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Feeder Plugin - Single Feed Example

This is documentation for current version v0.7 (More)

This sample shows how a single RSS feed can be converted to an XDoc and included in a Forrest site. In order to do this you must first create a feedDescriptor file. This describes all the feeds that your project knows about. A simple example is:

  <feed id="BBCSport_UK">

In order to embed the data from the planetApache feed you create a link in the following form:


In this URL you must replace PATH_TO_FEED_DESCRIPTOR with the directory path to your feed descriptor file, FEED_DESCRIPTOR_NAME with the name of the descriptor file, and EXTENSION with the extension indicating the format you want the feed to be delivered in (i.e. html, pdf etc.)

For example /samples/feeder/feedDescriptor.html will display the feed shown above.

The way URLs are structured is due to change in the near future, use at your own risk (see Forrest mailing lists for discussion).