sortCols:[], parameters:{}, skewedInfo:SkewedInfo(skewedColNames:[], skewedColValues:[], skewedColValueLocationMaps:{})), partitionKeys:[FieldSchema(name:value, type:string, comment:null)], parameters:{transient_lastDdlTime=!!UNIXTIME!!}, viewOriginalText:SELECT key, value ','' 'FROM src ','','' 'WHERE key=86, viewExpandedText:SELECT `src`.`key`, `src`.`value` ','','' 'FROM `create_view_partitioned`.`src` ','','' 'WHERE `src`.`key`=86, tableType:VIRTUAL_VIEW)','','' 8 rows selected >>> DESCRIBE FORMATTED vp1; 'col_name','data_type','comment' '# col_name ','data_type ','comment ' '','','' 'key ','string ','None ' '','','' '# Partition Information','','' '# col_name ','data_type ','comment ' '','','' 'value ','string ','None ' '','','' '# Detailed Table Information','','' 'Database: ','create_view_partitioned','' 'Owner: ','!!{}!! ','' 'CreateTime: ','!!TIMESTAMP!!','' 'LastAccessTime: ','UNKNOWN ','' 'Protect Mode: ','None ','' 'Retention: ','0 ','' 'Table Type: ','VIRTUAL_VIEW ','' 'Table Parameters:','','' '','transient_lastDdlTime','!!UNIXTIME!! ' '','','' '# Storage Information','','' 'SerDe Library: ','null ','' 'InputFormat: ','org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat','' 'OutputFormat: ','','' 'Compressed: ','No ','' 'Num Buckets: ','-1 ','' 'Bucket Columns: ','[] ','' 'Sort Columns: ','[] ','' '','','' '# View Information','','' 'View Original Text: ','SELECT key, value ','' 'FROM src ','','' 'WHERE key=86','','' 'View Expanded Text: ','SELECT `src`.`key`, `src`.`value` ','' 'FROM `create_view_partitioned`.`src` ','','' 'WHERE `src`.`key`=86','','' 36 rows selected >>> >>> SELECT * FROM vp1; 'key','value' '86','val_86' 1 row selected >>> >>> SELECT key FROM vp1; 'key' '86' 1 row selected >>> >>> SELECT value FROM vp1; 'value' 'val_86' 1 row selected >>> >>> ALTER VIEW vp1 ADD PARTITION (value='val_86') PARTITION (value='val_xyz'); No rows affected >>> >>> -- should work since we use IF NOT EXISTS >>> ALTER VIEW vp1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (value='val_xyz'); No rows affected >>> >>> SHOW PARTITIONS vp1; 'partition' 'value=val_86' 'value=val_xyz' 2 rows selected >>> >>> SHOW PARTITIONS vp1 PARTITION(value='val_86'); 'partition' 'value=val_86' 1 row selected >>> >>> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE vp1; 'tab_name' 'tableName:vp1' 'owner:!!{}!!' 'location:null' 'inputformat:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat' '' 'columns:struct columns { string key}' 'partitioned:true' 'partitionColumns:struct partition_columns { string value}' '' 9 rows selected >>> >>> SHOW TABLE EXTENDED LIKE vp1 PARTITION(value='val_86'); 'tab_name' 'tableName:vp1' 'owner:!!{}!!' 'location:null' 'inputformat:org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat' '' 'columns:struct columns { string key}' 'partitioned:true' 'partitionColumns:struct partition_columns { string value}' '' 9 rows selected >>> >>> ALTER VIEW vp1 DROP PARTITION (value='val_xyz'); No rows affected >>> >>> SET hive.exec.drop.ignorenonexistent=false; No rows affected >>> >>> -- should work since we use IF EXISTS >>> ALTER VIEW vp1 DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (value='val_xyz'); No rows affected >>> >>> SHOW PARTITIONS vp1; 'partition' 'value=val_86' 1 row selected >>> >>> SET hive.mapred.mode=strict; No rows affected >>> >>> -- Even though no partition predicate is specified in the next query, >>> -- the WHERE clause inside of the view should satisfy strict mode. >>> -- In other words, strict only applies to underlying tables >>> -- (regardless of whether or not the view is partitioned). >>> SELECT * FROM vp1; 'key','value' '86','val_86' 1 row selected >>> >>> SET hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict; No rows affected >>> >>> -- test a partitioned view on top of an underlying partitioned table, >>> -- but with only a suffix of the partitioning columns >>> CREATE VIEW vp2 PARTITIONED ON (hr) AS SELECT * FROM srcpart WHERE key < 10; 'key','value','ds','hr' No rows selected >>> DESCRIBE FORMATTED vp2; 'col_name','data_type','comment' '# col_name ','data_type ','comment ' '','','' 'key ','string ','None ' 'value ','string ','None ' 'ds ','string ','None ' '','','' '# Partition Information','','' '# col_name ','data_type ','comment ' '','','' 'hr ','string ','None ' '','','' '# Detailed Table Information','','' 'Database: ','create_view_partitioned','' 'Owner: ','!!{}!! ','' 'CreateTime: ','!!TIMESTAMP!!','' 'LastAccessTime: ','UNKNOWN ','' 'Protect Mode: ','None ','' 'Retention: ','0 ','' 'Table Type: ','VIRTUAL_VIEW ','' 'Table Parameters:','','' '','transient_lastDdlTime','!!UNIXTIME!! ' '','','' '# Storage Information','','' 'SerDe Library: ','null ','' 'InputFormat: ','org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat','' 'OutputFormat: ','','' 'Compressed: ','No ','' 'Num Buckets: ','-1 ','' 'Bucket Columns: ','[] ','' 'Sort Columns: ','[] ','' '','','' '# View Information','','' 'View Original Text: ','SELECT * FROM srcpart WHERE key < 10','' 'View Expanded Text: ','SELECT `srcpart`.`key`, `srcpart`.`value`, `srcpart`.`ds`, `srcpart`.`hr` FROM `create_view_partitioned`.`srcpart` WHERE `srcpart`.`key` < 10','' 34 rows selected >>> >>> ALTER VIEW vp2 ADD PARTITION (hr='11') PARTITION (hr='12'); No rows affected >>> SELECT key FROM vp2 WHERE hr='12' ORDER BY key; 'key' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '2' '2' '4' '4' '5' '5' '5' '5' '5' '5' '8' '8' '9' '9' 20 rows selected >>> >>> -- test a partitioned view where the PARTITIONED ON clause references >>> -- an imposed column name >>> CREATE VIEW vp3(k,v) PARTITIONED ON (v) AS SELECT key, value FROM src WHERE key=86; 'key','value' No rows selected >>> DESCRIBE FORMATTED vp3; 'col_name','data_type','comment' '# col_name ','data_type ','comment ' '','','' 'k ','string ','None ' '','','' '# Partition Information','','' '# col_name ','data_type ','comment ' '','','' 'v ','string ','None ' '','','' '# Detailed Table Information','','' 'Database: ','create_view_partitioned','' 'Owner: ','!!{}!! ','' 'CreateTime: ','!!TIMESTAMP!!','' 'LastAccessTime: ','UNKNOWN ','' 'Protect Mode: ','None ','' 'Retention: ','0 ','' 'Table Type: ','VIRTUAL_VIEW ','' 'Table Parameters:','','' '','transient_lastDdlTime','!!UNIXTIME!! ' '','','' '# Storage Information','','' 'SerDe Library: ','null ','' 'InputFormat: ','org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat','' 'OutputFormat: ','','' 'Compressed: ','No ','' 'Num Buckets: ','-1 ','' 'Bucket Columns: ','[] ','' 'Sort Columns: ','[] ','' '','','' '# View Information','','' 'View Original Text: ','SELECT key, value ','' 'FROM src ','','' 'WHERE key=86','','' 'View Expanded Text: ','SELECT `key` AS `k`, `value` AS `v` FROM (SELECT `src`.`key`, `src`.`value` ','' 'FROM `create_view_partitioned`.`src` ','','' 'WHERE `src`.`key`=86) `vp3`','','' 36 rows selected >>> >>> ALTER VIEW vp3 ADD PARTITION (v='val_86'); No rows affected >>> >>> DROP VIEW vp1; No rows affected >>> DROP VIEW vp2; No rows affected >>> DROP VIEW vp3; No rows affected >>> !record